Does anyone know where I can download a MP4/ACC converter (to MP3) for free?
have a look for dmbpower amp. I haven't used it for a while but it used to convert a lot.
hmmm....googled it....but not giving me anything.....
Download the latest iTunes setup (6.05)Tunacommy wrote:
Does anyone know where I can download a MP4/ACC converter (to MP3) for free?
Dunno if it converts mp3 tot ACC or visa verca though...
Last edited by RDMC(2) (2006-08-09 11:10:17)
dowload Audacity then u have to download the LAME plugin if u want to convert it to the MP3
EDIT <--- link <----- plugin
then right click on the music file and open it with this program, after that click on Export as Mp3 and it is going to ask u to search for the plugin, so browse to the folder u extracted the plugin and click on the desire file.
Note* you can only export one file at a time
EDIT <--- link <----- plugin
then right click on the music file and open it with this program, after that click on Export as Mp3 and it is going to ask u to search for the plugin, so browse to the folder u extracted the plugin and click on the desire file.
Note* you can only export one file at a time
Last edited by Xblade-3o5- (2006-08-09 11:15:36)
itunes is the devil.. seriously.... you may not realize it today... or tomorrow... but someday... youll soon realize you got pwned by the itunes monstar.
Last edited by slicknic (2006-08-09 11:14:05)
hmmm....I tried the standard version.....and it will not play the protected stuff (like MP4 or even Realplayer stuff .RAX) - it works fine with my unprotected stuff.....should I try the beta version??? thanksXblade-3o5- wrote:
dowload Audacity then u have to download the LAME plugin if u want to convert it to the MP3
EDIT <--- link <----- plugin
then right click on the music file and open it with this program, after that click on Export as Mp3 and it is going to ask u to search for the plugin, so browse to the folder u extracted the plugin and click on the desire file.
Note* you can only export one file at a time
sorry, dbpower amp should work
edit: dbpoweramp, not dmbpoweramp...been a while since I've needed it. It should do the job nicely for you, just dl' the codecs from their site.
edit: dbpoweramp, not dmbpoweramp...been a while since I've needed it. It should do the job nicely for you, just dl' the codecs from their site.
Last edited by Rygar (2006-08-09 12:13:14)
hmm you can try it but it is not stable, i dont recommend it. But whatever tickles ur pickle.Tunacommy wrote:
hmmm....I tried the standard version.....and it will not play the protected stuff (like MP4 or even Realplayer stuff .RAX) - it works fine with my unprotected stuff.....should I try the beta version??? thanksXblade-3o5- wrote:
dowload Audacity then u have to download the LAME plugin if u want to convert it to the MP3
EDIT <--- link <----- plugin
then right click on the music file and open it with this program, after that click on Export as Mp3 and it is going to ask u to search for the plugin, so browse to the folder u extracted the plugin and click on the desire file.
Note* you can only export one file at a time
thanks - I will check that one out!Rygar wrote:
sorry, dbpower amp should work
edit: dbpoweramp, not dmbpoweramp...been a while since I've needed it. It should do the job nicely for you, just dl' the codecs from their site.
Ok this is lame, a bit time consuming but free and simple... just burn your mpiTunes devil files to CD or better yet a rewritable CD, then just rip the CD into Mp3.
I was told my a friend that it doesn't work - that once you try to rip off the converts back....haven't tied it yet though - I had the same thought originally!Xristos1 wrote:
Ok this is lame, a bit time consuming but free and simple... just burn your mpiTunes devil files to CD or better yet a rewritable CD, then just rip the CD into Mp3.
I stand correctet....that does work! I burned them to CD, converted them with DBPOWER (thanks Ryan) and imported them back into the computer as MP3....pain in the ass...but works.
Agree - IPOD / APPLE was a BAD choice....should have stuck with a plain old MP3 player!!!!!
Last edited by Tunacommy (2006-08-10 11:57:29)