cs is just stupid run and gun whocannadespamthemost all the time, no one ever plays the CTF, bomb, or strategy/goal oriented maps anymore, and unfortunately has turned alot of people to the mindset that all mpfps games should be the same, that's why I rarely play BF2 for more than a few rounds anymore, I find a server with people working towards goals and acting as teams, then a few leave, and a few new people show up, and it turns into a run and gun whocannadespamthemost game like CS, smurfs everywhere, people immediately running from the flag as soon as it's capped knowing that in a matter of seconds an enemy is bound to show up and take it, the only thing that remotely needs skill on cs is the all sniper levels, requiring you to lead pretty good, which in it's credit I do better at than bf2 because almost every pull of the trigger with the l-96 is preceded by a split-second lag that I can't seem to get rid of, when I can find a hostie or bomb server the cs run and gun bitches always endup voting up some rocket spam map next
eddieted four spelin
eddieted four spelin
Last edited by kr@cker (2006-07-26 08:39:17)