My mobile phone got stolen the other night from a night club and I'm still pissed off about it. I mean wtf, Im not so bothered about the phone yes it is a major ball ache to have to spend more money on a new phone, but it is all the phone numbers that are lost, no one can contact me, I can't contact friends coz I don't know any numbers, it has really screwed me over. The worst part is I am 100% certain I know who stole it, but what can I do, I've informed the police and given them the name of this piece of shit, but I just really wanna kick the crap out of the drugged up junkie. I'm usually quite a pacifist but this arsehole has really pissed me off, the scum bag walked passed the shop this morning laughing with a mate I nearly lost it, but it would me me that ends up in trouble with the police if I act on it in broad day light in the middle of town. I will get the fucker I know his name and where he drinks one night he will get such a kicking, as usual all thieving twats are cowards and he is well known for running from fights. It is scum like this that are the problem with this country, and the police do nothing I rang them up and guess what there was nothing they could do (big fucking surprise is that what I pay my taxes for)
Sorry I just needed to rant (I've been very conservative with my language)
This has had me wound up since sat night best apologise to my missus when I see her next.
Sorry I just needed to rant (I've been very conservative with my language)
This has had me wound up since sat night best apologise to my missus when I see her next.