I don't think I have ever seen a ghost car before.

Ghost Car has no driver.

But Ghost Car creeps slowly forward.

Very slowly.

So slowly that it was fucking up my round just waiting for it to do whatever it was doing. I could have had like 10 kills while I was watching it move.

Still going, and I am frozen in place with fear! Which was helpful because it lets you see its progress against my sniper scope cross hairs.

Does anyone dare approach the Ghost Car?

Yes! The_Last_Adventurer is courageous or maybe just doesn't know any better than to stay away from Ghost Car!

So long, Ghost Car.
Epilogue: Ghost Car died in a Vodnik collision shortly after these screenshots were taken. Somewhere in the world, a child was born at exactly the same moment.

Ghost Car has no driver.

But Ghost Car creeps slowly forward.

Very slowly.

So slowly that it was fucking up my round just waiting for it to do whatever it was doing. I could have had like 10 kills while I was watching it move.

Still going, and I am frozen in place with fear! Which was helpful because it lets you see its progress against my sniper scope cross hairs.

Does anyone dare approach the Ghost Car?

Yes! The_Last_Adventurer is courageous or maybe just doesn't know any better than to stay away from Ghost Car!

So long, Ghost Car.
Epilogue: Ghost Car died in a Vodnik collision shortly after these screenshots were taken. Somewhere in the world, a child was born at exactly the same moment.