WE need everyone there for a group photo as it is the forums 1st birthday, it will be GULF of Oman, each player will swim from the shores to the carrier. IT WILL BE FUN. NO SHOOTING
6:10, what time zone?
GMT in other words 20 mins from now matek30dxedle wrote:
6:10, what time zone?
What about the people who are already on?
We need an admin?
We need an admin?
We have B.Schuss for that
Boooooooo hissssssssss* I'm at work I wanna be in the picture!! I can be there in a n hour but not 20 minutes
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
we can do it agen
sweet! I'll see you there in an hour
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it