
Simon wrote:

spawnofthemist wrote:

As most of you now know, TriggerHappy998 and KtotheIMMY have left BF2S.com.

I can hear them now.. the screams of "Yay! no more trig!" and "thank god for that, he was ban happy" about TriggerHappy998.
But wait. Is it really a good thing that he is gone?
Sure he banned me once. Sure he banned MOST people at least once . But he did those for a reason. And those reasons were 99% of the time JUSTIFIED by the content of the post that the offender was banned for.

Also: Look at the forums now.
It's not even been a day.. and there's already a lot of spam that wouldn't have lasted a FIFTH of the time it has if Trig were still here. pure_beef_69 posted at least 4 threads that wouldn't have seen the light of day.

Kimmy. That one girl mod. The Medic Mod. The Mod who never really banned anyone. She's still Kimmy, no matter what. Her decision to leave with Trig is one I could have seen coming a mile off. She's one of the coolest people i've talked to from this forums, even if i think i annoy her sometimes

I know i'll still talk to them on XFire and on KtotheIMMY.com.. but its gonna be different around here with them gone. not a good different either.

I wish them BOTH the best in the future for everything. And you all should too.

Yes.. i know there are threads by Trig and Kimmy about their leaving. And yes.. i'll probably be linked there by many a fucking little nub.. but I don't care. I had to post this.

You'll be missed..
+1 I thought you were an idiot Spawn, Ya proved me wrong mate.
his bullshit *i wanna be a mod * act is totally transparent.

what was it you said to me about my mother spawn?
oh ya...../wrists....and if you miss, you have some shrink in your family to pick up your broken little life on teh intrawebs.

Tetrino wrote:

I agree. Trig might have been a bit direct, but he was by far, the best mod around. Now the forums are being overrun by useless threads. Many of you don't like him, I'm sure, but now that he's left, you'll soon see that the pros of Trig's leaving are far outweighed by the cons.
Disagree with him being best mod about he was respected but Alpha/Slayer/bdhaq are also very good and competent mods on this forum .The others i dont know that well but i suspect they are all good at there job.

Ive been on the end of 3 day bans some deserved some not and i have had pm'ed warnings also .

I just cant see why everyone thinks the forums are going to go down hill with these 2 gone .Life goes on and the forums will change but not for the worst imho .

Hyper wrote:

Simon wrote:

spawnofthemist wrote:

As most of you now know, TriggerHappy998 and KtotheIMMY have left BF2S.com.

I can hear them now.. the screams of "Yay! no more trig!" and "thank god for that, he was ban happy" about TriggerHappy998.
But wait. Is it really a good thing that he is gone?
Sure he banned me once. Sure he banned MOST people at least once . But he did those for a reason. And those reasons were 99% of the time JUSTIFIED by the content of the post that the offender was banned for.

Also: Look at the forums now.
It's not even been a day.. and there's already a lot of spam that wouldn't have lasted a FIFTH of the time it has if Trig were still here. pure_beef_69 posted at least 4 threads that wouldn't have seen the light of day.

Kimmy. That one girl mod. The Medic Mod. The Mod who never really banned anyone. She's still Kimmy, no matter what. Her decision to leave with Trig is one I could have seen coming a mile off. She's one of the coolest people i've talked to from this forums, even if i think i annoy her sometimes

I know i'll still talk to them on XFire and on KtotheIMMY.com.. but its gonna be different around here with them gone. not a good different either.

I wish them BOTH the best in the future for everything. And you all should too.

Yes.. i know there are threads by Trig and Kimmy about their leaving. And yes.. i'll probably be linked there by many a fucking little nub.. but I don't care. I had to post this.

You'll be missed..
+1 I thought you were an idiot Spawn, Ya proved me wrong mate.
his bullshit *i wanna be a mod * act is totally transparent.

what was it you said to me about my mother spawn?
oh ya...../wrists....and if you miss, you have some shrink in your family to pick up your broken little life on teh intrawebs.
Spawn is a honest guy and is not posting to get made to a mod although i disagree with some of the things he post's i think he would be a good choice .I do however think although trig was respected he was harsh and a tad power mad imho .

