I just started a free fantasy football league on Yahoo . No cost or prizes, just fun.
It is called Battlefield 2. The password is nflbf2 . The league ID# is 277118.
There will be a live online player draft at 7:30pm EST on Monday, August 21st. Everyone participating can use GZA teamspeak during the draft.
If you would like to play you will need a free Yahoo account if you don't already have one and then just go to http://football.fantasysports.yahoo.com/f1/register/joinprivateleague_league_select and register.
It is called Battlefield 2. The password is nflbf2 . The league ID# is 277118.
There will be a live online player draft at 7:30pm EST on Monday, August 21st. Everyone participating can use GZA teamspeak during the draft.
If you would like to play you will need a free Yahoo account if you don't already have one and then just go to http://football.fantasysports.yahoo.com/f1/register/joinprivateleague_league_select and register.