+136|6828|Minnesota eh
i got mine from a girl that called me my "player name"
Psychotic Sniper Inc.
+76|6871|The Land of Claywhore
Mine is from Star Wars:Knights of the Old Republic II
6 x 9 = 42
+298|6846|Portland, OR USA
Mine is perhaps a bit too cerebral for this forum, but the Puck is from Midsummer Night's Dream and Mercury is from Roman mythology.  I add the second when Puck isn't available by itself.
+416|6814|United States
I got mine from when i used to play Megaman battlenetwork when i was 12, the program advance Masterstyle sounded pretty cool so i use that all the time for any game i play.
+1,128|6961|Burmecia, Land of the Rain
nothing interesting.

Just "the dark spawn of the mist" was a phrase used to describe the black mages in final fantasy 9..

and i liked black mages..

so i borrowed the phrase
Kick His Ass!
+371|7014|Howell, Mi USA
Friends have called me Cbass since high school and it kinda stuck.
Dolphin Diver
+37|6828|The Sky
I well I miss spelt Special. And I thought Shade was a sweet name. But it was taken, and spec ops is my fav kit so it came out as :

liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6994|Canberra, AUS
Well I tried Spark, but it's taken.

Then I tried {spark}, but for some reason it would't let me (doesn't exist?)

So I'm stuck with... yeah.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
Power Nubs Unite
I got mine when I was playing Black Hawk Down.  I ran around and shot everything so my name was triggerhappy at first then I joined a squad and had to shorten my name to trigger and its stuck ever since then
+1|6848|new york
i used to be in a german team only clan from the bf 1942 days, that means everytime we played we were germans, my friend told me to get this name and NOW i am fully aware of its meaning, i have endured lots of flaming and kept going
My name (Rildenes) started about a year and a half ago, when I played WoW.  My first character, a warrior, was named Izual (the corrupt angel guy from Diablo II).  I got reported for calling some guy gay and got a 3 hour ban.  While they were at it, Blizzard changed my name, using their magic random name-generator, because it was a trademark name or something.  So that's how Rildenes came to be.  I've basically stuck with it, on forums, game accounts and x-fire.  It's also a unique name, because it has no numbers, and when I do player searches on sites like this, there is only 1 of me, and no names even close to it.  I plan on sticking with it forever, since it's easy for people to find me later on, like when I move to a different game...
Property of BF2s©
+112|6902|Brisbane Australia
My name is very simply my most commonly used statement in any game......especially in an arty strike "Oh for fucks sake!!!"
well slightly before bf2 came out i started playing CS and this guy on voice chat was like "Fucking FUbar" and so it stuck and i just add my name to fubar and made FUbarjonny
Real Хорошо
+826|6839|Adelaide, South Australia

geez, this is going back years now....

i first started with the name WolfDog21 in Medal Of Honour: Allied Assault (it was a brand of a padlock, if you can believe that )

then after a while i moved on to its expansion pack, Spearhead, changing my name to S_K_I_A (Sniper Killed In Action; all i did was snipe, and i always got shot )

i then went through a phase where all my online names were German, so i took the nik NachteFuchs (NightFox)

lately ive been going through a werewolf phase and made a whole stack of names, so i just picked my favourite of them all:

Judge Death
im gaikiwarrior from the kids show crushgear . gaiki is supposed to be be the strongest gear in the world

i added warrior dont know y it sounds goofy now , but gaiki was taken . you can see a picture at i think or just google crushgear

see ya

i appear to have another crushgear name too Tigeraid . which has no points might use it as a new account

Last edited by GAIKIWARRIOR (2006-07-16 21:48:55)

What smells like tuna??
+115|6866|inside your nose.
my mom was in the USAF so i guess you could say i got the name from that... of course the plain AirForceOne was take so i just added a 1 onto the end.. a quick and simple fix at least.
Was ist Loos?

LT.Victim wrote:

polarbearz wrote:

So, the Question Here is How did you manage to miss the search button... From other forums? Parents? Friends? army... so on..
How did you manage not to read the Yellow Italic Print? Polar Bears are colourblind? Or where you to busy looking at your "Hard Gay Variety Show"?

Look Here. … bum/94.jpg
ooooooohhhhh snap!
Cursed You
Back when I first got into the forum life, I was a BIG GTAIII fan.  My favorite gang was the Yakuza, cause they didnt backstab you.  My screen name was "Yakuza Warlord" for a while, then it became too common.

When I started playing RS, all of the varients of Yakuza were taken, but one of my favorite players on there, his name was "I_Mahatma_I" and he was like insanely good and I stalked him.  So I changed my Yakuza to I_Yakuza_I.  It looks kinda cool with the I's look like they do on here rather than in the game.

As for my BF2S nickname, another Runescape player who Im mildly good friends with, his name is Cursed You.  And I think thats the coolest name Ive seen in a long time.
I.M.I Militant
We Are Not Alone In Here
+297|7038|Melbourne, Australia
mine came up from my love for israel and the i.m.i desert eagle

I.M.I_Militant ...  (usually playing on node wed)
Pwned so often there's an IPO.
+29|6824|Melbourne, Australia

Hurlin wrote:

Windrider_Melb wrote:

Windrider has been my handle since 1990; from my old BBS days.

I'm not a big FPS player; Wolfenstein, Doom, System Shock, Quake, ShogoMAD, Rainbow6...the original was my last FPS before BF2.

I used to play deathmatch Quake *so* badly that I used the handle Deadmeat. In fact that was the only other FPS I'd played multiplayer.

When I started playing BF2 the handle Windrider had gone already (to someone who still has zero points grrrr) so I added the first four letters of where I live; Windrider_Melb.

When I create a squad I use the custom name DEADMEAT because if how bad I am at FPS. Go look up my stats. Seriously. I suck. Sometimes I'll use JUSTJOINME as a squad name to get people to hop in with me.
I've been useing D3AD_M3AT sinse the early 90's wonder if your the other one people mistaken me for .....
I doubt it, I only played Quake 1 as Deadmeat and then it was only LAN games, no WAN games.

Still, if you see the squad name "Deadmeat" feel free to join me


Guess what my name stands for (It's an acronym) and get five bucks. No, TMo.
my friend from texas came to visit and we stayed up all night watching Crusty Demons of Dirt videos. and after that he started calling me crusty. that was like the freshman year of HS so 2000. 713 comes from my soccer numbers (7 and 13 is my bday) whenever Crusty is taken i use a combonation of those.

before crusty i was Anifreeze (note no T)since like 5th grade. i got that while posting on an Animorphs book forum thing. everyone used ani-somthin or other so i picked that one and soon signed up for a hotmail account with it as well (which i never check anymore as all i get is spam)

Crusty is my main name but while playing call of duty at LANs or pretty much any game at 4am, i tend to lose my mind and rename myself just random crap ie "Amusing Name" "JeebusFish" or my favorite "I_Have_To_Poop!"

I can also go by any of these (most of which ive stolen) when the craziness/bordom sets in:
Slasho McMurderson
Joe Kickass
Johnny Douchebag
Studley McDougly
Captain Dash SuperStud
Raunchy McSmutbag
Admiral Awesome
Sir Altitude of Airtime

Last edited by Crusty (2006-07-16 22:26:20)

colors that end in urple
+130|6851|Orlando, FL
Eh, <KoS> is the clan I'm in..and I've been using the name Audio ever since back in the AOL warez days
Nay vee, bay bee.
+1,396|7066|The United Center
It's my name.

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