Cowboy from Hell

2tuff wrote:

BUT! Everyone loves Pluto.....
...and Mickey Mouse as well.
+14|6991|Just outside of baltimore, Md.

JG1567JG wrote:

phnxfrhwk wrote:

And there goes that stupid nmumonic that I learned in elementry school... what was it again oh crap I forgot.
(M)y (V)ery (E)xcelent (M)other (J)ust (S)erved (U)s (N)ine (P)izzas
I guess its minus the pizzas now
Oh great now I'm going to have to go around trying to figure out what nine things my very excellent mother just served us...I mean pizzas just fit in so perfectly. Without it I just feel fragmented and that I'm just missing something. Oh dear what if my mom was a deranged psychopath and decided to serve us nine babies heads on a platter...

after posting and rereading this I think it might be best to stick with drunk dialing rather than drunk posting.

Last edited by phnxfrhwk (2006-08-24 23:12:33)


is teh suxors!! My planet stats RESET!!11one

I wasn't glitching!! I don't statpad!



Last edited by slash_clown (2006-08-24 23:29:37)

+86|6860|Winterpeg, Canada
since Nasa, and the world's scientists know that we'll never get to see the surface like we do of mars, they decide to demote it. SUCH FAGS.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6919|132 and Bush

What are the gonna call the Walt Disney Dog now ?
Xbone Stormsurgezz
+190|6944|Home of the Escalade Herds
I say we nuke pluto for fooling us for so long.

I've had the diarrheas since Easters
+145|6908|California U.S.A
Thank god Uranus did not lose its' status as a planet!!! ....

(there I got the Uranus joke outta the way)
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6919|132 and Bush

Seal 3 wrote:

Thank god Uranus did not lose its' status as a planet!!! ....

(there I got the Uranus joke outta the way)
Surprised it took that long.. I just ASSumed it had been

Last edited by Kmarion (2006-08-25 01:58:26)

Xbone Stormsurgezz
Cowboy from Hell
May be Pluto wants Uranus.  Fag dog.
bad touch
F U Pluto
always stealing attention away from Uranus
Didnt NASA just send a ship to pluto a couple years ago to Answer this question?
Talk about a f***in waste of american tax payers money.
Exploration is never a waste. We need to get off this rock, or at least be on other rocks, if we're going to survive long-term as a species.

As far as Pluto, the nmemonic I learned was "Many Very Erudite Men Jumped Ship Under Neptune's Power."

It couldn't continue to be classified as a planet. UB313, while not in the elliptical, was much bigger, and our moon was even bigger. Pluto is nothing more than an enormous asteroid. Either they were all planets, or none of them were.

Loz wrote:

There are a few 'verticaly challenged' planets that are classed as dwarf planets, i forgot which ones though. I know one of the has 2003 in it though.
2003 UB313 (AKA Xena)

also, it wasn't NASA who made the decision it was the International Astronomical Union.

And NASA is currently sending the New Horizons mission to Pluto to observe it up close.

Last edited by Daysniper (2006-08-25 17:53:48)

Confused Pothead
+1,101|6900|SE London

Loz wrote:

Pluto is still actually a planet, its just been de-moted to a 'Dwarf' planet
Ah, great I wanted to know that.

I was watching the vote - but it was a complete shambles (loads of scientists frantically waving their hands in the air) on the coverage of it they never mentioned what it had been demoted to. There were 3 options in the vote:

Dwarf Planet
Proper Planet

I'm glad it's still some sort of planet. I don't know why, I just am.

*edit* actually no I'm not, fuck that - who gives a shit about Pluto anyway - it's just a big ball of rock and stuff, but not big enough to be important

Last edited by Bertster7 (2006-08-25 18:00:14)

I am a fucking homosexual
+211|6925|Parainen, Finland
*edit* actually no I'm not, fuck that - who gives a shit about Pluto anyway - it's just a big ball of rock and stuff, but not big enough to be important
Yeah, fuck Pluto, fuck Jupiter and fuck motherfucking earth, and while we´re at it, fuck the whole fucking galaxy!!!!!!!! C´mon, I feel the same now as I felt when i realized in school as a kid that we had lost Karjala to Russia back in the days when Finnish men still were men!!!!!

I couldn´t do anything about that and I can´t do anything about this either for that matter. So I have to live with it... But for me, Pluto is always a planet, whatever some motherfucking nerd-geek punk ass bitch scientists say!

They can take our lives, but they can never take our planets!!!!!!!
+632|6934|do not disturb

[1FR]S3v3N wrote:

2tuff wrote:

BUT! Everyone loves Pluto.....
I don't love Pluto, so your statement has been proved false.
You do, you just don't know it yet. Kinda like how my future wife loves me, she just doesn't know it yet.
When people get bored, they come up with this stuff.

New Company Slogan: Get A Life ! (on Pluto)

Loz wrote:

There are a few 'verticaly challenged' planets that are classed as dwarf planets, i forgot which ones though. I know one of the has 2003 in it though.
2003 UB313/Xena, Pluto's moon, and some asteroid called Ceres apparently.

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