
I have noticed, and others also, of the spamming/derailment of threads some may not agree with. Granted, alot of threads are shit. Thats why we have mods to close them. The induction of "fail" and other horseshit used to derail threads in these forums is becoming redundant, annoying, and retarded. To the point that some thread authors cannot get the feedback they want or an answer they would like. I know its easy being a fucktard over the internet and I know alot of you pride yourself on it. Sad.

My favorite is the 2nd post of a thread getting the "I don't care" or "no one cares" response. If you don't care and you don't post, guess what happens? The thread dies quicker. Forever to be stored in the archives of BF2s. This leads me to believe one of two things. You are trying to be funny. And it was; the first 300 times. It stopped being funny when it was being abusive to the topic. Someone would look for a real answer and get shit from trolls. The second is you need attention because daddy hit you too many times or mommy didn't love you enough. Feel free to make a topic about it.

for reference:

My close second favorite is the "fail" response. First, to fail at something there has to be a given set of standards for the task being performed. In this case a thread being created. I understand you guys if something isn't up to your standards. The thing is no one here gives a shit about your standards. But many do take offense to thier community that they have been a part of for quite a bit of time, being disrupted by an increasing number of these "fucktards" who think its thier job to be an imaginary moderator.

I remember the days of good ol debate. Arguing with Horseman77 or reading through a CameronPoe debate thread. Even trading - Karma with Cougar brightened my day. Debates would get heated, flaming would ensue; but not before a good chunk of debate and conversation had taken place. And then a mod (yes a real one) would close the topic and we'd start again another day about a different topic.

Not to be so anymore. Due to the imaginary moderator trolls who feel it is thier right to judge everyone on the forums and add a horshit comment to every thread that isn't started by them. Enjoy. I will soon be at the wayside with others who used to frequent these forums. Then you can beat off amongst yourselves and "fail" each other.

On a side note. I have my share of smartass responses and flames hidden somewhere in this site of threads. But I never made it a point to logon everyday and destroy every thread I felt I needed to respond to.

Final thought:

When responding to a thread: Stop, Think, then either post or restrain yourself.

Its the internet. But respect is still rellevent. And I know no one on these forums cares but the actions mentioned above wil destroy any shred of respect I had for you.



You fail @ life. Get one.

rootbeer73 wrote:

honestly i dont care
Thanks for reading.
Donald O' Brien
Well put, sir!  I agree wholeheartedly with your views, and was actually planning on writing something similar to this.  Seeing as how you've done it already, I'll give you +1 instead!
Scratch where it itches
Nice and colorful post right on the money. Even if it doesn't have any effect on the people in question, it was still worth the effort. Keep it up Mason.
Peruvian Cocaine
+261|7082|Toronto Canada

Mason4Assassin444 wrote:

kessel! wrote:

you are boring and quite possibly the only one who really cares about this "fail" shit.

just go with it
Boring? Maybe. Quite possibly. I know for a fact Im not the only one getting tired of this shit. Thanks for your opinion though. It is valued.

I even believe you and I kessel sided together on some debates.  I may be wrong.
you probably are correct in saying that.
+5,233|6846|Global Command
Trolls, all of ye trolls. Begone back to the land of gibberish wence ye came.

Funny how everyones tripping over themselves to post spam here. Kind of proves his point.

Which I agree with btw.
I'm just that good
+156|6936|Cork, Ireland

EDIT: And you put this topic in the wrong section

Last edited by BlaZin'Feenix (2006-08-03 00:06:17)


BlaZin'Feenix wrote:


EDIT: And you put this topic in the wrong section
WHy thank you. How about you move it for me? Oh yeah.....nevermind.

rootbeer73 wrote:

i want to care but i just drank a nice cold glass of i really dont give a fuck.
strawbeery flavored too
Sounds tasty. How about a nice warm glass of shut the fuct up? Thats always been a favorite.
To reply with "fail" or "dont care" just shows how far some people are behind the times. I picture the person who types such shit to be giggling to themselves as they do it. Well guess what, it isnt funny. It was, but for eg us brits have had sarcastic humour like this for years and we are bored by it now.  Try and offer a better put down, something new, something of your own not something you saw and thought, "dam wish I was that funny, i'll nick it for myself though", try and be original. 

It dosen't bother me the slightest when the replies to this will be of the fail and dont care kind.  Just goes to enhance the point we have put across.  Perhaps the person who types dont care or fail does because he cant type "sorry the words you use are too long for me to understand and have way too many letters for me to search in a Dicshunary.

