Aight for all you people who use x-fire out there. i have this problem which started about 2 days ago now. my problem is that when i log in x-fire it goes to the screen w/ all your friends and shit but then it like freezes. i asked one of my buddies if i was still on x-fire and he said yea and tried to message me but i couldnt see anything. i never had this problem b4 and i thought it would just go away like the bf2 problems we get sometimes. i've uninstalled it and reinstalled it and have the latest version also. im out of ideas so can any1 help me??
it was happening to me but it fixed itself
yea i was hoping that also but its been about 2 days!! i guess ill wait a lil longer....
Same here m8 .Its been freezeing and also before that my friends didnt receive there pm's either.Its kinnda gay because i have loads of peeps on it and i like seeing what maps/servers they are on before going off to play a quick game.
ok well thats good to know its not only me now. must be something w/ x-fire...hope they fix it soon......
I had a lot of problems like that with XFire recently.
well what do u guys do when this happens? i restart my comp and 99% of the time x-fire works but it takes like 2 restarts to make it work ffs. and i dont like doing that....what do u guys do?
ive tried rebooting but doing 2/3 times has done nothing for it