And..... you make no sense what so ever.Des.Kmal wrote:
yeah, well, i have never ahad bf2, so i have HAD to make friends and enjoy the summer.
It's hot here,a word of advice.tvmissleman wrote:
i would go outside and play but it is FUCKING 100 DEGREES OUT SIDE NOW!!!!! IM SO PISSED!!jord wrote:
Use your spare time to have fun and go outside.Drexor wrote:
Today my computer crashed.... for good... so now i will have to wait over an entire weekend before i get it back, now you might be thinking " big deal, so what"....
let me tell you, this means that i will not be able to play my loved Battlefield2 for the rest of the WEEK!!!!...
please people, give me some advice of what i can use all this sparetime for???
I played Bf2 for the first time in a month today.
Go out with a shirt,jumper,hooded coat and a raincoat,will be cold in no time!
Oh and a scarf and hat.
maybe brome is different thatn broom... ... who knows.brome wrote:
maybe ahad is different to had? who knowsdes.kmal wrote:
i have never ahad bf2
lol, a serious spelling nazi. omfg, LOL
Add me on Origin for Battlefield 4 fun: DesKmal
How about snail racing, fast paced action on the drive way