Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6866|Southeastern USA
there's a wonderful aussie documentary available called "welcome to woop woop", quite in depth, well thought out, and very educational
+151|6852|Forest Lake, Australia

BF2Craglyeye wrote:

Listen Sherman if you've been to Compton and enjoyed  it, Sydney will be a piece of cake.(without the guns)

Im from Melbourne and never been to Sydney, dont desire to either.

The entire Country is the best in the World but.... Sydney is a hole, Bogans reside in Brisbane, Morons Live in Adelaide, and Alcoholics shack up in Darwin, and Canberra is a cold Hole, with nothing.

And Melbourne is full of wogs...There's a downside to every capital

If you've never been to Sydney, don't knock it.  You can't say shit about another city if you've never been there...

Sydney: Great City, but too many Lebs

Darwin: Alcoholics everywhere...Not neccesarily a bad

Brisbane: Fantastic weather, great chicks, awesome beaches, but sadly, we do have bogans

Adelaide: Another great state, but sadly they don't get much recognition for it.  Mad beaches down there too

Canberra: Capital of Australia, loads of history, but again, bogans reside there.  Probably bogan capital...

Melbourne: I always say this, but do you remember when Morpheus showed Neo what the real world looked like?  That's kinda what Melbourne looks like when it's cloudy/rainy...Which is basically everyday.  They also have the second largest Greek population outside of Greece.  On the plus side, hot chicks, great football (Go the Pies!) and fine pubs are in this city

Perth: Perth is beautiful.  Very green, beautiful women, superb weather, top-class nudist beaches...The list can go on...It's just too bloody far away from everyone

There's the real list...Not that piece of shit BF2Craglyeye gave

Last edited by dhoar4 (2006-08-02 20:49:13)

That 70's guy
+156|6848|Sydney, in 1978
depends on where you moving in sudney, just for the love of god done go to sydneys south west, all you will get if people bieng shot and stabbed, bieng robbed in broad daylight, and the occasional riot. however anywhere else in sydney is a great place to be. especially in cronulla, its a wonderful place to be beaches, sun hot chicks. and what ever dumass said sydney is cold, your dumb, you obviously havent been to melbourne or hobart.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6866|Southeastern USA
god i have got to get to australia, must drink, must camp, must whitewater, must rent a falcon
+151|6852|Forest Lake, Australia

dhoar4 wrote:

BF2Craglyeye wrote:

Listen Sherman if you've been to Compton and enjoyed  it, Sydney will be a piece of cake.(without the guns)

Im from Melbourne and never been to Sydney, dont desire to either.

The entire Country is the best in the World but.... Sydney is a hole, Bogans reside in Brisbane, Morons Live in Adelaide, and Alcoholics shack up in Darwin, and Canberra is a cold Hole, with nothing.

And Melbourne is full of wogs...There's a downside to every capital

If you've never been to Sydney, don't knock it.  You can't say shit about another city if you've never been there...

Sydney: Great City, but too many Lebs

Darwin: Alcoholics everywhere...Not neccesarily a bad

Brisbane: Fantastic weather, great chicks, awesome beaches, but sadly, we do have bogans

Adelaide: Another great state, but sadly they don't get much recognition for it.  Mad beaches down there too

Canberra: Capital of Australia, loads of history, but again, bogans reside there.  Probably bogan capital...

Melbourne: I always say this, but do you remember when Morpheus showed Neo what the real world looked like?  That's kinda what Melbourne looks like when it's cloudy/rainy...Which is basically everyday.  They also have the second largest Greek population outside of Greece.  On the plus side, hot chicks, great football (Go the Pies!) and fine pubs are in this city

Perth: Perth is beautiful.  Very green, beautiful women, superb weather, top-class nudist beaches...The list can go on...It's just too bloody far away from everyone

There's the real list...Not that piece of shit BF2Craglyeye gave
+151|6852|Forest Lake, Australia

Mongoose wrote:

depends on where you moving in sudney, just for the love of god done go to sydneys south west, all you will get if people bieng shot and stabbed, bieng robbed in broad daylight, and the occasional riot. however anywhere else in sydney is a great place to be. especially in cronulla, its a wonderful place to be beaches, sun hot chicks. and what ever dumass said sydney is cold, your dumb, you obviously havent been to melbourne or hobart.
he lives in
That 70's guy
+156|6848|Sydney, in 1978
who lives in melbourne?
+151|6852|Forest Lake, Australia

Mongoose wrote:

who lives in melbourne?
Hey, Hey.... Get your facts right I said Sydney was a HOLE, and that Canberra is cold.

Ive been to Canberra, we had to run to the pub it was so cold and even then it was closed      stand still there your likely to catch hypothermia.

Plus ill take the Greeks ahead of the Lebanese any day. No riots in melbourne. We also have a large Asian, Italian, and growing Sudenese population.

They are all welcome to the "FRIENDLY STATE"

Last edited by BF2Craglyeye (2006-08-02 21:06:11)

That 70's guy
+156|6848|Sydney, in 1978
still, who cares about the rest of australia he said he was moving to sydney, and he didnt ask how the rest of the country was, so why dont we give him all the ups and dows of sydney?
+151|6852|Forest Lake, Australia

BF2Craglyeye wrote:

Hey, Hey.... Get your facts right I said Sydney was a HOLE, and that Canberra is cold.

Ive been to Canberra, we had to run to the pub it was so cold and even then it was closed      stand still there your likely to catch hypothermia.

Plus ill take the Greeks ahead of the Lebanese any day. No riots in melbourne. We also have a large Asian, Italian, and growing Sudenese population.

They are all welcome to the "FRIENDLY STATE"
You said Canberra was a cold hole...You won't catch hypothermia when you're there...
The problem with Melbourne is evident in what you just said...

They are all welcome to the "FRIENDLY STATE"
They're not welcome in this country...Fullstop
Judge Death
Perth ftw its hot and cold
You said Canberra was a cold hole...You won't catch hypothermia when you're there...
The problem with Melbourne is evident in what you just said...
I live in Sydney, dont mind it..
Cost of living / relestate is abit high atm.
Weather doesnt bother me but it does get very hot but not so cold(cold weather doesnt bother me).
Plenty of work for those that look for it and dont expect to get there perfect job handed to them.(I have never had issues finding a job)
Sydney has beaches, Lunar park and some big ugly tower thing...
Have to agree with the leb thing though but along side that it also has a large asian population as well, some signs are very hard to read around some areas of sydney.

All in all its somewhere to live.
+151|6852|Forest Lake, Australia

BF2Craglyeye wrote:

You said Canberra was a cold hole...You won't catch hypothermia when you're there...
The problem with Melbourne is evident in what you just said...
Are you fucking stupid?  I even quoted what you said about Victoria, and you're still not with fuck some of your greek friends...Piss off from this forum

Last edited by dhoar4 (2006-08-02 22:55:32)

Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|7038|Sydney, Australia
Good decision on the move. You will love it here.

Pwned so often there's an IPO.
+29|6822|Melbourne, Australia
I can't remember how many times I've visited Sydney in the last 10 years. I tend to go at least twice a year.

Melbourne weather is like 35-60F in the winter, with some rain. Summer it's 85-110F. It never freezes or snows.

In my experience Sydney's weather is warmer in winter (60-80F) but cooler in summer (85-105F).

The big difference is that during summer Melbourne has little to no humidity, whereas Sydney gets a little muggy.

The interesting meteorological statistic when comparing the two cities is that Melbourne has twice as many days with rain than Sydney, but Sydney has twice the annual rainfall of Melbourne. Swings and roundabouts.

Sydney is a fine city with excellent public transport and great cultural attractions. There is lots to do and plenty to see. It has a huge selection of wonderful beaches, great pubs and awesome resturants. It has great shopping and is highly cosmopolitan. You are in no danger of feeling like you dropped off the edge of the world.

Internet connectivity to the rest of the world is first-rate. Mobile phone coverage (cellphone) is >95% population. In the US they talk about "going digital" on their phones. Here in Australia the analogue network was turned-off at midnight, Dec 31st, 1999.

90% of Australias population is in 6 cities - this means that (with Sweden) we have one of the fastest rates of adoption in new technologies in the world. In 1996 we were second only to Sweden in each of per capita mobile phone use and per capita internet use in the world.

You will find Sydney, and Australian cities in general, to be as culturally familiar as any large western-judaeo-christian city can be. You will also find it more technologically advanced than many major US cities (heresy I know, but true in my experience) and despite recent events, there is VERY LITTLE religious, cultural or racial intolerance. For the lower and middle classes you'll find our education and medical systems much better than those you are used to, and you may also find our political system to be "amusing".

Of the American Cities I have visited, I think Boston is closest in feel to Sydney (and Melbourne). Sydney also puts me in mind of London, to be honest.

As with ALL Australian cities, you are best off getting a local to help you get the most out of the place.

As a qualifier: I have lived for many years in Britain, many years in Australia, and several years in the USA. I have visited Southampton, Portsmouth, Winchester, Weymouth, Plymouth, Manchester, Luton and London; Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide Canberra and Wollongong; San Francisco, Sacramento, Chicago, Wichita, St Louis, Honolulu and Boston. I have also been to several places in France, Istanbul and pre-handover Hongkong.

I hope that gives an idea as to what it might be like here.

(and when looking for servers go for Internode)

+151|6852|Forest Lake, Australia

Windrider_Melb wrote:

(and when looking for servers go for Internode)
or gamearena...
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6982|NT, like Mick Dundee

dhoar4 wrote:

Windrider_Melb wrote:

(and when looking for servers go for Internode)
or gamearena...
Or as they are known by those that hate them...

Gayarena and Internoob. Internode has some strange rules regarding BF2 and Gamearena has better map cycle servers.

Bugger all in the way of SF servers though from either of them.
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.

dhoar4 wrote:

BF2Craglyeye wrote:

You said Canberra was a cold hole...You won't catch hypothermia when you're there...
The problem with Melbourne is evident in what you just said...
Are you fucking stupid?  I even quoted what you said about Victoria, and you're still not with fuck some of your greek friends...Piss off from this forum
Fuck off, your probably one of these fucking Brisbane surfie fuckfaces, brush your hair out of your eyes you wanker.

True I said a cold hole for Canberra, a minor descrepency with one word. quoted me but YOU still couldnt do that right, maybe instead of doing surfing as a subject at school, you should have done the English class one that teaches how to deal with people, without being a complete and utter cockmunch.

Im done dealing with you now, so please fuck of from this forum.

(oh and a gamearena player, really tells the story now doesnt it)
Steve Irwin Reincarnate

kr@cker wrote:

there's a wonderful aussie documentary available called "welcome to woop woop", quite in depth, well thought out, and very educational
Try All Aussie Adventures with Russel Coight

Thats educational for ya.
+788|6973|Brisbane, Australia

BF2Craglyeye wrote:

dhoar4 wrote:

BF2Craglyeye wrote:

Are you fucking stupid?  I even quoted what you said about Victoria, and you're still not with fuck some of your greek friends...Piss off from this forum
Fuck off, your probably one of these fucking Brisbane surfie fuckfaces, brush your hair out of your eyes you wanker.

True I said a cold hole for Canberra, a minor descrepency with one word. quoted me but YOU still couldnt do that right, maybe instead of doing surfing as a subject at school, you should have done the English class one that teaches how to deal with people, without being a complete and utter cockmunch.

Im done dealing with you now, so please fuck of from this forum.

(oh and a gamearena player, really tells the story now doesnt it)
Holy shit, you have to be one of the most sterotypical people in this forum, you really think someone who lives all the way down in forest lake is a surfie? You need to stop watching those kid soaps so seriously

Do your fucking research kid

[Imho Gamearena is better too, there are no whining cry babies, if you cant stand the rape, then you leave]

Hang on! Why the hell are we only using capital cities? There are some real nice towns and stuff around here, townsvilles pretty nice [Except if your indigenous] so is Bundaburg, the only reason you need to move to a major town is if you are looking for a big or corprate job

Last edited by Sarrk (2006-08-03 01:07:32)

+183|6990|A sunburnt country
Sydney is an awesome place to live.  I've lived in every state/territory except Tasmania and Sydney is by far MY   fav.

The great thing about Australia is that every where is pretty damn good and we have so much choice.

I hope you'll like it, good luck and welcome to paradise..................!
Pwned so often there's an IPO.
+29|6822|Melbourne, Australia

~Smokey~ wrote:

kr@cker wrote:

there's a wonderful aussie documentary available called "welcome to woop woop", quite in depth, well thought out, and very educational
Try All Aussie Adventures with Russel Coight

Thats educational for ya.
The Adventures of Bazza McKenzie!
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6992|Canberra, AUS

Camski wrote:

a hole????

No it's not....

Canberra is worse if you ask me

BUT! If you're into all this politics etc. etc.... then you might be interested in ACT, other than that, i'd steer clear... Oh acctually, it's good for people getting their licence!

In NSW, when you're on your P's (RED) you're limited to 90Km/h, but in ACT, i think it's 110Km/h
Hang on... we don't HAVE any 110 streets here...

Just don't come here for the weather. The most beautiful day can turn to the heaviest rain you've ever seen within 5 minutes and go back to the beautiful day within another 5. And the wind is pretty strong, too.

And make sure you know how to fight a fire.

At least the traffic is good. Which is more than I can say for Sydney (urgh - the streets look as if they were copied from some toddlers scribble onto a map)

Last edited by Spark (2006-08-03 04:09:33)

The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman

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