Give that man a cookie!
This IQ Test is Lame. Try this one :
Do the TA3 one not CMA.
Do the TA3 one not CMA.
Last edited by dc_involved (2006-07-20 09:54:58)
its to Americanized, IE people from other places in the world have a lower chance of knowing the general knowledge section thus, making it seen Americans are more cleaver.
bloody hell that high iq one is really hard....
if you get over 140 your a genius
i got 138
i got 138
Last edited by TheNaziPredator (2006-07-20 10:15:11)
Ha ha - subgenius.TheNaziPredator wrote:
if you get over 140 your a genius
i got 138
Edit - I'm being sarcastic BTW
Last edited by Pug (2006-07-20 10:49:01)
133cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:
i got 124 on the high society one
Your score places you in the top five percent of the population. This qualifies you for membership in the International High IQ Society.
My sister was part of the Middle School/High School gifted programs. I was not though, but attended the same classes as the gifted group. Thing was that I graduated number 2 in my class, among all those classified as gifted. My best friend was Validictorian of our high school, but he pursued a radio/television degree.
Last edited by Ilocano (2006-07-20 11:17:58)
I got 129. Good, bad, indifferent? Got 130 on the other test - High IQ society one. On the border between 'High Intelligence' and 'Superior Intelligence' apparently.
Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-07-20 11:48:52)

got 128 in the high iq society test.
Those IQ tests suck. General knowledge does not in ANY WAY determine your capacity for intelligence.
Have actually done either of the tests, there are like 5 general knowledge based questions...
I got 100, the worst yet
Got 135 on the first one. And the second one, i got 128
i klicked trough in 1 minutes without even lokking at the questions!
Your IQ score is 99!
Your IQ score is 99!
Just split it up and you got 1 man with 1 hour on the left and another man with 1 hour on the right.Jejjk wrote:
And, wouln't it, theoratically (?spelling?) take 2 hours?Use0fWeapons wrote:
lol, dude ita a joke. You cant dig half a holeChoumichel wrote:
1 hour
Both dig 1 hole in 2 hours so being split up it will take them 1 hour to dig half a hole.
This test is a fucking joke.
Your IQ score is 120!
i no not great :-(
i no not great :-(
*sigh*Jello.01 wrote:
Eh... World Geography ftw? It's a country.Jejjk wrote:
Ok, a city then.Jello.01 wrote:
It's Germany.
N...O S....H....I....T
Jesus, do I need to put a stupid fucking smiley after every sentence?
I thought it was PRETTY OBVIOUS that i wasn't serious.
Ok well then, heres another one for you, Mr.Quiz:
NO, why the hell do you divide the time??Choumichel wrote:
Just split it up and you got 1 man with 1 hour on the left and another man with 1 hour on the right.Jejjk wrote:
And, wouln't it, theoratically (?spelling?) take 2 hours?Use0fWeapons wrote:
lol, dude ita a joke. You cant dig half a hole
Both dig 1 hole in 2 hours so being split up it will take them 1 hour to dig half a hole.
This test is a fucking joke.
2 men = 2 hours for one hole
1 man = 4 hours for one hole
1 man = 2 hours for half a hole
I got a 135..
Native Dutch + English IQ-test.
I give myself a cookie!
Native Dutch + English IQ-test.
I give myself a cookie!
I wouldn't put too much faith in internet IQ tests. If you want your real IQ score, go pay a psychologist to give you a real, honest to god timed IQ test like the Weschler or Stanford Binet.
i clicked randomly and got 102.........