
Honestly, if we all start a thread about underaged, or immature admins, than this forums should not be called the 'BF2:SF - Compaints' section. Therefore I suggest a rename to : 'BF2:SF - Server admins that can not stand being raped by ranks higher than 2nd Lt.' or is that to big to put on the forum's index page?
To whom it may concern,

I would like to report the following instance of admin abuse that took place recently and is very much unsettling.  The following information applies.

Date/Time of incident: 17-Apr-2006, Approximately 15:05 EST (~ 20:12 GMT).

Server IP:

Map: Karkand

Admin: DEATH_OWNAGE_ACE (PID: 57644638)

Incident Description:

A friend (Pacewon) and I (NASMNLH) we playing on this server.  Pacewon had a good streak of kills in a Tank while I was driving next to him in a Vodnik.  Right after Pacewon killed a number of hostiles, as we moved toward the Suburb Pacewon was mysteriously and suddenly banned from the server.  Upon asking why Pacewon was banned I received an extremely nasty reply and was then myself banned from the server.  No harsh/foul words (neither over VOIP nor Text Chat) were exchanged between Pacewon or I and anyone else on that server.  This abuse was neither provoked nor justified and both Pacewon and I would very much like this incident acted upon as strongly and quickly as possible.  Attached is a screenshot of part of the incident.  I am interested in following this up and would appreciate any communications pertaining to this matter.  Thank you very much for your time and understanding.

Take Care,


P.S. I have posted this on the forums and on forums but thought it had a place on here also.

Last edited by NasmNLH (2006-04-17 13:16:00)


NasmNLH wrote:

Attached is a screenshot of part of the incident.
Horseman 77

megaboost wrote:

NasmNLH wrote:

Attached is a screenshot of part of the incident.
Case closed I geuss.
+4|6998|Steel City
Yeah, nice screen shots

But on a side note, take a look at the guy [ DEATH_OWNAGE_ACE (PID: 57644638) ] stats.
Favorite Victims & Worst Enemies list: It gets pretty interesting.
He killed mongoose1605  who is a captain 54 times I.A.R.!  yeaah. Check his kill streak and list out too!
He was killed by beranuHaong 92 times I.A.R.! surre. (death_ownage_ace) that is.

But, what are you going to do? ya know.
+0|6812|pegasus galaxy
I hear ya man. I've been kicked off a server he admins twice. He'll kick pretty much anyone who is
A) on the other team, or
B) capable of kicking his ass

He's got a sidekick, ArmyOfSwiss2 - dunno if he's as big a pap-smear as DEATH, but he sure doesn't
complain when DEATH boots the ppl who're wiping up the field with him.

He just doesn't seem as concerned about playing fair, as he does about winning, or at least salvaging
a round in which he's been (to borrow a phrase from him) OWNED.
maybe its cause he hasnt gotten any for a while......
and hes lonely
go love him and rub him see if he kiks ya then
Man of Moebius Morals
+71|6900|Nottingham, UK
Been playing Warload on Whitehall [DP] for the last couple of rounds, on Warlord. all is going well, I'm assaulting the palace, pretty much solo, and keep facing lots of defenders.

I take them down a few times, and in the course of trying to take and hold palace, I get to about 150 score,  and then, when I kill both [DP]AudieMurphy, and [DP]Para.uk1, I suddenly get kicked 'to make room for an admin'.

I wait a minute, and rejoin, and continue, a clanmate shows up, and spawns on me under 3rd floor flag room.
We go upstairs to take the flag, and 4 insurgents spawn, we kill them, and then another spawns and kills us.

I am then banned and kicked for 'spawnkilling' as is my clanmate.

Be warned. These 2 [DP] members, either kicked and banned me themselves, or asked a 3rd [DP] member with admin to come and ban me, for no other reason than I was doing well on their server, odds are, if you are lucky or good, they will ban and kick you too.

Also, is there any way to have anything done about admins who abuse their 'powers' on ranked servers, as I would like to report them to the appropriate people if so.

Ps: heres the funny bit. As I said, my clanmate was banned and kicked for spawnkilling as well.

