I have Road Runner High Speed Internet and cable TV and for the past....ohhhh.....about 5 days, it has been disconnecting off and on. All the HD channels on our TV get bad connections and the regular cable channels get xome fuzzy lines. The internet works off and on too. I'll be on the internet and then get disconnected a couple minutes later. So while I was writing this, I just got disconnected in the middle of it. I'll have to press 'POST' right when I get re-connected. So I havent been on Xfire or playing any games lately and now I have to wait until they send some matinence guys up to fix the connection. One already came to see what was wrong. We thought it was the heat and part of it might be the heat, but there was something wrong with the cables and they have to fix it. I'm not exactly sure when they are going to fix it, but I hope it's soon cuz I'm 2,500 points away from Sergeant Major ..................................DANGIT RE-CONNECT ALREADY I'VE BEEN SITTING HERE FOR ABOUT 5 MINUTES NOW WATING TO RE-CONNECT SO I CAN PRESS 'POST' AND.......Oh there we go.
Sounds like the problems I get with my satellite internet connection. Living in the country means no cable at all.... )=
I get the stupid connect / disconnect syndrome all the time, so I feel your pain. I guess it probably hurts more being a cable connection and all... wouldn't expect those kind of problems.
I get the stupid connect / disconnect syndrome all the time, so I feel your pain. I guess it probably hurts more being a cable connection and all... wouldn't expect those kind of problems.