LOL! That's a must-have!
that looked cool. they should make it a animated movie instead of a game.
I was thinking the exact same thing, it reminded me somehow of The Incredibles.dankassasin42o wrote:
that looked cool. they should make it a animated movie instead of a game.
This is a game? Is it out yet?
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
oh boy... love TFC and played for more than 5 years actively in a clan - I'm a bit skeptic about those funny comic graphics. I hope it will still be able to do decent concs, rocketjumps and stuff like that
but I'll get it anyway 'cause I've been waiting for it ever since they announced it back in the 90's
but I'll get it anyway 'cause I've been waiting for it ever since they announced it back in the 90's
it will be released with half life episode 2haffeysucks wrote:
This is a game? Is it out yet?
oh and for those interested in a total converison of TFC - there will be fortress forever and it'll prolly reach beta status in the first week of august!
Yeah, its got the Incredibles animation all over it, it looks goofy, but in some cases, goofy can be fun.
The goofiness in this animation looks like awesome fun, I love how they are animated.d3v1ldr1v3r13 wrote:
Yeah, its got the Incredibles animation all over it, it looks goofy, but in some cases, goofy can be fun.
That is going to be such a hit! *Laughs at the Soldier*
I can't wait for this to come out. Looks fun. Oh man, the days of playing TFC for Quake 1. *drool*
That wasn't TFC, that's QWTF. TFC's a joke compared to QWTFbubbass wrote:
I can't wait for this to come out. Looks fun. Oh man, the days of playing TFC for Quake 1. *drool*
hmm the graphics do look like The incredibles. lol i cant wait to play it
Wasn't this game supposed to be completed like 500 years ago ? Along with , shit it's been so long what was it called , Oh YEAH ! Duke Nukem Forever or some shit ? Fuck both these games lol , my patience gave up on these 2 games years ago . Won't even consider buying them when , IF , they come out .......
i'll sure as hell be getting that.. screw quake wars..
that.. and BF2142 are my next gaming purchases
that.. and BF2142 are my next gaming purchases
wtf is that a movie trailer? i love the pyro and sniper thou..
im glad to see TF2 is making some progress, nail grenades ftw!