With 0 score he managed to spawnkill? LOL

Last edited by Foxhoundmgw (2006-07-18 14:44:30)

Do One Ya Mug !!!
oh dear, what a shame
yup i know how you feel. just try and avoid clan servers. or if not, i try to play on em when clan members arent on. thats about all you can do when there admin is on ly 12yrs old.
Junglist Massive
Look out for the SF server marked PLAY.ME with admins with the {mafia}uk tag.  They've been banned from loads of servers for glitching and hacking (including the bf2s EU server, search GLEN{MAFIA}UK) but they really took the piss today.  I was showing them up by working with a good squad and getting golds and silvers every round, and they kicked me for "Spamming Messages" when I'd barely said a word all round, and hadn't needed to spot as there was a decent commander on duty.  After my 1 minute ban expired I rejoined, and while they were banning players for "nob" (I kid ye not, that was the reason given) I got a warning for "nob".  Then they all pissed off, and when they came back a few rounds later they chose to kick me to make room for an admin, despite the fact that I had a low ping and the highest score on the server... got back in and a few minutes later the same thing... only this time they perma-banned me to "make room for an admin"... arseholes.
+68|6998|Reefersyde, CA
EA should CARD for ADMIN rights.   TO A RANKED server.  no child is smart enuff to use it right. most adults arent.
One more server not to join..
+6|7066|Blackburn, UK

UnOriginalNuttah wrote:

Look out for the SF server marked PLAY.ME with admins with the {mafia}uk tag.  They've been banned from loads of servers for glitching and hacking (including the bf2s EU server, search GLEN{MAFIA}UK) but they really took the piss today.  I was showing them up by working with a good squad and getting golds and silvers every round, and they kicked me for "Spamming Messages" when I'd barely said a word all round, and hadn't needed to spot as there was a decent commander on duty.  After my 1 minute ban expired I rejoined, and while they were banning players for "nob" (I kid ye not, that was the reason given) I got a warning for "nob".  Then they all pissed off, and when they came back a few rounds later they chose to kick me to make room for an admin, despite the fact that I had a low ping and the highest score on the server... got back in and a few minutes later the same thing... only this time they perma-banned me to "make room for an admin"... arseholes.
That same bloke .. (or NOB as I called him for TK'ing me twice on trot) Banned me as we'd been winning most rounds on PLAY.ME .. should rename server to PLAY.ME.BUT.DO.NOT.BEAT.ME.OR.U.GET.BANNED SERVER

also he BANNED 2 other members of [CLM] clan within a day or so..
Hey Guys,

I'm one of the [DP] members.

Firstly,our server is a 16 man and we intend to increase this soon. However, at present we only have 16 slots and actually have quite a lot of members. Therefore, we will kick to make room for admins. This info IS provided in the server details.

I apologise for this however, at the end of the day, if a DP wants to play, OR good acquaintances of DP then we will make room.

Furthermore, we operate a VERY Strict policy on our server. WE pay for it, WE dictact the rules. I would like to think our server rules are VERY lenient. That is, you can use whatever weapon you want, in what capacity. The only things we disalllow is Base raping uncappable bases. (incidentally, to some guys who were playing tonight.. the fact I took out the TOW "NEAR" the uncap base on Warlord is NOT base raping. I was taking out a weapon that was being fired at us offensively )

We WILL Warn and kick people who disprespect us, Team kill deliberately etc..  all the ususual bad form that we ALL hate playing this game.  Sometimes people will be kicked immediately with NO warning. We operate a Zero Tolerance policy as well.

There is NO intention to be power hungry as admins but remember when you come to OUR server, you are using OUR resources. It is NOT provided to US free of charge. Therefore, we will endeavour to ensure that ALL DP's can play, All close friends of DP can play and any guest who comes can play providing they behave.

I've played on too many servers where there is NO admin presence and idiots run rife. I've also played on too many servers where the rules are there to ensure that ONLY the server owners come out on top.

Our rules are come, play fair, have a good time and respect us.

For those who feel aggrieved about how they have been treated. My apologies. Please feel free to drop by and post your concerns if you wish. We will certainly take on board your complaint and see if we can come to a diplomatic resolution...  LOL normally what happens is the person making the complaint somehow ends up with a set of DP tags

Fox, I wasn't online of course when you were kicked so I don't know the details really. I don't see you as being banned on the server at this point though.

Anyway. My ramble over. My apologies said.

