i do, heres my gallah cockatoo, Ella:

yes, i have a lead for my bird.
atm, shes btiting off all the wallapaper around the room, bu shes cool. she has quite a vocabulary, with words and phrases sych as:
"you alright"
"bye bye"
"bye byes"
"bye byes time"
"fuck off"
"hip hip" (to which you must reply "hooray" other wise shel get in a mood)
"hooray" (usually said after you say "hip hip")
"on you get"
"come on"
"come here"
lmao, shes now playing with a cd...
anyway, wer was i?
"Marc" (my name)
"Garry" (my brothers name)
"Roger" (my dads name)
"Pend" (sposed to be "spend", and is only said when the dog is barking. usually "come here" and "come on" are to be heard soon after)
"Annoying screaming noise that makes you want to crush her little head every time she does it"
thats all i can think of atm, but shes pretty cool. the best thng is, is that she doesnt exactly copy your voice, she has her own voice whic she uses. you can have proper converations with her and everything (grantd half the tme they make no sense).
il get her to type a msg:
aa5 j n mhu8p vgy oikk
shes trying to rip out the keys so im gonna stop now.
anyway, any1 elsse got any wierd pets?
o yeh, she also says "can i have a kiss/tickle"

yes, i have a lead for my bird.
atm, shes btiting off all the wallapaper around the room, bu shes cool. she has quite a vocabulary, with words and phrases sych as:
"you alright"
"bye bye"
"bye byes"
"bye byes time"
"fuck off"
"hip hip" (to which you must reply "hooray" other wise shel get in a mood)
"hooray" (usually said after you say "hip hip")
"on you get"
"come on"
"come here"
lmao, shes now playing with a cd...
anyway, wer was i?
"Marc" (my name)
"Garry" (my brothers name)
"Roger" (my dads name)
"Pend" (sposed to be "spend", and is only said when the dog is barking. usually "come here" and "come on" are to be heard soon after)
"Annoying screaming noise that makes you want to crush her little head every time she does it"
thats all i can think of atm, but shes pretty cool. the best thng is, is that she doesnt exactly copy your voice, she has her own voice whic she uses. you can have proper converations with her and everything (grantd half the tme they make no sense).
il get her to type a msg:
aa5 j n mhu8p vgy oikk
shes trying to rip out the keys so im gonna stop now.
anyway, any1 elsse got any wierd pets?
o yeh, she also says "can i have a kiss/tickle"
Last edited by FFLink13 (2006-08-09 03:50:11)