Cougar wrote:
GunSlinger OIF II wrote:
people must have a misconception about the average suicide bomber. these arent your kamikaze pilots of ww2 that crash a plane full of explosives onto the deck of an aircraft carrier. these fuckers are usually young, naive and sometimes coerced and extorted. Their mission is not to blow up any targets of strategic value. Their mission is to get the nearest and most available "soft" target out there. CIVILIANS. so let me get this straight. since the IDF targets actual strategic and tactical targets, and since "they" (hezbollah,hamas,etc..) arent up to par to attack equally strategic targets, its acceptable for them to kill civilians, because they just cant get to the troops. these fuckers TARGET civilians. the IDF dont.
This is true, however, the most important thing to take into account when talking about politics, ESPECIALLY in the middle east is:
Action and Re-action, Cause and Effect,For every action there is a re-action and for every re-action there is a cause and for every cause there is an effect and for every effect there is an action. This is the most basic law of the middle east and middle eastern policies and politics. You can see exactly what I am talking about in every day news and in the history of the area. Example:
Action: Arab and Jewish factions fight each other in the British controlled area known as Israel in the years following WWII.
Re-Action: The U.N. passes Resolution 181, creating a sovereign state called Israel. 13 countries voted against the resolution, mainly nations that would surround the new nation.
Cause: Resolution 181 creates Israel and also brings along a new and more intense hatred of the Jewish people living there. This is multiplied by the fact that millions of native Palestinians are removed from their homes and forced to live in refugee camps. The tension is further increased when millions of Jewish immigrants start flocking to the area in hope of a promised land.
Effect: In response to the Palestinian humanitarian crisis, Israels encroaching borders, and overall bad relations and politics, several Arab blockade and embargo the nation of Israel.
Israel launches a pre-emptive attack on four different Arab nations.Re-Action: The Six Day War.
Cause: The Six Day causes Israels borders to expand, inside and out of the country. This adds even more pressure to the Palestinian strife. This is only compounded upon due to increased Israeli "security" around the remaining borders of Palestine. Palestine, without an army, police force, fire departments, official working governments and lacking most if not all infrastructure is
occupied by the IDF in 1967 (an occupation that continues to present day).
Effect: Occupation=Terrorism. 40 years of occupation=Fanatical Terrorism.
Israel brought this on themselves for using brawn over brains time and time again and
illegally occupying a country for 40 years. In France it was called a
resistance, but when Europeans and Americans aren't the "freedom fighters" it's called Terrorism. What would you as a person do if a foreign army invaded your home and forced you to live under martial law enforced by armed guards for
FORTY YEARS!? These terrorist have
no formal military training, no organized chain of command, no government to buy weapons for them, no sophisticated reconnaissance vehicles and equipment, no fighter jets, no tanks, and no hope. Most of Palestine is lucky if they have running water for more than a week at a time or if they are able to make it to the grocery store without having to go through 15 Israeli checkpoints. These people are
desperate like none of you know. They have fewer freedoms than probably anyone on earth and the living conditions are horrible. They are bombed constantly by IAF and IDF forces, their homes are destroyed to make way for Israeli settlements and they are denied the basic human rights that we all take for granted. They resort to blowing themselves up because they literally have nothing else to do. They have no other way to fight back and it is the only thing they can do that makes them feel like they are fighting for their freedom. Most of these attacks are in response to something Israel has done to them. But since we here in America are supposedly allies with the Israeli's, you only hear about the Israeli's getting bombed, not about the Israel's dropping bunker buster bombs on apartments in Palestine.
I suggest anyone wanting to debate Israel and their policies watch
Peace, Propaganda & The Promised Land before attempting to do so.