Hi everyone.....just joined bf2s and wanted to make my first thread and post. If there is anything I should know about the forums PLEASE tell me! Thanks!
Always use the Search button but expect to be yelled at for using an old thread.
Figured the "always search" would come quickly....thanks for advice
Ok....making note in my mind to search and abide by the rules
Heey, we can be new people buddys.
Sounds like an exciting plan Jamoche lol :-)
Posting in the appropriate section of the forums is always a good idea as well... *grumble*
Welcome to bf2s!
Welcome to bf2s!
The Wiki, UBAR, and stickied posts will answer 9 out of 10 questions you will have about BF2 ... using the Search, you will usually find the answer to your 10th question.
Sorry if it's not in the right section......don't know how to do anything......I'll figure it out before making another thread...
That was pretty much what I was steering him towards but the last time I made a specific statement about the rules I got bollocked for "trying to me a mod" so now just call me captain vague!
Well guys thanks for the advice.....i'll try to do everything you said.....if i don't you have my permission to yell at me......
You have already proved yourself to be better than ALOT of people on these forums, by politely asking what to do and how to act before blindly rushing to ignorant posts. +1
Thanks.....I have noticed while reading the forums that many people act immature.....I find it better to act mature.....Flaming_Maniac wrote:
You have already proved yourself to be better than ALOT of people on these forums, by politely asking what to do and how to act before blindly rushing to ignorant posts. +1
lmao,,hint hinttF-voodoochild wrote:
Posting in the appropriate section of the forums is always a good idea as well... *grumble*
Welcome to bf2s!
I don't get it...mad scotsman wrote:
lmao,,hint hinttF-voodoochild wrote:
Posting in the appropriate section of the forums is always a good idea as well... *grumble*
Welcome to bf2s!
Wear a hardcore flame-resistant suit when clicking on the "Debate and Serious Talk". Also, call 911 and ask for a firebrigade assistance to extinguish the flamewars going on there. But I like that section anyway.
Want a good laugh/good tips? Check out the Featured Posts... All of them are definitely worth a look.
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
Welcome Mr.Unstoppable. Have fun, don't let the "SEARCH" monkeys get to you, (but do try to heed their advice.)
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Flame wars are like the special olympics: it doesn't matter if you win or lose, you're still retarded.
You've been waiting for ages to use that quote havn't you mcgid?
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon