Boeing.. without a doubt.
Which is better? Airbus or Boeing?
Airbus | 31% | 31% - 42 | ||||
Boeing | 68% | 68% - 92 | ||||
Total: 134 |
Voted for boeing, but don't why the're better..USAFDude_1988 wrote:
Boeing.. without a doubt.
I was hoping Rolls Royce was an option. One of my friends, both his parents work there. Creating parts for engines in airplanes and testing aluminum.
This is gonna lead to some uninformed anti-US idiot saying "BOING SUXX CUZ THEYR T3H STUPID AMERIKANZ!!1~@@11".
Oh...and I voted Boeing.
Oh...and I voted Boeing.
- More experience.RDMC(2) wrote:
Voted for boeing, but don't why the're better..USAFDude_1988 wrote:
Boeing.. without a doubt.
- Better reputation.
- Airbus builds ugly planes.
Rolls Royce builds engines for aircraft. Both Airbus and Boeing use Rolls Royce powerplants on their aircraft.The_Mob_Returns wrote:
I was hoping Rolls Royce was an option. One of my friends, both his parents work there. Creating parts for engines in airplanes and testing aluminum.
Last edited by USAFDude_1988 (2006-08-01 14:57:30)
Well that was pretty clearUSAFDude_1988 wrote:
- More experience.RDMC(2) wrote:
Voted for boeing, but don't why the're better..USAFDude_1988 wrote:
Boeing.. without a doubt.
- Better reputation.
- Airbus builds ugly planes.
boeing for not being afriad to sell bush planes to crash into the tower, but air bus cuz boeings to bitch to admit them ^
When it comes to style.. Boeing owns..
The Airbus A380 "Whalejet"...

The Boeing 747-800 "Intercontinental"
The Airbus A380 "Whalejet"...
The Boeing 747-800 "Intercontinental"

A380 now thats what i call a aircraft
A380 now thats what i call a aircraft
You could put a sick ass paintjob on the airbus as well. Functionality dictates design, and for oveall funtionality throughout their fleet, I'd have to give it to Airbus, although, if the 777 is one smooth plane. I was seriously impressed by how quiet it is, as well as the room it had.
boeing. I've flown on both. And when I was on the Airbus, all I heard was popping and creaking ... not something I want to hear at 35000 feet and 500mph over the Atlantic.
Rolls Royce makes engines ... but their best ones they stole from Allison
Rolls Royce makes engines ... but their best ones they stole from Allison
Boeing has a borader client range
i vote for airbus....that all im gonna say
787 Dreamliner, nuff said.
but for more clarification,

and some fine other boeing products:

not to mention the JDAM, Apache, SLAM. AWAC
but for more clarification,

and some fine other boeing products:

not to mention the JDAM, Apache, SLAM. AWAC
plus Boeing now has Grumman, so they have

badass hugeass plane

badass hugeass plane
I've flown on both Boeing and Airbus. Boeing's planes are much quieter and much more comfortable.
Voted for Boeing, but better is subjective. Boeing (and McDonnell-Douglas, now part of Boeing) builds planes so well, they out live their market life. Technology has allowed Airbus to build lighter and cheaper airplanes that have shorter airframe lives. They can be retired before they get too expensive to operate and that works with business models. Boeing is now struggling to catch up, but has some work in progress (7e7). They probably won't build anything as big as the A380 in the near future, but no one knows yet what the A380 will mean to the market (can you imagine the first A380 crash?) in the future. Airbus is probably around to stay and certainly has as much heritage as Boeing, but I'm still a Boeing fan. Ask your grandfather what brought him home during WWII and if he was a bomber, it was probably a Boeing!
PS I am not a pilot, nor veteran, just a wing nut (plane buff)
PS I am not a pilot, nor veteran, just a wing nut (plane buff)
Boeing hands down
boeing=b-2, ea-18, fa-18, f-15 (your own sig usaf dude, cmon, you should know that), fa-22, t-45 (wacky look it up!), x-45 (super smacky wacky, super look it up!!!!), just to name a few of the fighters currently in production (the f-14 was a god among fighters, but will be decom'ed september),
as well as c-17, air force one, APACHE, CHINOOK, osprey, AWACS, UAV's (come one ppl, half the bf2 aerial arsenal!!), in fact, here, take a look
airbus= engines have a reputation for landing before the rest of the plane does, it was the design asthetic not the paint job he was pointing out with the whale jet, and of course that certain french "je nais ses quois"
which of course adds up to:
edit: boeing didn't even have to wake up for this one, and to be fair, most of the USAF boeing fleet comes through the base I"m at, so I was a little up on this one
as well as c-17, air force one, APACHE, CHINOOK, osprey, AWACS, UAV's (come one ppl, half the bf2 aerial arsenal!!), in fact, here, take a look
airbus= engines have a reputation for landing before the rest of the plane does, it was the design asthetic not the paint job he was pointing out with the whale jet, and of course that certain french "je nais ses quois"
which of course adds up to:
edit: boeing didn't even have to wake up for this one, and to be fair, most of the USAF boeing fleet comes through the base I"m at, so I was a little up on this one
Last edited by kr@cker (2006-08-01 17:34:47)
/airbus got itself pwnedkr@cker wrote:
boeing=b-2, ea-18, fa-18, f-15 (your own sig usaf dude, cmon, you should know that), fa-22, t-45 (wacky look it up!), x-45 (super smacky wacky, super look it up!!!!), just to name a few of the fighters currently in production (the f-14 was a god among fighters, but will be decom'ed september),
as well as c-17, air force one, APACHE, CHINOOK, osprey, AWACS, UAV's (come one ppl, half the bf2 aerial arsenal!!), in fact, here, take a look
airbus= engines have a reputation for landing before the rest of the plane does, it was the design asthetic not the paint job he was pointing out with the whale jet, and of course that certain french "je nais ses quois"
which of course adds up to:
I think the results speak for themselves.
Airbus 25% 11 votes
Boeing 75% 33 votes
Airbus 25% 11 votes
Boeing 75% 33 votes
It's "Je ne sais quoi"kr@cker wrote:
boeing=b-2, ea-18, fa-18, f-15 (your own sig usaf dude, cmon, you should know that), fa-22, t-45 (wacky look it up!), x-45 (super smacky wacky, super look it up!!!!), just to name a few of the fighters currently in production (the f-14 was a god among fighters, but will be decom'ed september),
as well as c-17, air force one, APACHE, CHINOOK, osprey, AWACS, UAV's (come one ppl, half the bf2 aerial arsenal!!), in fact, here, take a look
airbus= engines have a reputation for landing before the rest of the plane does, it was the design asthetic not the paint job he was pointing out with the whale jet, and of course that certain french "je nais ses quois"
which of course adds up to:
edit: boeing didn't even have to wake up for this one, and to be fair, most of the USAF boeing fleet comes through the base I"m at, so I was a little up on this one
What most of you all are forgetting is that Boeing has been building quality military and civilian planes as an indepedant company since the early days of aviation. Airbus is new to the mix and was a cooperation between several european companies. Bah. I'm all about Boeing.
considering it means, "I don't know what" I think mis-spelling it has a certain sense of poetic justice about it ...