no...doesn't it suck though. Who else thinks that there should be a fourth one. I hated the third one, it was too short and they killed so many huge characters. Whats worse is that they set up for a sequel in the end even though they said it was the end of the trilogy. Wow, FOX is gay
did anyone see the thing at the end of the credits... 0mgs3qwull!
hey guys fill me in...
who dies in the third 1 of bit characters???
who dies in the third 1 of bit characters???
Zomg. Famke is hot. That is all.
no..c0mplex1ty wrote:
did anyone see the thing at the end of the credits... 0mgs3qwull!
wot happened?
I know!!!!!!!!! I used to think she was ugly, but after watching "sleepy hollow" (w/ johnny depp) I was like...zomg! But the real reason i liked her was b/c of Hide and Seek for some reason, I have no idea why.CO05 wrote:
Zomg. Famke is hot. That is all.
What did happen? I was so amazed by looking at my watch (the theater said the movie was supposed to be done at 5:00 but it was done at 4:30! IT WAS ONLY 1HR AND A HALF LONG!) not to mention utter digust to stick around
Last edited by xX[Elangbam]Xx (2006-07-24 18:16:31)
no that we are on topic with mutants and stuff...
any1 seen that there is a movie titelt Wolverine... in progress... set to be done in 2007 starring some Hugh jackman and Brian Cox....
any1 seen that there is a movie titelt Wolverine... in progress... set to be done in 2007 starring some Hugh jackman and Brian Cox....
thats stupid...not that Wolverine isn't kick ass, but I would never seperate a Team based genre EG: fantastic four. Still...they killed Cyclops....motherf**king FOXDrexor wrote:
no that we are on topic with mutants and stuff...
any1 seen that there is a movie titelt Wolverine... in progress... set to be done in 2007 starring some Hugh jackman and Brian Cox....
i dosent make sence makeing a movie over wolverrine and his search for his identity..... after watching the 2 X-men where you see the facility of where Wolverine is "produced" and that in the end Brian Cox dies... drownd because his was tied to a tree...:S
but if the story is about who Logan/ Wolverine was befor he became Wolverine.. and shit like that then i might be interrestet
but if the story is about who Logan/ Wolverine was befor he became Wolverine.. and shit like that then i might be interrestet
It is. I can't remember where I read about it, I'll see if I can dig up the link.Drexor wrote:
but if the story is about who Logan/ Wolverine was befor he became Wolverine.. and shit like that then i might be interrestet
I thought the casting was unbelievable (excpet for Berry, she demanded for a bigger part that they nerfed James Marsden's part (Cyclops). Hugh Jackman is the perfect Wolverine, James Marsden is the perfect Cyclops, Famke...well Famke is hot. Patrick Stewart ZOMG! He was awesome, he's such a great actor, should be in more movies these days. My only qualm was McKellen, he did great acting, but it was the costume I guess. His physique looked rather wimpy.SEREMAKER wrote:
4th one would be awesome and they did set it up ,,,,,,,,,,,, but I woulld want to see them make a true to character xmen movie ,,,,, they goofed up sp much through out the 3 movies it was unbelievable
i hope you can find the link... would like to read about it..Homeschtar wrote:
It is. I can't remember where I read about it, I'll see if I can dig up the link.Drexor wrote:
but if the story is about who Logan/ Wolverine was befor he became Wolverine.. and shit like that then i might be interrestet
Just make a fucking new movie, not 12 different movies on individule characters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just make a fucking new movie, not 12 different movies on individule characters
if you have time plz send me a pm or a link were i can get more to know on the story line on the movieSEREMAKER wrote:
the wolverine story line is tp be set during vietnam time line and to focus on weapon X
it seem like they cant give up the hole Xmen thing... so prepare yourself for 2007 THE YEAR OF THE XMEN........ 12 movies.... pick your xmen and watch their story..
damm lot of movies to see..
damm lot of movies to see..
