Let me know. I would love to know more.
i actually own one
no idea what it is, please enlighten me.
be enlightened.TrollmeaT wrote:
no idea what it is, please enlighten me.
no, but we have one of these straight from china:
It is really cool.
It is really cool.
cmon stryyker, details, the only ones that I've come across were at music festivals and I wasn't to keen on sharing hoof and mouth disease with hippies, so I never stuck my lips to one. I'd also like to try a bullroarer.
I do i have 2 at home pretty cool it's just hard to learn how to breath whilst you blow. But the sound is really awsome And isn't it origanlly from Australia
Last edited by acidkiller187 (2006-08-17 22:52:54)
lol i see alot of buskers in the city playing didgiridoos .. the price i pay for being aussie.. does sound cool thoe
I can play one (Well, make the correct noise come out of it). They are good fun and sound awesome.
Interesting, I never knew the name of that instrument. Learn something new everyday!
Yea. If you get a proper Aboriginal playing one, it can be pretty amazing the sound you get out of it.acidkiller187 wrote:
I do i have 2 at home pretty cool it's just hard to learn how to breath whilst you blow. But the sound is really awsome And isn't it origanlly from Australia
yep played one.
I tried, couldnt get it to make a sound other than my futile hissing and blowing..