I can never undertand the mentality of someone who bless them, goes out of there way to read a thread, and reply with dont care.  Of course you do, you read it after reading the headline, you prove this by pressing the submit button.  Its not the author fault your too thick to type anything intresting, clever or witty.

my final thoughts.  Read your post before you submit and children should be seen and not heard.
Ok now, when i click on a topic, and read the whole thing, i am entitles to my opinion, so i post "I dont care", or maybe even "fail", if i see a post and click on it, but dont care to read, i wont post, its that simple, but if i post, i think i should be able to give what ever feed back i wish.
Papa Smurf 314
Right in the Smurfin' parking lot?
+90|7087|New York

Mason4Assassin444 wrote:

BlaZin'Feenix wrote:


EDIT: And you put this topic in the wrong section
WHy thank you. How about you move it for me? Oh yeah.....nevermind.
Fucking owned.
+788|6972|Brisbane, Australia

R3v4n wrote:

Fail. its like a new fashion it comes and it goes live with it its not the end of the world if some types:

i dont care

Just think of a new word to combat fail.

Infact, that is my new word, Succeed, and I declare that this thread

the electric eel has got me by the brain banana
Steve Irwin Reincarnate

So if fail is not 'in' anymore then what the hell is?
You talkin' to me? Well I'm the only one here!
just ignore the trolls, that is what I do. It doesn't bother me if someone posts "I don't care" or "fail" I just think to myself: "Ah, another pubic kid on these forums" and go on reading posts from people that have to say something (like the author of this thread). Seriously, ignoring them will stop them wasting space sooner or later and then the kids will try to come up with something else (which is hopefully funny)
International OMGWTFBBQ
+200|7047|Uhh... erm...
w00rt for Assassin! This thread succeeds 100%. Nice pwning of all the flamers.
Ambitious but Rubbish

Mason4Assassin444 wrote:


I have noticed, and others also, of the spamming/derailment of threads some may not agree with. Granted, alot of threads are shit. Thats why we have mods to close them. The induction of "fail" and other horseshit used to derail threads in these forums is becoming redundant, annoying, and retarded. To the point that some thread authors cannot get the feedback they want or an answer they would like. I know its easy being a fucktard over the internet and I know alot of you pride yourself on it. Sad.

My favorite is the 2nd post of a thread getting the "I don't care" or "no one cares" response. If you don't care and you don't post, guess what happens? The thread dies quicker. Forever to be stored in the archives of BF2s. This leads me to believe one of two things. You are trying to be funny. And it was; the first 300 times. It stopped being funny when it was being abusive to the topic. Someone would look for a real answer and get shit from trolls. The second is you need attention because daddy hit you too many times or mommy didn't love you enough. Feel free to make a topic about it.

for reference:

My close second favorite is the "fail" response. First, to fail at something there has to be a given set of standards for the task being performed. In this case a thread being created. I understand you guys if something isn't up to your standards. The thing is no one here gives a shit about your standards. But many do take offense to thier community that they have been a part of for quite a bit of time, being disrupted by an increasing number of these "fucktards" who think its thier job to be an imaginary moderator.

I remember the days of good ol debate. Arguing with Horseman77 or reading through a CameronPoe debate thread. Even trading - Karma with Cougar brightened my day. Debates would get heated, flaming would ensue; but not before a good chunk of debate and conversation had taken place. And then a mod (yes a real one) would close the topic and we'd start again another day about a different topic.

Not to be so anymore. Due to the imaginary moderator trolls who feel it is thier right to judge everyone on the forums and add a horshit comment to every thread that isn't started by them. Enjoy. I will soon be at the wayside with others who used to frequent these forums. Then you can beat off amongst yourselves and "fail" each other.

On a side note. I have my share of smartass responses and flames hidden somewhere in this site of threads. But I never made it a point to logon everyday and destroy every thread I felt I needed to respond to.

Final thought:

When responding to a thread: Stop, Think, then either post or restrain yourself.

Its the internet. But respect is still rellevent. And I know no one on these forums cares but the actions mentioned above wil destroy any shred of respect I had for you.



You fail @ life. Get one.
Totaly agree with you, I have been losing interest in the forums of late because of all the trolling and stupid replys in posts.

Great post and yes I was also thinking of posting something like this as well.

So please guys enough of the bullshit post or destory this great forum site.
Ambitious but Rubbish

Cougar wrote:

Come on cougar I though better of you than that, you do some of the best posts on this forum, so I just wonder how you would feel If your great post just got full up spam and rubbish.

Please mate post a proper reply on this subject because alot of forum members look up to you, because of your posts.
Corrosion Inhibitor
My personal hopes is that most the the stuff you are mentioning will die down after summer ends and the youngins start to return to school. This happens on every major game site during the summer. It has been discussed by the mods and admin. Not much can be done. Properly reporting topics it the only thing that you as a user can do. The staff does not have the time to read every thread, especially pointless ones. Alot of us tend to stick to the help and site forums( help/tech).

