read as: made it better.-=raska=- wrote:
modified it a bit.
better ok but still the developers of Prey created the "core" of it
The idea of portals is nothing new. Prey didn't come up with it either. It's like saying they invented shooting aliens.-=raska=- wrote:
no one knows Prey ?
they came up with this idea way before than Valve.. download the demo you will see...
Ive only played the demo and I couldnt place portals but maybe its possible in the full version..
anway Valve just took an idea from another game and modified it a bit.
Anyway, no, you cannot place portals in Prey and Prey is just an FPS with some trippy physics and stuff.
Portal on the other hand is a puzzle game and nothing like Prey. Perhaps they say Prey and thought it was cool, so used that idea to make a completely seperate game, but that's not ripping it off, that's called inspiration.
Anyway, I cannot fucking wait for this game and I'd buy it even if it wasn't a part of EP2.
EDIT: Oh, and unlike Prey, Portal won't suck ass.
Last edited by Viper007Bond (2006-07-29 20:12:23)
prey will win prizes believe me, the critics i found on the web are pretty good I thinkViper007Bond wrote:
The idea of portals is nothing new. Prey didn't come up with it either. It's like saying they invented shooting aliens.-=raska=- wrote:
no one knows Prey ?
they came up with this idea way before than Valve.. download the demo you will see...
Ive only played the demo and I couldnt place portals but maybe its possible in the full version..
anway Valve just took an idea from another game and modified it a bit.
Anyway, no, you cannot place portals in Prey and Prey is just an FPS with some trippy physics and stuff.
Portal on the other hand is a puzzle game and nothing like Prey. Perhaps they say Prey and thought it was cool, so used that idea to make a completely seperate game, but that's not ripping it off, that's called inspiration.
Anyway, I cannot fucking wait for this game and I'd buy it even if it wasn't a part of EP2.
EDIT: Oh, and unlike Prey, Portal won't suck ass.
and yeah I know prey didnt invent the idea of portals but before that game, it was portals against walls or on the floor and you couldnt see where does the portal go.