Drinking JP-8 jet fuel gives me the runs.
Trade a Mongolian chick for sex with that stuff.Knifey McStabstab wrote:
I'm hungry and I only have tortillas, peanut butter, and cottage cheese. Should I combine them or eat them separately?
Boeing 747 > Airbus A380
Done.PspRpg-7 wrote:
Trade a Mongolian chick for sex with that stuff.
sex > food
Ohh you should have checked her for AIDs, too late now. ::Rolls two 10-sided dice:: The dice come up 14 ::You now have Herpes:: I shall call you Herpes lad.Knifey McStabstab wrote:
Done.PspRpg-7 wrote:
Trade a Mongolian chick for sex with that stuff.
sex > food
Last edited by PspRpg-7 (2006-07-29 17:27:05)
Hmm, interesting, there's a fly on my monitor thats goin around in circles... its quite annoying.
I don't think anyone can dispute the fact that cormorants are the most agile birds in the south-eastern hemisphere.
...no I totally disagree, the F-35 is a late-model fifth generation fighter.... the F-35 should be dominating the J-10.
That reminds me of Monty Python and the Holy Grail "Perhaps two swollows carried et?"CameronPoe wrote:
I don't think anyone can dispute the fact that cormorants are the most agile birds in the south-eastern hemisphere.
My doctor said I had the drip. He said I probably got it for fucking that hooker behind the resturant by the dumpster while I was in Korea. She did kinda smell funny.PspRpg-7 wrote:
Wait...I see a correlation atwixt the two.PspRpg-7 wrote:
Cactusfist wrote:
My anus is bleeding.You should both get that checked out.Cougar wrote:
I just pee'd blood.
A prostitute at a Star Trek convention.
Could you think of a worse job?
Could you think of a worse job?
All the fat sweaty awkward cos-playing Trek nerds.USAFDude_1988 wrote:
A prostitute at a Star Trek convention.
Could you think of a worse job?
I'm going to bed screw you AOL.
I like Cake.
Enemy Aquatic Craft Spotted!
The Cormorant thing sprung to mind because of the Monty Python 'Meaning of Life' movie. In it JOhn Cleese, the headmaster of the boarding school stands up and says in an angry voice (after the church service has concluded): "Two boys have been caught rubbing linseed oil into the school cormorant!'. I lied my ass off for ages - so fucking bizarre - I love Python.PspRpg-7 wrote:
That reminds me of Monty Python and the Holy Grail "Perhaps two swollows carried et?"CameronPoe wrote:
I don't think anyone can dispute the fact that cormorants are the most agile birds in the south-eastern hemisphere.
"what about an African swallow......"
Supplies at your position Enemy infranty spotted !!!!Medic!!!! No can do
We've lost control of an outpost We've gained control,good work men
Requesting Artillery barage on this target Hey,I need a ride Ammo? Ammo? Ammo?Ammo?
We've lost control of an outpost We've gained control,good work men
Requesting Artillery barage on this target Hey,I need a ride Ammo? Ammo? Ammo?Ammo?
that might be your way, but thats not the army way.....
Fuck Me In The Goat Ass Shit!
If the lights are turned off isn't everybody black?
You have a goat ass?Stealth42o wrote:
Fuck Me In The Goat Ass Shit!
This is just a huuuge spam thread with no real point. I had to close.
You can't derail a thread if it had no topic to begin with.
You can't derail a thread if it had no topic to begin with.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
my cat does tricks.