And Trigs final post was a disgrace to the bf2s.com members telling them fuck off .
Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|7040|Sydney, Australia

Fancy_Pollux wrote:

mcminty wrote:

Yea, it would be great if most the stuff you posted wasn't some random drivel (peoples exhibit one).
That must be the reason why I have 5 times as much karma as you...because everyone considers my posts to be "random drivel" and useless, right? Forums are a form of entertainment.
Oh yea I forgot, your posts cater for the Not BF2S, Not BF2 audience.

Fancy_Pollux wrote:

mcminty wrote:

I agree that it is a shame that Trig, and as a consequence KTo had to leave.
You do know that he told you as well as everyone else on bf2s "fuck bf2s and fuck all its users" right? There's no need to suck up to him anymore.
Was that the cause of his de-modulation, or did he say that after he was de-modded?


Fancy_Pollux wrote:

"The End of an Era" isn't necessarily a bad thing:

JaM3z wrote:

YAY no more random 3day bans for me!!!!

guess ill just have to let you kick me over and over from irc to fill the gap.

SargeV1.4 wrote:

seriously, someone called him immature and he went on a ban spree. How can you possibly respect the guy?
..........and on and on and on....
I re-registered around my ban just to give FancyPollux a huge pat on the back and a high five for this.  Very good job sir, you have unlocked the secret of the universe by letting the masses do your talking for you.  For this I commend you.

Besides, they are all right, Trig was.......well, I'll keep my opinions to myself, noted that it isn't a very good one.  A perma ban for.........?  Yeah.  All I got was a "Yep, tired of you.".  No reason or anything.  The incredibly ironic thing was, the night I got banned was one of the nights I was being nice to people.  Go figure.  It really irritated me to think that an account that had been registered since October of 05 and with 1035 karma was perma banned because someone was "felt" like it.  But whatever, I got over it in like an hour and I got a pretty hard laugh to see he got demodded 5 days later.  Shame to see Kimmy go though, but as they say, birds of a feather flock together.

GG Trigger.

P.S. I can't give you any karma Pollux.....apparantly I don't "have enough posts".  I'll have the whole ninja clan karma you for me instead.

Cougar'sDead? wrote:

Fancy_Pollux wrote:

"The End of an Era" isn't necessarily a bad thing:

JaM3z wrote:

YAY no more random 3day bans for me!!!!

guess ill just have to let you kick me over and over from irc to fill the gap.

SargeV1.4 wrote:

seriously, someone called him immature and he went on a ban spree. How can you possibly respect the guy?
..........and on and on and on....
I re-registered around my ban just to give FancyPollux a huge pat on the back and a high five for this.  Very good job sir, you have unlocked the secret of the universe by letting the masses do your talking for you.  For this I commend you.

Besides, they are all right, Trig was.......well, I'll keep my opinions to myself, noted that it isn't a very good one.  A perma ban for.........?  Yeah.  All I got was a "Yep, tired of you.".  No reason or anything.  The incredibly ironic thing was, the night I got banned was one of the nights I was being nice to people.  Go figure.  It really irritated me to think that an account that had been registered since October of 05 and with 1035 karma was perma banned because someone was "felt" like it.  But whatever, I got over it in like an hour and I got a pretty hard laugh to see he got demodded 5 days later.  Shame to see Kimmy go though, but as they say, birds of a feather flock together.

GG Trigger.

P.S. I can't give you any karma Pollux.....apparantly I don't "have enough posts".  I'll have the whole ninja clan karma you for me instead.
Cougar even though we havent seen eye to eye in the past good to have you back around ,maybe they will left your perm ban now that trig has gone .
Well, I'm not "back around", basically someone told me about this thread then I saw Fancy's post and re-registered to reply.

A ban is a ban.  If the mods see fit to lift it, so be it, if not...oh well.  But it is good to see that not everyone holds grudges.

