
Thee most hated bf2 kit

Spec ops10%10% - 73
Snipers30%30% - 214
Medics15%15% - 114
Support15%15% - 108
Assault15%15% - 111
Engineers13%13% - 93
Total: 713
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.

ShadowFoX wrote:

But when you die from a claymore that is gay. You can go out and mow down 6 people with your f2000 just to turn a corner and get killed by a claymore which requires no skill just dropping something on the ground.
Cannt agree more.
Pheasant Plucker
+440|6992|West Yorkshire, U.K
You missed out anti tank

Mj.Blindfisch wrote:

Medics,biggest pussies of the game.
The biggest pussies in the game play right in the frontlines of combat? Ever hear of snipers?
less busy
+586|7143|Kubra, Damn it!

Assault is almost worthless now and is my least favorite to play. Sniper is my most hated kit for my teammates to have. I can't stand running around like a fool capping flags all alone while 12 other guys are camped on mountains and cranes. For the other team, AT is the worst cuz they pwn everything if they work together.
I hate snipers really

Its because every last sniper could be more useful as a medic or another class like um, i don't knowm Anti tank for that fucking spawn camping tank I have to 1 on 1 all the time , and meanwhile we have like 15 snipers

The only good snipers are the close range ones, hardcore shit right there. And we could always use more ATs

If you use claymores, I have no respect for you at all.

Mj.Blindfisch wrote:

Medics,biggest pussies of the game.
Says the guy with the sniper signature.

goriLLa|inc wrote:


If you use claymores, I have no respect for you at all.
I really have no idea why snipers have claymores anyway.  Seems like the wrong kit to put clays with.

Noop-Ni wrote:

What if it's just a guy who plays medic 'cause he likes his teammates, and he wants to revive them when they're down? Does that make him a pussy?
Yeah,right.That's not a pussy.
But when was the last time you have seen such guy?
And I don't mean the average medic on Karkand who revives everybody,no matter where they are(in front of a tank,in a nadespam-zone,etc..),a medic who plays open maps and actually walks towards wounded teammates,not away from them.

And I never said every medic is a pussy.

Just like not every sniper is a gaymorespammer on Karkand.Good snipers like their teammates too,they pick off enemies at long range so the rushing assaults and medics have less trouble to advance,use claymores strategically for flagdefence and spot every important target on the map.

But for the whiny pussies every sniper is like the noobs on Karkand.

One should never generalize,right?

Last edited by Mj.Blindfisch (2006-08-18 08:12:29)


Mj.Blindfisch wrote:

Yeah,right.That's not a pussy.
But when was the last time you have seen such guy?
How should I know? I don't really ask people whether they're reviving me because they want to be nice, or if they want the points, or anything like that. I just say thanks and go on my merry way. I daresay that some medics at least want to be helpful, and don't care about points.

And I never said every medic is a pussy.
"Medics,biggest pussies of the game". Looks to me like you said medics were pussies.

One should never generalize,right?
Right. So stop doing it.
Frosties > Cornflakes

Ffs I am aware I left out 'AT' someone brought it to my attention and I have adressed what you should do, if you really want to pick at.

E-penises growin boys when we spot things out like that ?  Bah, it was like 2am when I made this, alas bitch all u want kids

Still, from what I have read the concencious really seems to be,

Snipers, random noobs who take you out from a distance, and lay clays around to get them random kills, hey if its a capability then use it I think, like I'v said, i hate clays to, but cant argue with the fact it is quite nice to see you get a kill, as you just run about daft.

Assault, underpowered with no advantage.

Medic, bunny hoping 'noob/pussys' who farm points.  Just as a sniper can lay clays, the medics have the capability to score double the points of e.g there assault friends, perhaps a revive should only count as one point.....

Basically, why I choose medic, is because I think of this situation,

In an alleyway, I spot an enemy who just nailed a team mate, if i am assault I can go in and try and take him out, ergo 2 points.

A medic in the same circumstances, can go take out the enemey, and then revive the downed player, ergo 4 points.

So it is no small wonder, why theres tons of medics hoping around, its the player that hops, not the kit, you see people bunny hoping as any kit, granted, it seems to be more with the medic's.

