I hope someday he will learn to lock his computer when he walks away from it. Until that day comes. Gay pr0n for his background. It's so funny.
What the hell?
*speechless* :confused:
Last edited by RDMC(2) (2006-07-31 11:43:34)
don't worry, you're not supposed to understand. He's just mad because he couldn't figure it out when I messed with his global policy settings.
Am i missing something?
man, some of you guys need to just buy a clue. It's not that hard to see that PuckMercury is RTG's friend/roommate and they share a computer or maybe he's visiting Puck's house, and when Puck is away, RTG puts gay pr0n as his desktop as a joke...
(correct me if i'm wrong RTG, unless this is a drunk post)
(correct me if i'm wrong RTG, unless this is a drunk post)
Does "failed attempt at humor" apply here?
An even better idea,borrow his phone to make a "call" and change the language!cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:
you shouldnt have done that... shoulda overclock his pcPuckMercury wrote:
don't worry, you're not supposed to understand. He's just mad because he couldn't figure it out when I messed with his global policy settings.
I do that to my roommates computer a lot too. Isn't it great. Hey I know, I'll make another meaningless thread on the forums so that eveyone will know that I did that to him. YAY YAY YAY LOLOLOLOLOL. I never did that because I knew it would be GAYz.
Ok, im all out of hateraid now.
Ok, im all out of hateraid now.
naw, the fone thing is old, but overclocking it and making it unstable will give a lot of headaches to ppl who dont know how to ocjord wrote:
An even better idea,borrow his phone to make a "call" and change the language!cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:
you shouldnt have done that... shoulda overclock his pcPuckMercury wrote:
don't worry, you're not supposed to understand. He's just mad because he couldn't figure it out when I messed with his global policy settings.
even better, underclock it
close, we work together - about 10 feet apart every damned day.Tripp wrote:
man, some of you guys need to just buy a clue. It's not that hard to see that PuckMercury is RTG's friend/roommate and they share a computer or maybe he's visiting Puck's house, and when Puck is away, RTG puts gay pr0n as his desktop as a joke...
(correct me if i'm wrong RTG, unless this is a drunk post)
and cyborg - if you can figure out how to overclock a Dell PC with their dummied down BIOS, more power to ya.
EDIT: Group Policy is great on a domain because you don't ever have to touch the PC and the user has no real clue wtf is going on
Last edited by PuckMercury (2006-07-31 12:04:09)
eh, changing the background and disabling the user's ability to then change said background (among various other obnoxious settings) is much quicker and easier - and is that much more amusing because when he asks, "What did you do to my computer?" I can honestly reply, "Nothing, I never touched the damn thing."
AD and group policies FTW!PuckMercury wrote:
close, we work together - about 10 feet apart every damned day.Tripp wrote:
man, some of you guys need to just buy a clue. It's not that hard to see that PuckMercury is RTG's friend/roommate and they share a computer or maybe he's visiting Puck's house, and when Puck is away, RTG puts gay pr0n as his desktop as a joke...
(correct me if i'm wrong RTG, unless this is a drunk post)
and cyborg - if you can figure out how to overclock a Dell PC with their dummied down BIOS, more power to ya.
EDIT: Group Policy is great on a domain because you don't ever have to touch the PC and the user has no real clue wtf is going on
Oh, and maybe something like SoftFSB could overclock that Dell.
Last edited by Agent_Dung_Bomb (2006-07-31 12:32:10)
softFSB should work though, give it a 300fsb and see if it will bootAgent_Dung_Bomb wrote:
AD and group policies FTW!PuckMercury wrote:
close, we work together - about 10 feet apart every damned day.Tripp wrote:
man, some of you guys need to just buy a clue. It's not that hard to see that PuckMercury is RTG's friend/roommate and they share a computer or maybe he's visiting Puck's house, and when Puck is away, RTG puts gay pr0n as his desktop as a joke...
(correct me if i'm wrong RTG, unless this is a drunk post)
and cyborg - if you can figure out how to overclock a Dell PC with their dummied down BIOS, more power to ya.
EDIT: Group Policy is great on a domain because you don't ever have to touch the PC and the user has no real clue wtf is going on
Oh, and maybe something like SoftFSB could overclock that Dell.
^^^^^^^RTG_ILLUSION wrote:
I hope someday he will learn to lock his computer when he walks away from it. Until that day comes. Gay pr0n for his background. It's so funny.
Teh hax0r of t3h mainframez, join #darknet efnet and say that again with pride.
Would be better if you could uninstall the OS and then reinstall in some random language he can't read.
Definitely a symbolic language, even if you know what something is supposed to say you can't be sure if that's the same one you saw earlier.cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:
thai or arabic prefered or chineseFlaming_Maniac wrote:
Would be better if you could uninstall the OS and then reinstall in some random language he can't read.
well yeah, if I just wanted to completely @#$& up the PC and prevent it from being usable, yeah - there are any number of things that could be done. But the beauty of GP is I can disable certain things, set others as default and allow him to do technically what he needs to. Takes all of 5 minutes to set up and seconds to remove when the point of frustration is reached.
Actually preventing him from working would be a bridge too far. Forcing him to look at my MS Paint scribblings as a background is just damned funny.
Actually preventing him from working would be a bridge too far. Forcing him to look at my MS Paint scribblings as a background is just damned funny.
Don't talk to much shit or you wont be able to find your pc tomorrow. You GP haX0rPuckMercury wrote:
well yeah, if I just wanted to completely @#$& up the PC and prevent it from being usable, yeah - there are any number of things that could be done. But the beauty of GP is I can disable certain things, set others as default and allow him to do technically what he needs to. Takes all of 5 minutes to set up and seconds to remove when the point of frustration is reached.
Actually preventing him from working would be a bridge too far. Forcing him to look at my MS Paint scribblings as a background is just damned funny.