I'm not really sure why anyone cares? They're just mods... Believe it or not, their leaving the forum will not affect your life in any way what so ever. Other than you might get pissed off less, as Trig can't ban you for no reason anymore...
+1,128|6961|Burmecia, Land of the Rain

ghettoperson wrote:

I'm not really sure why anyone cares? They're just mods... Believe it or not, their leaving the forum will not affect your life in any way what so ever. Other than you might get pissed off less, as Trig can't ban you for no reason anymore...
get off his case.
Connoisseur of Fine Wine

Hyper wrote:

his bullshit *i wanna be a mod * act is totally transparent.

Sarrk wrote:


I dont know why, I guess Skruples wasnt like "Ban without warning" or "I dont feel like reading spam, 3 day vactation"

And because his name sounds sweet


Whoa! Its orgasmic!
You're one to talk about names that are fun to say
bad touch

Harmonics wrote:

Trig was a fucking nazi on the forums I'm glad he's gone and taken his little rat of a girlfriend with him.
you seriously take that comment back, you lowlife piece of shit. You have no right to speak like that to a woman you do not know, especially someone as cool as Kimmy. I seriously hope you burn in hell you prick.

Last edited by stryyker (2006-08-27 12:00:45)

Connoisseur of Fine Wine

stryyker wrote:

you seriously take that comment back, you lowlife piece of shit. You have no right to speak like that to a woman you do not know, especially someone as cool as Kimmy. I seriously hope you burn in hell you prick.
bad touch

Fancy_Pollux wrote:

stryyker wrote:

you seriously take that comment back, you lowlife piece of shit. You have no right to speak like that to a woman you do not know, especially someone as cool as Kimmy. I seriously hope you burn in hell you prick.
http://blog.mediacatalyst.com/images/se … siness.jpg
will you shut up for a minute? Pardon me while I try and defend someone i respect very much.

stryyker wrote:

Harmonics wrote:

Trig was a fucking nazi on the forums I'm glad he's gone and taken his little rat of a girlfriend with him.
you seriously take that comment back, you lowlife piece of shit. You have no right to speak like that to a woman you do not know, especially someone as cool as Kimmy. I seriously hope you burn in hell you prick.
I'm with him on this one. Say what you want about Trig, but Kimmy did nothing to nobody.
Connoisseur of Fine Wine

ghettoperson wrote:

I'm with him on this one. Say what you want about Trig, but Kimmy did nothing to nobody.
Wrong. She gave me a 3 day ban for posting simply "hahaha" in the thread where triggerhappy said "fuck bf2s and fuck all its users". She, like triggerhappy, is one to hold grudges and act on them. She also banned ATG for politely expressing his opinion.
+1,153|6949|Washington, DC

Agreed. While I don't agree with Kimmy's stance on the "situation" nor how she seems to support Trig's childish actions, she's hardly a "rat". I do respect her for standing up for Trig, especially since about 3/4 of BF2S was happy that Trig has left.
Resident Emo Hater
+139|6994|Moscow, Russia

Fancy_Pollux wrote:

"The End of an Era" isn't necessarily a bad thing:

pure_beef_69 wrote:

lmao, on the other forums spawn of the mist put his sig as Triggerhappy998 [Self ban] Triggerhappy998
and he threatended to ban spawn if he didnt change it right away. I mean i dont know the guy at all, apart from a few comments hes made saying im posting trash. But from what ive heard it doesnt put him in a good light.

superfly_cox wrote:

[b][color=orange]not a fan.  i tried to give him the benefit of the doubt but IMO trigger was an immature bully.  check out this post of mine when i finally got fed up by his abuse of forum members (it was quickly deleted so all i got is a screen shot...right click and view image then zoom to see)

Fancy_Pollux wrote:

FYI, KtotheIMMY gave me a 3 day ban for replying to this thread with simply "Hahaha" (this was when Triggers post was in its original state where he actually said "fuck bf2s and fuck all its users"). Her reason was that I was "being disrespectful to a mod" (who isn't actually a mod). I understand that forums need moderators, but enough is enough. It had gotten to the point where it was beyond rediculous and I'm glad it's over. And, after reading some of everyone else's stories that have surfaced here, all I can hope is that they have fun with their ban-fest over on the KtotheIMMY boards. Hopefully the moderators who replace them do not lock 90% of my posts, especially after they already have 4 pages of replies from people laughing their asses off (in a good way).