Snipers ahead

Surprised to see asault trailing in second (atm) but perhaps this is to do with the bad memories we have of the bad old days...........  

Every kit can be easily hated if the user is terrible! Like support players who don't use ammo packs for anyone else! Gotta tk them. Or snipers who think its a good idea to grab his claymores and run right into the enemy base(my favorite kind of road kill is sliding over snipers with their claymores out btw) And engineers who try anything ranged. Medics who revive people no matter where they are(specifically in the line of fire) but run at the first sight of damage. Theres the AT players who havent discovered that they have anything but a rocket launcher, and then theres spec ops who think blowing themselves up because tehy can, right into... lets say they  crashed into THEIR OWN TANK. Finally theres the noob toobing assault players)minus those who use the G3 which I hate anyways) Personally I hate medics who revive u no matter what the most. Becasue everyone knows, that you shouldnt use your death as an advantage to spawn as AT, you should live as long as possible and run from that tank!
A stabbing fatality
I voted support, my two most played kits are medic and sniper, so you know. I fucking hate pkm noobs who just drop and fire and youre dead. usually you're dead before you can even press a button
I selected sniper, but... it is not the sniper I hate... just claymores
For some reason me and support players never get along. I'll get picked off by one shot from a PKM at a sniper's distance. Crazy stuff.
arrivederci frog

DemonMonkey wrote:

I selected sniper, but... it is not the sniper I hate... just claymores
+98|6773|Life in a vacuum sucks
i like them all!
+98|6773|Life in a vacuum sucks
everybody hates SNIPER

Noop-Ni wrote:

Mj.Blindfisch wrote:

Yeah,right.That's not a pussy.
But when was the last time you have seen such guy?
How should I know? I don't really ask people whether they're reviving me because they want to be nice, or if they want the points, or anything like that. I just say thanks and go on my merry way. I daresay that some medics at least want to be helpful, and don't care about points.

And I never said every medic is a pussy.
"Medics,biggest pussies of the game". Looks to me like you said medics were pussies.

One should never generalize,right?
Right. So stop doing it.
I just love this quoting out of context and omitting the important parts just to make your post look good.
+3,611|6929|London, England

Aries_37 wrote:

DemonMonkey wrote:

I selected sniper, but... it is not the sniper I hate... just claymores
+7|6798|Ann Arbor, MI
When a sniper sits back from the battle and shoots at people from far away they are doing their job
When a sniper plants claymores to protect themselves from knife attack or to defend a base they are doing their job

Do you people expect a sniper to be up on the front lines with their crapy close combat weapons and no body armor?  A sniper stays away from the front lines because that's what they are supposed to do.  They are given powerful rifles for a reason, to shoot people from far away and support their team.

Wicked_Wumpus wrote:

When a sniper sits back from the battle and shoots at people from far away they are doing their job
When a sniper plants claymores to protect themselves from knife attack or to defend a base they are doing their job

Do you people expect a sniper to be up on the front lines with their crapy close combat weapons and no body armor?  A sniper stays away from the front lines because that's what they are supposed to do.  They are given powerful rifles for a reason, to shoot people from far away and support their team.
+1 karma for truth and common sense.
+5|6894|Groningen-The Top of Holland
This topic seems to have no actual posts

Mj.Blindfisch wrote:

Medics,biggest pussies of the game.
+3,611|6929|London, England

Wicked_Wumpus wrote:

When a sniper sits back from the battle and shoots at people from far away they are doing their job
When a sniper plants claymores to protect themselves from knife attack or to defend a base they are doing their job

Do you people expect a sniper to be up on the front lines with their crapy close combat weapons and no body armor?
Claymore = CQC weapon. I might be suicidal but if you can throw one at someone's feet you'll get a kill. Unless he decides to:

Stay still for 30 seconds
None of his team-mates come rushing to him in 30 seconds to trigger the claymore

Of course by then:

Your team-mate/something will come and he'll either move and die or get shot
You'll respawn with the g00n trapped by your claymore and you have a free headshot.


The commander will have dropped a vehicle on him by then.

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