/shiversKaosdad008 wrote:
I've had one ghost experience that I **know** happened. I was about 18 and still lived at home as I was commuting to University. We had an eight year old english setter, Fellah, who suddenly developed a perforated spleen. Anyway - the vet said we could let it go and he'd last "a while" or operate. I chose to operate. I said good bye to him & dropped him at the vet. He never made it off the table and I felt like sh*t.
About a week later I was sound asleep, flat on my back (which I HATE). I went to roll over and could not - I was pinned under by blankets. So I sat up, reached down and patted Fellah on his rump and asked him to move over as he was curled up between my legs at knee level. He got up, hopped of the bed & vashied, the spot where he was sleeping was still warm to the touch. Oh, and as he hopped down I could hear his metal dog collar and tags jingle. The ones I had in a small velvet bag in my desser drawer.
That's my experience.
creepy, I havent had any ghost expieriences yet but im sure sometime i will
btw i believe in aliens, its not possible that we are the only forms of intelligent life out of the 28 known galaxies.
+ spelling