JaM3z wrote:

fucking got that right, the amout of 3day bans for complete RANDOM shit i got was ridiculously funny, i think ive had at least 17 now.

MastersMom wrote:

I don't know who most of the mods are, but I knew Trigger was one of them cause I just today came off a three day ban for replying to a post with "fail."  I've never had warnings from anyone about posts or content or language or anything...but for that one simple four letter word I deserved a ban.  Peace out trig...go fuck up someone else's day.

dhoar4 wrote:

I didn't realise he constantly banned everybody...I thought he was doing it only to me....He banned me once, and then when my 3 days were up, I PM'd him and asked for an apology.  He immediatly banned me again and the excuse was "You will not have an apology".    After those 3 days, I came at him again and asked for another apology...This time, he banned me again, with the excuse "One more and it's permanent".  Absolute tosser.  9 days of being banned, for shit I didn't do...

destruktion_6143 wrote:

and his location has been changed to BF2S is a shithole!!!   ummm, burning bridges i c.
These stories impressed me most. I must say I was never banned/bullied by him, probably as I don't post that much. But the people being banned just because Trig was in a bad mood..... It is absolutely unacceptable.
Farewell Trig, I will not miss you.
+447|7167|Seattle, Washington, USA

I'll still miss Trig, but I have to say, after abusing the server and all that kind of stuff, he is being quite immature. I wish he would have gone more respectably.

Harmonics wrote:

Trig was a fucking nazi on the forums I'm glad he's gone and taken his little rat of a girlfriend with him.
Ah, banned. Good.

Last edited by Homeschtar (2006-08-27 12:55:19)

Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|7040|Sydney, Australia

mcminty wrote:

That must be the reason why I have 5 times as much karma as you...because everyone considers my posts to be "random drivel" and useless, right? Forums are a form of entertainment.
Your lucky break came on the 8th of July '06, when Chuy removed negative karma.

stryyker wrote:

Harmonics wrote:

Trig was a fucking nazi on the forums I'm glad he's gone and taken his little rat of a girlfriend with him.
you seriously take that comment back, you lowlife piece of shit. You have no right to speak like that to a woman you do not know, especially someone as cool as Kimmy. I seriously hope you burn in hell you prick.
@Harmonics - would you say that to her face?

Member of Foamy's Card Cult
dont get me wrong - I do think that all this nazi and rat stuff, said by harmonics, is extremely immature, stupid and needless - but why do people get banned for calling kimmy a rat, while others posting here, calling people nazis, niggers, fags, cunts, gaymotherfuckerwhores and whatnotelse dont get anything for it?

it's okay that you try to defend the people you like (especially if people like harmonics write such bs*) but it doesnt make you any better if you act on the same level...
Neither of those two crossed my path much and all this talk of 'forum doom' is bollocks. Those two were never around this forum the past three months. Very rarely anyway. It's not such a big deal - just promote a few more people to moderate. Permabanning Cougar warranted Triggers demodding, plain and simple. He can cry all he wants but valuable forum members should not be treated like shit on your shoe. Him and Kim can live happily ever after on www.ktotheimmy.com while the users of this vastly superior website will be asking in a few weeks time 'who's triggerhappy998'?.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-08-28 01:51:02)


CameronPoe wrote:

Neither of those two crossed my path much and all this talk of 'forum doom' is bollocks. Those two were never around this forum the past three months. Very rarely anyway. It's not such a big deal - just promote a few more people to moderate. Permabanning Cougar warranted Triggers demodding, plain and simple. He can cry all he wants but valuable forum members should not be treated like shit on your shoe.
Hate to say it but i agree with you for a change Cougar needs to be unbanned

CameronPoe wrote:

Neither of those two crossed my path much and all this talk of 'forum doom' is bollocks. Those two were never around this forum the past three months. Very rarely anyway. It's not such a big deal - just promote a few more people to moderate. Permabanning Cougar warranted Triggers demodding, plain and simple. He can cry all he wants but valuable forum members should not be treated like shit on your shoe. Him and Kim can live happily ever after on www.ktotheimmy.com while the users of this vastly superior website will be asking in a few weeks time 'who's triggerhappy998'?.
Well Said.
I'll give my little rant here and be done with the Trigger issue for good. 

