judging by those it looks like dice and ea are ahead of them. Its still got that stupid guy anouncing raks on quake wars. I hate that guy. Altough I do like the way where you wont be spawn camped. You paradrop from each spawn. But 2142 looks more like its on fighting and not objectives wich i like. I think id get 2142 befor I get quake wars if i had a chance. It also looks like in one of the ideos where they are shooting the sniper rifle, it looks like theres no recoil. Im waiting to see what game deosnt have bunny hopping or diving.
judging by those it looks like dice and ea are ahead of them. Its still got that stupid guy anouncing raks on quake wars. I hate that guy. Altough I do like the way where you wont be spawn camped. You paradrop from each spawn. But 2142 looks more like its on fighting and not objectives wich i like. I think id get 2142 befor I get quake wars if i had a chance. It also looks like in one of the ideos where they are shooting the sniper rifle, it looks like theres no recoil. Im waiting to see what game deosnt have bunny hopping or diving.
Last edited by DirtyMexican (2006-08-19 14:02:05)