I think that may be the viewpoint of those that have royal families in their history but here in America we go around putting people on pedistels all the time in search for just that. Jackie Onassis, JFK's wife, and JFK jr. were about as close as we got to a royal family that we could at least entertain following their lives as royalty.FeloniousMonk wrote:
So you would support an elite family that's looked up to and cared for by the public simply because of bloodline? It's country, not god and country.kilroy0097 wrote:
Random quote from a Yank (American).
I actually wish we had something that we could call Royals here. We don't have a beacon to look at or a monarch symbolic person to rally behind. Here in the US you have God and Country. I think it would be nice to have a third thing there. America stopped having faith in their Presidents I think right after the Great Depression. Since the 1930's it's been down hill and getting worse. Part of me could do with a Parlimentary system. Might be interesting. Course might be me Brit friends influencing me Yank principles.
Now all we have are fuck ups like Spears, Madonna and crap like Pitts/Jolie/Aniston love triangles. The UK at least had Princess Diana for a while and well Feurgie (sp?).
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis