I class these fella's as the ultimate predator, I love sharks, ecspecially Great Whites.  The only threaT they face is us, which must put them to the top of the "wet" animal kingdom. 

Who's top dog on land. Lion? Tiger? Rhino? Hippo? Ok the last two not classed as a predator perhaps but I would'nt  fight either of them for a splash about in their pond or pool.

The video footage shows the power of the beast, its nearly all muscle and as it looses it's razor sharp teeth, they grow back almost instantly.

The most amazing thing I have ever seen was Killer Whales, we have probably all seen how they beach themselves and beach their babies aswell, teaching them how to take prey off the shore.  This family of whales had beached and pinched a baby seal from the shore, the family of 3 took the baby out to sea and tossed it back and forth like a frizbee.  As the viewer you are sat just waiting for them to kill it but they didnt, they just played this game, getting the baby whale to retrieve the baby seal when ever it made a break for freedom.  After 20 or 30 mins of this they feel they have enough fun.  The mother whale returns the seal to the shore, the whale swims with the baby seal sat on its nose.  The mother whale returns the seal to the beach and realises it hasn't returned the baby back to its mother, the whale turns back to sea, swims 30m along the beach, back into shore and returns the baby seal back to its own mother.

The whale had realised the 1st spot on the beach wasn't where the mother seal was.  There wasn't any sand on the beach, it was packed with thousands and thousands of seals.

So to me the Great White - ultimate predator but I dont class it as the hardest animal.  That goes to a tiny spider found in a jungle somewhere, it will chase you for over a mile if you piss it off.  As a human we are proportionally 5000% times bigger than the spider.  The 5000% isnt just a wild stab in the dark I cant remember what the chap on TV said but it was a figure like that.