Is this a video card driver? Does it do anything at all? Do I really need it, because If I don't need it, I want to delete it to free up some space.
What is it?
i cant even open my control center!
I uninstalled it. My computer hasn't changed in performance at all
its the driver configuration for your video card. dont delete it. just close it down to free up resources before you play. it doesnt need to be running, but i wouldnt get rid of it.
oh ok.
Last edited by |CCCCCDark_Helmet (2006-07-31 10:40:38)
It's where you change the advanced options of your graphics setup. In the installation I have of the ATI drivers, the only way to change those options is through CCC. In older versions of the drivers you could choose between having CCC or a regular control panel tab.