At the very top of the page next to where it says "Home", what does it say?  It says "Forum".  Of course we all know this because after all, we are using it as we speak.  Now, look up the definition of "forum".

fo·rum (fôrm, fr-)  Pronunciation Key   
n. pl. fo·rums, also fo·ra (fôr, fr)

1. A public meeting place for open discussion.
2. A medium of open discussion or voicing of ideas, such as a newspaper or a radio or television program.
3. A public meeting or presentation involving a discussion usually among experts and often including audience participation.

Take good notice of the first half of #2 and the back half of #3.  Put them together.  "A medium of open discussion or voicing of ideas, involving a discussion usually among experts and often including audience participation."  i.e. BF2s.  My two favorite there are "open discussion" and "voicing ideas".  Basically, in a nutshell, that says you should be allowed to have an opinion and the right to voice that opinion, if this in fact IS a forum.  As long as you are not attacking someone deliberately and directly or posting porn you should be relatively fine.  Now, a flame or a jab on the other hand is not a personal attack, it is an opinion.  You can look back through this thread and find people saying bad things about myself, Trigger, Kimmy, or anyone really, but what makes it a jab and not an attack is the fact that it is not persistent.  They are voicing their personal opinion of "said" person, and "said person has every right to give the jabber their own opinion on the matter.  Now when discussions such as these arise on non-personal subjects such as politics, they are called "debates".  Trigger, in my opinion, had a very big problem with the above logic.

Personally, of course, I think it is a wonderful thing that he is gone.  Granted some don't, but my personal opinion is that I'm glad.  I seen way to many times Trigger deleting someone's post because he "didn't agree with it" or it contradicted whatever statement he had previously said.  I seen way to many times, someone get temp banned because Trig simply didn't like them or that person had done something that showed Trig in a negative light.  Hell, I was banned because "he felt like it".  It was basically to the point to where when Trig's named showed up online the number of users online decreased.  People hardly ever replied to him in any threads because he normally answered with some sort of warning or threat and countless threads were closed because they didn't stand up to Trig's "Standards".  But at the same time, he forced every post or thread of his on us like gospel.  He stickied a thread so people would come to GameFrog, stickied Kimmy's "Military Buffs" thread when it had, from what I could see, nothing special or informative that warranted a sticky.  The night I was banned I watched him close one of Spawn's threads, one of Fancy's threads and then turn around and make a thread that had nothing more than a .gif picture and "<3" underneath it.

I see alot of you saying that he kept the forums under control and blah blah blah.  I see absolutely no difference in the type of threads made today from the type of threads made a week ago.  Also, since he left, almost ever section in the forums has some sort of thread or sticky about "We're leaving" or "Retired Mod, lol", and countless "what happened" threads, not to mention the two threads of people trying to get me unbanned.  He single handedly caused what is probably the biggest shit storm BF2s has ever seen and all we get is the statement "I have been demodded, a lot of you will probably be glad, and to you I say fuck off."  Basically, "Grieve for me or go fuck yourself".  Fuck you too buddy, at least you know why you got the boot.  have fun at ktotheimmy with all 15 people who post there.  You can even kick and ban them without anyone giving you problems.  Have fun with that.

And for the last time I ever mention Trigger_Happy998's name or direct a statement at him, I would just like to say:

"This sentence means you failed at getting rid of me."

I'd also like to personally thank each and every one of you guys that helped me.  You showed how beautiful it is when a good community stops arguing and debating long enough to help a fellow member.  For this I am in your debt.  Thank you.  Now, lets move on to business as usual.  To help here is a nice picture of Jessica Alba.  Enjoy.
[img]www.modedit.com/thiswontwork[/img]EDIT: nice pic of Jessica, but come on man

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