K quick fix for this. Get 5 gallons of gas place single gallon containers all over the house and one in hte pool. Light and watch the craziness ensue there gonna be so pissed about the house that they wont even be thinkin about the pool. Its that easy man your welcome and if you need any more great nuggets of wisdom hit me up with a pm
blame it on a freak weather situation?.........fuck are u in the shit though.........lol
And say i is stolen....R3v4n wrote:
Even better idea!
hide the Pool!!!!!!!!!
enemy pool spotted
Hmmm, its not all that bad. Im sure you can find something to seal that with. Maybe a special type of glue, or some good ol' duct tape.
Thats not as bad as my mom, all she did was get in the pool and it collapsed....
This kind of reminds me of one time when I was younger, and my parents were out of town..
I hired this hooker. She was chunkier than hell, but had some big 'ol titties. I was full of cheap whiskey, and ridin' Fatsy Cline like she was a water bed with holes for my penis.
Then she said she wanted it rouger, so I started choking her. I must've gotten carried away, because she became cold and motionless. And I couldn't get her off of the floor. She must've weighed 300 lbs.
Long story short, I had to chop her up and put the peices in about 4 or 5 garbage bags. Luckily it was trash night and my parents never found out.
True story. Albiet completely fictional.
I hired this hooker. She was chunkier than hell, but had some big 'ol titties. I was full of cheap whiskey, and ridin' Fatsy Cline like she was a water bed with holes for my penis.
Then she said she wanted it rouger, so I started choking her. I must've gotten carried away, because she became cold and motionless. And I couldn't get her off of the floor. She must've weighed 300 lbs.
Long story short, I had to chop her up and put the peices in about 4 or 5 garbage bags. Luckily it was trash night and my parents never found out.
True story. Albiet completely fictional.
honestly is the best policy.. whom ever said that hasn't had their ass kicked by their dad for telling the truth..
Here is what you do, "sabotage" the braking mechanisim on Lawn Mower, drive lawn mower into pool at the spot where you sliced it open..
Place blame on Lawn Mower.
Here is what you do, "sabotage" the braking mechanisim on Lawn Mower, drive lawn mower into pool at the spot where you sliced it open..
Place blame on Lawn Mower.
The one thing i can never get is how old fancy is? One time he said he was a journalist and now it seems like hes a high schooler...still funny tho
«Dad, your lawn mower is evil and killed our pool; I risked my life and jumped onto it and finally I turned it off. It even tried to eat me and mom's flower bed *grabs a knife and destroys t-shirt to make it look more dramatically*. Without me it would have probably killed all the pools in the whole neighborhood. I guess satan has taken the control of our mower.»[1FR]S3v3N wrote:
honestly is the best policy.. whom ever said that hasn't had their ass kicked by their dad for telling the truth..
Here is what you do, "sabotage" the braking mechanisim on Lawn Mower, drive lawn mower into pool at the spot where you sliced it open..
Place blame on Lawn Mower.
Blame placed on mower. Mission successful
This would be my excuse in this situation.
Last edited by lord_tyler_486 (2006-08-10 13:37:06)
Yeah, green grass really sucks.Cbass wrote:
Man that sucks, all that water will make ur grass green and when u move the pool u get a nice round dead spot in the yard.