Classic! +1
that was awesome DUMB rednecks!!
omfg thats good
LOL.... PWNT at the end of a .357 barrel!!
Love it.
Love it.
Gotta love the red suspenders
As a redneck let me say that's the funniest fucking ting I've ever seen. He needed to smack a double off their hood though.
By the way, did anyone else notice that for two "homegrown American rednecks" that were making fun of his BMW, they were driving a Toyota truck? Posers.
By the way, did anyone else notice that for two "homegrown American rednecks" that were making fun of his BMW, they were driving a Toyota truck? Posers.
lol... morons
that shit is fake as hell!
Looks staged. Who would steal someones camera and then post the evidence online and not even censor their own face?

you sure they were american?,,, i kept hearing them say "eh?",,,, sounds like canadians to me
they sounded canadian saying eh like every 10 seconds. lol.... the guy with the camera didnt look redneck really.
but that was a good one lol
but that was a good one lol
+1 very funny
This doesn't happen in the civilised world you know?
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I cant watch it...damn proxy
That was really good
HAHHAHAA...OMFG, thats great.
Stupid ass idiots.
Stupid ass idiots.
Why would you censor your own face, he censored his license plate. I'd want people to see that I was the badass who made those punk bitches look like fuckstains.iNeedUrFace4Soup wrote:
Looks staged. Who would steal someones camera and then post the evidence online and not even censor their own face?
Few reasons to think it's staged...but staged or not, still funny as fuck.
Thanks for the vid. Way to show those dumbasses.
rofl! owned
Rge two redneck look like some jerks I know here in Rochester Minnesota... They have a big red Ram pick up truck with a Confederate flag in the back windshield, no Joke.
Wheels (;
Wheels (;
Last edited by Wheelchairdude (2006-08-16 19:20:46)
Regardless if its staged or not, that was mothafreaking funny!