And what happened to night crawler? honestly, they killed off all the characters and will probably bring them all back in the next one.
It isnt a real Xmen movie without Gambit. Where da fuck has he been. Besides wolverine he was the most badass of the Fox Kids cartoon and actual comic books. For the uninitiated, Gambit was the Xman who had the power to charge objects to explode when he threw them (mostly cards). Also he hit on Rogue non stop. General badass
see you know the prof dies and at the end it shows that guy with no brain function and he talks and that guys name is Xavier
they didn't want him in the movie bc they felt it would be two badass characters competeing, they wanted one and of course the stuck with Wolverine bc he badder and more popularhorny_trojan wrote:
It isnt a real Xmen movie without Gambit. Where da fuck has he been. Besides wolverine he was the most badass of the Fox Kids cartoon and actual comic books. For the uninitiated, Gambit was the Xman who had the power to charge objects to explode when he threw them (mostly cards). Also he hit on Rogue non stop. General badass
In the second movie Allan CUmming (nightcrawler) said he wasn't thrilled about the 10hrs of makeup so i guess he wouldn't want to sign up but was with Angel? I mean he has wings but he doesn't have to be such a fairy and he only had like 3 lines in the whole moviePaco_the_Insane wrote:
And what happened to night crawler? honestly, they killed off all the characters and will probably bring them all back in the next one.
I have all of the origional Fox X-Men cartoons on vhs except for 2 (if I remember right). The first appearance of Juggernaut and the one where Nightcrawler and Ice Man break into some kind of lab/prison. I think Omege Red fights Colosus in that one...
P.S. I remember hearing about an X-Men movie back around the 94-95 timeframe (along qwith a Silver Surfer and Spiderman/Superman). I heard a rumor they were thinking about making Clint Eastwood. I didnt really read the comics to much. I picked up some random Uncanny's and some of the latter Volverine's but focused more on the cards (series II). My brother and his friend was into the books. Anyway, I was pretty stoked when I heard about a movie possibility. Time went by and nothing. Then, one day, it finally came out. I was soooo stoked!!! Saw the movie. It was cool that it finally came out (and the subtleties like when Rogue asked Wolvy if it hurt when his claws came out) but it left me feeling a little empty. X2 was even worse. Basically they made this movie for kids today who have never read a comic in their life. Just like the Resident Evil movies, they catered to the wrong crowd. I actually think it would have been better if they wore yellow and blue spandex but bumoed it up to rated R. They should have either followed the Fox animated series (sentinals, Morph dying) or the origional comic.
All in all, I wish that the movies would not have been made. No one is going to go back and do them right. The idea should have sat on the shelf until someone like Peter Jackson came along and actually cared about telling the story instead of raking in a box office smash.
P.S. I remember hearing about an X-Men movie back around the 94-95 timeframe (along qwith a Silver Surfer and Spiderman/Superman). I heard a rumor they were thinking about making Clint Eastwood. I didnt really read the comics to much. I picked up some random Uncanny's and some of the latter Volverine's but focused more on the cards (series II). My brother and his friend was into the books. Anyway, I was pretty stoked when I heard about a movie possibility. Time went by and nothing. Then, one day, it finally came out. I was soooo stoked!!! Saw the movie. It was cool that it finally came out (and the subtleties like when Rogue asked Wolvy if it hurt when his claws came out) but it left me feeling a little empty. X2 was even worse. Basically they made this movie for kids today who have never read a comic in their life. Just like the Resident Evil movies, they catered to the wrong crowd. I actually think it would have been better if they wore yellow and blue spandex but bumoed it up to rated R. They should have either followed the Fox animated series (sentinals, Morph dying) or the origional comic.
All in all, I wish that the movies would not have been made. No one is going to go back and do them right. The idea should have sat on the shelf until someone like Peter Jackson came along and actually cared about telling the story instead of raking in a box office smash.
Last edited by MorbidFetus (2006-07-25 17:22:17)
Even tho this is X-MEN, just tought you guys would like to see this: 
Neway, I think even we as in forum members, could make a better XMEN 4 script than some hollywood exec

Neway, I think even we as in forum members, could make a better XMEN 4 script than some hollywood exec