Was walking along at the mall, and I see a vaguely interesting green and black abstract design. I'm looking to kill time, so I stop and check out what the fancy artwork is for. And 'lo and behold, I am confronted by a poster of the new and upcoming...

What is this Bx3, you ask?
Think G3, with Bassists. Three of the coolest bassists, on one stage. So I nearly jizzed myself when I found they were doing the first Bx3 tour in Asia, or more specifically, a one night show in BK-fucking-K. And tickets are 600, 1000 and 1500 baht (15, 25, 32 USDollars).
Stu Hamm, Jeff Berlin and BILLY SHEEHAN!!!
Fuck Yeah!!!!

What is this Bx3, you ask?
Think G3, with Bassists. Three of the coolest bassists, on one stage. So I nearly jizzed myself when I found they were doing the first Bx3 tour in Asia, or more specifically, a one night show in BK-fucking-K. And tickets are 600, 1000 and 1500 baht (15, 25, 32 USDollars).
Stu Hamm, Jeff Berlin and BILLY SHEEHAN!!!
Fuck Yeah!!!!