casting was good - I got no problem there - it was one they went into characters I had a problem ie. 3rd movie Beast reachs hand out to the kid and his blue fur disappers {his fur isn't part of his mutant just a chemical accident he had another one is when Juggernaut is running through the walls till he gets to the room with the same kid and Kitty Pryde well he thomps his head against the wall { he isn't a mutant he is Pro X's brother [Cain Marko] who found some alien rock he wears that makes him big and bad }xX[Elangbam]Xx wrote:
I thought the casting was unbelievable (excpet for Berry, she demanded for a bigger part that they nerfed James Marsden's part (Cyclops). Hugh Jackman is the perfect Wolverine, James Marsden is the perfect Cyclops, Famke...well Famke is hot. Patrick Stewart ZOMG! He was awesome, he's such a great actor, should be in more movies these days. My only qualm was McKellen, he did great acting, but it was the costume I guess. His physique looked rather wimpy.SEREMAKER wrote:
4th one would be awesome and they did set it up ,,,,,,,,,,,, but I woulld want to see them make a true to character xmen movie ,,,,, they goofed up sp much through out the 3 movies it was unbelievable
don't forget also at the when Maurie is at the bedside of a patient you hear Pro X's voice so his mind is another bodyxX[Elangbam]Xx wrote:
DREXOR! The forum is being gay and saying that 60 seconds hasn't passed. AND I'M SORRY everyone!
ZOMG, 60 second rule and just typed a paragraph!
Ok make it short.
Magneto is playing chess in the park as a regular human right? He waves his hand over the pieces but doesn't touch it (remember he lost his powers) but the piece starts to wiggle. A sequel following this would suck b/c Cyclops, Xavier and JEAN GREY are all dead. Well Cyclops and Xavier could be in a different world b/c they were ripped atom by atom by the Phoenix (Jean Grey) but Jean Grey got forked by Wolverine.
Did anyone like the new Phoenix? I mean originally (asi i believe) it was a fiery phoenix but heres it Famke w/o any makeup. I sort of liked it b/c it made ppl new to X-Men understand it better I guess.
Anyway, this is ridiculous to what they're doing to the X-Men series now. Hopefully the movies will go Duke Nukem style; no silly I meant say that you're making a new one 10 years ago and never make it.
Anyway, this is ridiculous to what they're doing to the X-Men series now. Hopefully the movies will go Duke Nukem style; no silly I meant say that you're making a new one 10 years ago and never make it.
Maurie Povich? Good god! seriously, when did that happen? It's been a while since i saw the movie. But maybe if they make a new movie they'll use that idea to bring back Cyclops and Professor X to bodily form. What still gets me pissed is that Jean Grey is dead. I mean give me a break...SEREMAKER wrote:
don't forget also at the when Maurie is at the bedside of a patient you hear Pro X's voice so his mind is another body
the reason the 3rd one sucked was beacause they had a different director from the first 2
yeah I would love to see X-men based on the cartoon I use to watch when I was little they should of had like Apocolypse and Mr.Sinister as the evil guys not so much as Magneto, they should of had Magneto and charles working together against them to destroy them, also they should of had Cable from future he is a bad ass character and as well as Bishop.
ha ha good one --- they never show cyclops dead, we just assume it be you see her get mad nad then you see his glasses floaten around {maybe he just got knocked out} or whatever but with the Pro X he is over in Ireland with the doc [ well his mind in someone elses body ] but Xmen movies made ALOT of money and studios aren't about to just let a money maker fade off - of course they have the spin offs and Wolverine Movie will make alot but everyone will demand they get back on track and make a 4th - I wish marvel wouldn't let them be so careless with the story lines but it cold be worse we could have had another Batman and Robin [ I almost threw up when I came out it made me that sick to watch and they way they used Bane WOW good job DC ] but they redeemed themselves with Batman BeginsxX[Elangbam]Xx wrote:
Maurie Povich? Good god! seriously, when did that happen? It's been a while since i saw the movie. But maybe if they make a new movie they'll use that idea to bring back Cyclops and Professor X to bodily form. What still gets me pissed is that Jean Grey is dead. I mean give me a break...SEREMAKER wrote:
don't forget also at the when Maurie is at the bedside of a patient you hear Pro X's voice so his mind is another body
IF they ventured into a 4th Xmen I would like to see Apocalypse and then of course the would resurrect Dark Phoenix
Last edited by SEREMAKER (2006-07-24 19:00:18)