it's true.
often we see that on these boards: 'if you want infantry go play CS!!11onelol'
CS is a piece of garbage. it has some of the worst weapon balancing ever. if you took away all the guns except ak, m4, awp, and desert eagle from CS 1.6, no one would notice. CSS is a little better, but not by much.
the ballistics are retarded. hold down the trigger, and the muzzle climbs for a few shots, then STOPS while the bullets magically continue to spread out. apparently in CS, bullets can go where the gun ISN'T pointing. in fact, to be good at CS, you have to aim AWAY from your target. any good player knows, you have to 'pull-down' to counteract the 'recoil' so that you end up pointing at the guy's feet to hit his head. what an idiotic system.
CS is also repetitive to the point of nausea. you always spawn in the same place, everyone knows where everyone is going to go before anyone actually goes anywhere. the gunfights occur at the same choke points on the map over and over again.
of course, someone decided to make CSDM. deathmatch with shitty weapons, with no way to regenerate health and thus no way to control any part of the map. but even this half-a-deathmatch game is more fun than plain CS, because at least there can be surprises from the random spawning.
i hate CS.
often we see that on these boards: 'if you want infantry go play CS!!11onelol'
CS is a piece of garbage. it has some of the worst weapon balancing ever. if you took away all the guns except ak, m4, awp, and desert eagle from CS 1.6, no one would notice. CSS is a little better, but not by much.
the ballistics are retarded. hold down the trigger, and the muzzle climbs for a few shots, then STOPS while the bullets magically continue to spread out. apparently in CS, bullets can go where the gun ISN'T pointing. in fact, to be good at CS, you have to aim AWAY from your target. any good player knows, you have to 'pull-down' to counteract the 'recoil' so that you end up pointing at the guy's feet to hit his head. what an idiotic system.
CS is also repetitive to the point of nausea. you always spawn in the same place, everyone knows where everyone is going to go before anyone actually goes anywhere. the gunfights occur at the same choke points on the map over and over again.
of course, someone decided to make CSDM. deathmatch with shitty weapons, with no way to regenerate health and thus no way to control any part of the map. but even this half-a-deathmatch game is more fun than plain CS, because at least there can be surprises from the random spawning.
i hate CS.