+39|7054|Amsterdam,The Netherlands
i came up with my name when i getting xbox live so some friends said put Masta in it so i did that and Daco stands for my name Daniel Alexander Calmero Ojeda so i put it togheter and there is was Masta_Daco btw my xbox live gamertag is Masta Daco NL incase some1 wants to add me.

Last edited by Masta_Daco (2006-06-30 04:10:08)

+30|6873|Holland Hardcore
DoneyOne cauz Doney was allready picked, and putting numbers behind your name is lame (that rimes so it must be true)
Laid Back Yorkshireman
+183|6908|Scarborough Yorkshire England

DoctorFruitloop wrote:

DoctorFruitloop - It's what Rimmer calls Dr. Hildegard Langstrom in the "Quarantine" episode of Red Dwarf.
lol "we can't possibly do that who would clean up the mess"

"So let me get this straight you want to fly on your magic carpet to see the king of the potato people and plead for your life, and you think I'm crazy"
A clown killed my dad

URF- U R F***ED!!! (no not a clan)

Scrok- real life nickname
my old nickname was dandy_legs Its a long story during a scrim match in 1.5 I was playing Yankie Doodle the song over and over and I put my name to dandy and then when I killed someone I would dance on them thus DANDY_LEGS.
-xXx-MoFo  -xXx- Clan Tag
The first clan to use -xXx- clan  From years ago..
Anyway.. MoFo just short for MothERFucKeR...
Cause I like fucking Moms....
Togs8896 is my evil alter ego
+567|6948|New Hampshire, USA
Mine's simple:  I used to use Screaming Eagle for medal of honor and call of duty, but when i started playing BF1942 I joined a clan, shortened the name, and added tags... w00t!
my friends call me Drez or Drex...... cannot remember why.

but then i found it rather short for a ingame name and kinda borring.. so i turned it into Drexor

I had a hermit crab call "j.steaky", which was named from making fun of (at the time) every fighting game having a character with a first letter+last name (i.e. E Honda (Sf2), J Carn (World Heros), ...).

"j" from the dead hermit crab, "snipy" because i played sniper in team fortress (q1,hl), rail gun in q2, and other games ... although i don't play sniper in this game unless its to spam claymores. I've had the name across many other games. Some derivation .. in aoe3 .. "J.Snipington"

btw .. The hermit crab used to spend a lot of time in the computer, clinging on the grill ...

Last edited by jsnipy (2006-08-12 17:25:46)

Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6855|Long Island, New York
I loved and still love greek mythology, and one of my favorite shows in the world is the stunt show "Poseidon's Fury" in Universal Orlando. The 417 which is for my Battlefield 2 name is my birthday.

There are five rivers that seperate Hades ( Hell ) from the world of the living:

1 Acheron the river of woe.

2 Cocytus the river of lamentation.

3 Phelegethon the river of fire.

4 Lethe the river of forgetfulness.

5 Styx the river of Hate.

My buddy, I play with now is EVIL_ACHERON I am getting two more players to join EVIL_SQUAD, soon I will have all five rivers!


Last edited by EVIL_STYX (2006-08-12 21:09:20)

+14|6990|Just outside of baltimore, Md.
Ehh mines just PhoenixFireHawk took out the vowels to shorten it up. Had it for quite some time now. so its pretty much just second nature to use it.
+9|6893|Doctor Evils Lair, Near You!
Lost in the mysts of time a Warrior lived on a hill and made fire with 2 bits of wood???  WTF!!!  Hilltop2bit................. "hilltop" is the name used for a area close to my home that i do my shopping & travel from........"2bit" is the associated JAM clan prefix to associate me with the Clan. So here we are hilltop2bit,,,,gunning your player down since 2005
Stole mine from my friend because I liked the sound of it. I then inserted a '3' so that I struck more fear into the hearts of the enemy.
Blondes have more fun
+52|6786|The Netherlands
Well, Mariena would be a bit obvious. Not much originality there (hint, it's my first name)

Snowlight (in IRC) would be because.. I like... snow... a lot.. and, well, I couldn't think of anything else to add so I just picked something random and added "light". Snowlight.

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