Lets play some BF2

Last edited by Sparhawk (2006-07-22 18:44:12)

Was on my Favorite server K-Play.De Dalian Only. The only one that never crashed on me. Had played about 2 rounds, gets to the third and the usual run for the J10 ends up in my favour. Cool, i thought. Was flying for about 5 minuted when im BANNED for stealing Vehicles AND teamkilling. I had about 4 kills - no teamkills, and this fuck of an admin boernie11 Bans me.

Funnily enough hes playing on a Knife and Pistol Only server now. Statpadding motherfucking faggot.

When i can be arsed too, im going to visit you on your Knife Pistol Only server and get you reset. That should about make up for the ban

Anyway, if you ever read this boernie....I was their first, you were just to slow.
Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted..!!
+736|6884|Area 51
Playing (-BS-) Steel blablabla server
Set to 24/7 Ghost Town
I play there, and uuh, get banned for bunnyhoppin, goddamn, I think I'm gonna join a server now and TK everyone
Cheeky Keen
+329|6875|Kent, UK
Hockey Nut
+243|6849|Boston, MA
Yeah admins are usually little babies. I was playing a round at Dalian and we were Chinese, we were just dominating with all the points. So I took an APC to get to their base. I jumped onto the runway part of the air carrier and hopped in the blackhawk and just started to mow people down with that insane chaingun. I then stole a jet and started flying around. After I crashed from flying around for a couple of minutes the admin warned me for stealing their vehicles. I mean come on, it's war, part of the strategy is to make sure the opposing side has as little assets to help them as possible, you're supposed to steal vehicles! Then I argue with him and then he kicks me because he has to get babied because he's an admin.
+69|7028|th3 unkn0wn

RDMC(2) wrote:

Playing (-BS-) Steel blablabla server
Does the BS in the server name stand for BullShit?
Ima Crunchatize you.
+170|7002|The Lou
i got kicked from the wake server by the Tn guys, and it was cause i was owning in the J-10 and then i get kicked for high ping and i look at my ping and it was 49, go back in and the guy bans me for "blah blah blah"
Hockey Nut
+243|6849|Boston, MA
Grr, I just came off a server where the clan members are all hypocrites. The server is called *=HR=*Hellsrangers. The ip is

First off, the USMC were absolutely just dominating us all. They had 5 HR members and 3 other random people. We had 6 people, all unorganized and 3 privates (I mean ranks don't really mean much to me but you could tell these guys were new to the game.) They were absolutely dominating with every point and in the air. I was doing my part keeping the enemy out of the air. I ended up dominating which surprised me since I never had much experience in the air (I think maybe 2 hours total but I have a lot of piloting experience from BF1942 and Ace Combat 5.) It got to the point where I somehow quickly destroyed both planes and the attack heli at Fushe Pass so I went back to their main base. I blew up their attack heli as it was lifting off and the guy warned me for attacking uncap. All at the same time, their jets were attacking me while I was in our uncap. I realized that our heli was gone for a while, I figured out the enemy stole it since it wouldn't come up on my map and it wasn't respawning. I eventually ran into it too. I then stole their jet and they warned me for stealing vehicles. I was fucking pissed. WTF is with all these retarded rules where clans get such a big advantage. And when did all these stupid rules come into play? I wasn't even base raping for them to complain about that, I shot homing missiles at a friggin heli that started to fly away, how is that base raping? And who ever came up with the "No Stealing Vehicles" rule? Damn it, I'm pissed with all these awful servers I'm running into lately with their shit admins. Any good clans out there want to be awesome and absolutely rape this clan in a scrim for me? That would be awesome. If so, I'd like a screenshot of the end, thank you.
+540|6822|Shanghai, ethnicity=German
This space for rent
+117|6896|Arlen, Texas
Stay away from server IP

They like to stack the teams, 15 vs. 10, let the rape begin.Plus we had 2-3 AFKs.
Yes the 'admins' knew, they were holding us down while their teammates stuck it to us.
It was pretty fair till the map switch, but I guess they got greedy and needed to pad a little bit.

See you on other servers!
I am an X-Phile
Oh I've seen a retarded clan server. It has teamkill punish on, one of the rules is "Do NOT punish [GI*Joe] clan members for teamkills or you will be kicked". They expect that people won't punish them for TKing and that because they are a member of a certain clan *they* are exempt from the rules. Don't go into any server with the name'[GI*Joe]' in it.

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