Use the report feature properly. Don't put hey this dude is being a jerk(or what ever), right after you just flamed him. Put this person is derailing this topic or is spamming or what ever other reason to report a topic when a person is breaking the Rules. The best way to combat things like this is to report them. We have said this 1000000000 times.
You have been blessed... with my rifle!
+43|6913|Bellmawr, NJ, US
I agree wholeheartedly with everyone who actually contributed to this thread.  +1 for you all.  Take lack of respect with a heaping tablespoon of internet anonymity, and you have yourself a forum troll.  I joined BF2s because I like contributing back to the community I'm a part of and there was a lot of questions and answers here.  Now its hard to get past 4 posts of a thread because of the constant flaming.

If something doesn't interest you, don't read it.  Most topics describe exactly what the thread is about.
Mod from the Church of the Painful Truth
+533|7123|Orlando, FL - Age 43


My personal hopes is that most the the stuff you are mentioning will die down after summer ends and the youngins start to return to school. This happens on every major game site during the summer. It has been discussed by the mods and admin. Not much can be done. Properly reporting topics it the only thing that you as a user can do. The staff does not have the time to read every thread, especially pointless ones. Alot of us tend to stick to the help and site forums( help/tech).

Use the report feature properly. Don't put hey this dude is being a jerk(or what ever), right after you just flamed him. Put this person is derailing this topic or is spamming or what ever other reason to report a topic when a person is breaking the Rules. The best way to combat things like this is to report them. We have said this 1000000000 times.
---hates you
+1,137|7073|Hell, p.o box 666

well, as you "wannabe modz" and "derailers" can see, all of your fail and I dont care post are already deleted, wooooooooops, you cant see it. Strange huh!?

And this exactly what will happen to every useless topic, post and worthless stuff. Just so you know.

The mods/admins dont have the time to check every single new topic or post. There are days, where only myself is closing/deleting 20-30 topics about useless stuff. Not to mention single posts considering spam or worse. And this is only me.

The help of you, the members of these forums is needed, to get rid of the 1.000.000th worthless coment/post/topic or else!

As IBCKNURASS already said, use the Report button if you want the mods/admins to take any action, or if you dont feel comfortable with a post/topic/member whatever.

DONT SPAM/DERAIL/FLAME THE THREAD OR THE TOPICSTARTER, otherwise get prepared to be warned/tempbanned etc.
prince of insufficient light

~Smokey~ wrote:

So if fail is not 'in' anymore then what the hell is?
Relevent posts, the new black.

Mason4Assassin444 wrote:


I have noticed, and others also, of the spamming/derailment of threads some may not agree with. Granted, alot of threads are shit. Thats why we have mods to close them. The induction of "fail" and other horseshit used to derail threads in these forums is becoming redundant, annoying, and retarded. To the point that some thread authors cannot get the feedback they want or an answer they would like. I know its easy being a fucktard over the internet and I know alot of you pride yourself on it. Sad.

My favorite is the 2nd post of a thread getting the "I don't care" or "no one cares" response. If you don't care and you don't post, guess what happens? The thread dies quicker. Forever to be stored in the archives of BF2s. This leads me to believe one of two things. You are trying to be funny. And it was; the first 300 times. It stopped being funny when it was being abusive to the topic. Someone would look for a real answer and get shit from trolls. The second is you need attention because daddy hit you too many times or mommy didn't love you enough. Feel free to make a topic about it.

for reference:

My close second favorite is the "fail" response. First, to fail at something there has to be a given set of standards for the task being performed. In this case a thread being created. I understand you guys if something isn't up to your standards. The thing is no one here gives a shit about your standards. But many do take offense to thier community that they have been a part of for quite a bit of time, being disrupted by an increasing number of these "fucktards" who think its thier job to be an imaginary moderator.

I remember the days of good ol debate. Arguing with Horseman77 or reading through a CameronPoe debate thread. Even trading - Karma with Cougar brightened my day. Debates would get heated, flaming would ensue; but not before a good chunk of debate and conversation had taken place. And then a mod (yes a real one) would close the topic and we'd start again another day about a different topic.

Not to be so anymore. Due to the imaginary moderator trolls who feel it is thier right to judge everyone on the forums and add a horshit comment to every thread that isn't started by them. Enjoy. I will soon be at the wayside with others who used to frequent these forums. Then you can beat off amongst yourselves and "fail" each other.

On a side note. I have my share of smartass responses and flames hidden somewhere in this site of threads. But I never made it a point to logon everyday and destroy every thread I felt I needed to respond to.

Final thought:

When responding to a thread: Stop, Think, then either post or restrain yourself.

Its the internet. But respect is still rellevent. And I know no one on these forums cares but the actions mentioned above wil destroy any shred of respect I had for you.



You fail @ life. Get one.
agree 100%
ive been saying for some time that these forums are simply an e-click of ppl with little dicks (for the most part)
the ONLY reason i come back is because i like watching ppl make themselves look like retards.
downsyndrome is the disease of the 21st century, this has been proven by the mere thought of were they smoking when they thought that one up.

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