If you spend 4-12 hours infront of that glowing gadget then this is where you put what got you hooked onto, and why. I'm addicted to the computer, and I admit it...Post your stories here.
Me? I would probably be working in a grocery store, bike riding with friends, playing CONSOLE, getting more girls...Instead of those school girls at my school, BAH fugleh! Making some cash to get a car and go on a road trip. But instead I got some inheritance a while back (2,000$ about 3 years ago) I didn't have a computer, so I thought, what the hell, why not? And since back then I was a console gamer, I thought I might pick up an FPS game to go along with it.
PART ONE Discovery of BF series: This guy talks me into customizing it, don't remember with what, but I did it. Great computer at the time, ran BF1942 (the game I got...) smooth. I was fucking addicted. I first used name Nismo here. Gunning bitches down with my Thompson. Ran across MoonGamers server. I joined, the people were nice, so I joined TeamSpeak. Was there for about a year and half, discovered Desert Combat and Galactic Conquest mods. Renewed my love for the computer. At the downfall for '42 for me, I left MGers from pure bordom...But the drama was fun.
PART TWO Counter-Strike: I fucking love this game, still do. (Never played 1.6, so sftu) Love it, love it, love it...No tanks or vehicles, just infantry ownage. Zombie mod came out, I was one of the first ones to play it. After several weeks of CS:Sing, I changed my name to iThong™, don't ask. Spent a coupla years on this game...Good stuff...
PART THREE BF2: And I thought I was addicted to CS:S, fuck this game was fucking awesome during the wonderful 1.03 - 1.12 days, I learned to bunny hop / dolphin dive. I joined a clan called :EtO: (ETO = Elite tactical operatives) Played TWL and CAL, THAT was fucking great. My team blew though... 8v8s we got smoked, 5v5s, I was the one that won it for us IF we won...that broke up. 1.21...NEEERRFF, slightly less addicting, couldn't C4 chuck or jump and shoot anymore, starting to get old....1.3: Fuck infantry at this point. I discovered a love for TV missiles, I was a great pilot before all this...Making me a solo-ist as I say. J-10s as well. Bf2 stopped working. I stopped playing.
PART FOUR MMORPGS: Here I am now, playing Guild Wars, Silkroad, Maplestory, I don't give a fuck what you think, I love these games. I now hang out with Cougar, and play GW, and some occasional zombie modding when noobs aren't gaying up the baracade . MMORPGs are great IMO, EA, as far as I know, dosn't make a good one, so I think I'll stick to this genera for a bit.
I'll probably be editing this for a bit... If I don't get too bored.
(If this has been posted before, I don't care, mines special.)
Me? I would probably be working in a grocery store, bike riding with friends, playing CONSOLE, getting more girls...Instead of those school girls at my school, BAH fugleh! Making some cash to get a car and go on a road trip. But instead I got some inheritance a while back (2,000$ about 3 years ago) I didn't have a computer, so I thought, what the hell, why not? And since back then I was a console gamer, I thought I might pick up an FPS game to go along with it.
PART ONE Discovery of BF series: This guy talks me into customizing it, don't remember with what, but I did it. Great computer at the time, ran BF1942 (the game I got...) smooth. I was fucking addicted. I first used name Nismo here. Gunning bitches down with my Thompson. Ran across MoonGamers server. I joined, the people were nice, so I joined TeamSpeak. Was there for about a year and half, discovered Desert Combat and Galactic Conquest mods. Renewed my love for the computer. At the downfall for '42 for me, I left MGers from pure bordom...But the drama was fun.
PART TWO Counter-Strike: I fucking love this game, still do. (Never played 1.6, so sftu) Love it, love it, love it...No tanks or vehicles, just infantry ownage. Zombie mod came out, I was one of the first ones to play it. After several weeks of CS:Sing, I changed my name to iThong™, don't ask. Spent a coupla years on this game...Good stuff...
PART THREE BF2: And I thought I was addicted to CS:S, fuck this game was fucking awesome during the wonderful 1.03 - 1.12 days, I learned to bunny hop / dolphin dive. I joined a clan called :EtO: (ETO = Elite tactical operatives) Played TWL and CAL, THAT was fucking great. My team blew though... 8v8s we got smoked, 5v5s, I was the one that won it for us IF we won...that broke up. 1.21...NEEERRFF, slightly less addicting, couldn't C4 chuck or jump and shoot anymore, starting to get old....1.3: Fuck infantry at this point. I discovered a love for TV missiles, I was a great pilot before all this...Making me a solo-ist as I say. J-10s as well. Bf2 stopped working. I stopped playing.
PART FOUR MMORPGS: Here I am now, playing Guild Wars, Silkroad, Maplestory, I don't give a fuck what you think, I love these games. I now hang out with Cougar, and play GW, and some occasional zombie modding when noobs aren't gaying up the baracade . MMORPGs are great IMO, EA, as far as I know, dosn't make a good one, so I think I'll stick to this genera for a bit.
I'll probably be editing this for a bit... If I don't get too bored.
(If this has been posted before, I don't care, mines special.)
Last edited by PspRpg-7 (2006-07-20 09:49:25)