...if ur brandnew Lamborghini

....looks like this after a short road trip:

....looks like this after a short road trip:

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Could you slit you're writs when you just died in a car accident?DonFck wrote:
I would feel... Like this car's owner:
http://www.wreckedexotics.com/enzo/enzo … 03_004.jpg
Then I'd consider going emo and slit my wrists.
Emos can. They're THAT serious.jord wrote:
Could you slit you're writs when you just died in a car accident?DonFck wrote:
I would feel... Like this car's owner:
http://www.wreckedexotics.com/enzo/enzo … 03_004.jpg
Then I'd consider going emo and slit my wrists.
Do bears shit in the woods?ecko3389 wrote:
um are ferraris italian?
I wouldn't know,i have never seen one before,and before i came to this site,i had never heard of them.DonFck wrote:
Emos can. They're THAT serious.jord wrote:
Could you slit you're writs when you just died in a car accident?DonFck wrote:
I would feel... Like this car's owner:
http://www.wreckedexotics.com/enzo/enzo … 03_004.jpg
Then I'd consider going emo and slit my wrists.
That's wierd that they arn't that common becasuse emo bands started in England.jord wrote:
I wouldn't know,i have never seen one before,and before i came to this site,i had never heard of them.DonFck wrote:
Emos can. They're THAT serious.jord wrote:
Could you slit you're writs when you just died in a car accident?
I don't think they're common over here,maybe someone who lives here could disagree?
I guess it's the same there as in Iceland, the absalute maximum anywhere here is 90 kph (56 mph)Wasder wrote:
That took place in Russia! I recoginze the fireman's uniform and the nature around.
No wonder that rich guy crashed his toy, it's dangerous to speed @ >200 kph on our crappy roads.