
What if a big spider appears right behind your PC monitor ?

you look for a newspaper/tool to smash it39%39% - 41
you keep staring at it, until it disappears under table5%5% - 6
you try to catch it for your living-spider-collection4%4% - 5
you keep on playing BF2 or reading the forum15%15% - 16
you scream for help and/or flee from the room23%23% - 24
you think this room needs vacuumcleaning soon11%11% - 12
Total: 104

I have a aerosol bottle of that dust remover stuff on my desk. If I see a bug I spray it and it flies away. If it doesn't, time for the shoe.
Generally, spiders inside the house get squashed - rather violently. Outside I generally let them go on there way.

Red-Backs (basically the same as the Black Widow) are instantly and extremely violently killed. No time for those deadly bastards.
you think this room needs vacuumcleaning soon got my vote.

spiders cant see my pc for all the smoke,but even if one did it would either be splattered by me or chewed & spat around the carpet by my dogs before being eaten.
+7|6819|S. Devon
They freak me out..! Cant kill them though just doing their job, i try and trap them under a glass and put them outside. Man i am getting freaked out just writing this i know there is one here somewhere.........
Ambitious but Rubbish
Wouldn't bother me, I have 4 tarantulas as pets.
If a spider will get in my room hi wont heaf the room alife.
I will kill it.

Next time GOD if u make a planet dont creat spiders or fly's and all the other creapie stuff on earth

Last edited by Snyder (2006-08-18 18:33:42)

ill ninja it
They are very distracting lol i just leave em i am too busy tryin 2 shoot people 2 go and get somethin 2 whack with lol
+69|6964|Nova Scotia

MajorHoulahan_MASH wrote:

While browsing the forum, I noticed a - big - spider slowly moving on the wall behind my PC-monitor into view.

Usually , when this happen, I grab a newspaper or such and smash it, if the spider is quite big (2 inches diameter)

This time it was resting on the power-outlet of the computer, so I had no "clear shot " it.

Now it moved onto the computer table, hiding behind the printer, the clever bastard.

While looking around for a better smash-tool, the spider disappeared.
- Where is a Mk32A Jackhammer when you need it ..... -

I took the vacuumcleaner out to scare the thing away, and after that I got back to reading/typing the BF2S Forum, feeling a bit itchy in general.

What would YOU have done ?
Where do you live?  If I saw a spider 2 inches in diameter here in Nova Scotia, Canada, I'd call 911, while standing outside my apartment in my socks because there's a huge spider inside the apt
+5,233|6847|Global Command

Toilet Sex wrote:

I'm arachnephobic, so if I see a spider I panic and do anything to get out of the room lol. No matter the size of it, or anything, I won't be happy until it's dead. I'm even getting worried now, and my heart rate has gone up lol I can't even look at pictures without sweating.

(btw, don't get any wise ideas)
lol im something like that but not that bad. i only get scared if the spider is bigger than my hand (with its leg strecthed out of course). i would run away and look for a bottle of spray or something long to whack it with. i tell you if a spider that big ever landed on my shoulder while i was trying to mack a hot chick, id scream like a girl and run away lol.....im not kidding

MajorHoulahan_MASH wrote:

Where is a Mk32A Jackhammer when you need it
hey i just realized after my heart rate went down that you have a typo.  it's the MK3A1 Jackhammer.
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
/̵͇̿̿/'̿'̿ ̿

FesterTheMolester wrote:

I Fucking Hate Spiders!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Whisky Tango Foxtrot?
+201|6997|Broadlands, VA
At one point I had seven (yes SEVEN) tarantulas as pets - pink toed, orange kne'd, browns , hatians - all types.

But FFS!!!!  You have a two inch spinder just cruising your home??????  Dood!  Clean some house.  Or, just name them all.

Spiders are the kool.

its easy to kill a spider ... try not killing a spider, rather carry it outside ...
Holland, as in Netherlands, so maybe I should have said 4 centimeters  diameter (legs, not body !), must be 1 inch and somthing.

I exagerrated a bit, but if they appear suddenly quite close to you, they can  SEEM to be like 2 inches large, lol !
+18|6968|Boca Raton,Florida
if i saw a big spider i would first run away
then come back with a shoe and kik its ass
Whisky Tango Foxtrot?
+201|6997|Broadlands, VA
WHAT?!??!?!?  An inch including the legs????

OK, you're from up north and I guess you have to worry about moose & such.

My sister was bitten by a moose.

(+1 if you can ID the reference!!!)

Moose bites can be nasty!
Real Хорошо
+826|6837|Adelaide, South Australia

tis monty pythons: the holy grail.

im not fussed abut spiders. i have birds in my roof that make loud noises and wake me up... eventually ima go get something poisonous (like a large spider ) and get rid of them.
+14|6990|Just outside of baltimore, Md.
Spiders normally dont bother me. Unless your talking about Camel spiders....<<shivers>> A buddy of mine woke up with one on his chest. he screamed and ran like a little girl(who could blame him the damn thing was 6 inches across(legs) we measured it after we killed it). Not to mention one of our british counterparts got sent home with part of his face missing because of one...nasty little fuckers.
Roger Lesboules
Ah ben tabarnak!
+316|6895|Abitibi-Temiscamingue. Québec!

broncobullfrog wrote:

I really thought this was going to be one of Fancys threads.
Same for me...those are Fancy kind lol

Well when i have spider in my room i go...WTF then smack it with anything that come at hand then vaccum clean my room.
I'm arachnophobic, so I would just run out of there, grab something long (maybe a bat) and sqish the thing to a pulp, so I cant even see its legs. Then wipe it into a towel and throw it away.
Toilet Sex
one love, one pig

phnxfrhwk wrote:

Spiders normally dont bother me. Unless your talking about Camel spiders....<<shivers>> A buddy of mine woke up with one on his chest. he screamed and ran like a little girl(who could blame him the damn thing was 6 inches across(legs) we measured it after we killed it). Not to mention one of our british counterparts got sent home with part of his face missing because of one...nasty little fuckers.
Haha, some guy once posted a topic with a picture of two of those things tangled together. A soldier woke up with both of them in his sleeping bag... fucking hell I'd kill myself if my heart didn't do it first.
I'd scream like a little bitch.

J/k, I'd get something to kill it with.
2142th Whore
i'll freak out and jump back first and then grabbing some stuff to bash it

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