Lt.Goldman wrote:
Thanks for all the replies !k30dxedle wrote:
Suggestion: On the EU server page, maybe put the map rotation? (I've forgotten it myself)
That's a good idea ! keep those kind of ideas coming guys together we can make it an awesome site!
ghettoperson wrote:
Only small complaint, can you get rid of the grey lines that appear on the picture of the basecamp? I think it's something to do with the clickable boxes.
Does anyone else has this ?
Cause in my IE 6 it looks 1 solid picture (until you click on it but then you change page anyway)
I've updated the site with more fancy pictures
- NEW latest news page
- NEW page headers
- NEW exit page
- changes some links
...Why are you still reading this ?
go check it out !
Thats with Firefox
I think you may misuderstand me though, they just appear when you click on them, so it isn't the end of the world, but for that profesional finish, you may figure out a way to change it.
EDIT: Never mind, it does appear to be all the time now. I don't actually know why though.
That's what it looks like to me.

EDIT part 2: Strange, it looks perfect in Opera, must be something about FF.
Last edited by ghettoperson (2006-07-25 07:42:26)