I dont own any guns, but I go to the range with my buddy and shoot.  So far I've shot the following guns:

M1 Garand (exact replica from WWII, used for competition shooting, really fun)
FAL (Assault rifle used in Israel's Army I believe)
S&W Model 500 Magnum (.50 cal revolver, 2600 ft/lbs of muzzle energy as compared to a .44 magnum which has         about 900 ft/lbs of muzzle energy.  By far the most insane gun I have ever shot.)
.22 Rifle (who hasnt shot a 22...)

The guy I go shooting with deals with army surplus equipment, so he also has a minigun which he uses from time to time.  He runs spent shells through it in some demonstrations to show how fast it is, and he can put 300 casings in the air before the first one hits the ground... insane. Oh, and it shoots a .306 cartridge.  He put 6000 live rounds through it in 30 seconds in a demonstration where he tore apart an old police car.  They had to carry the car off the range in pieces afterwards.

Lastly, he owns a howitzer, and he does demonstrations with concrete filled rounds.  No explosive, but still packs enough punch to go through one side of an apc at several hundred yards, and flip it on it's roof.

Last edited by General_Nuts (2005-11-19 10:43:46)

make it funny plz
my dad owns a m82a1 sniper and thats the onley one we got
.22 Air Rifle and a .177 pistol (great scope on the .22)
BB Replica of - L85, L96A1, M16 and classic WW2 gun Thomson M1 A1 sub machine gun
Rules over Sesamestreet
+5|7075|The Netherlands
isnt it cool?

Last edited by fdcp_elmo (2005-11-19 12:25:40)

I've got replicas of 2 M4, a G36C, a M24 (my favourite, 5 joules, very powerful), a M14, a FAMAS F1, a G3A3 SG, two pistols (a glock and a SIG something I think) and I may buy a M249 SAW for Christmas (850€ but nice gift isn't it ?). Currently I'm running dry of ammo (plactic bullets are very expensive in my country and it's normally forbidden to have soft guns without a special licence, but who cares ? I LOVE having such "weapons", and they remain pretty good for self-defense.
Mass Media Casualty

I don't like people with big guns, (present company excluded,) because once when I went out hunting with a mates mate who had a modified AK, (yes you can get them in NZ but you have to have a special licence and go through all this fucking red tape.)

The guy was totally irresponsible. I found myself constanly ducking as he swung this mean beast every which-way. In the morning I woke up with the fucking barrel pointed at my head. The fucker was sleeping with his bloody rifle!
[Blinking eyes thing]
Pojebany Hlop
+1|7159|Sicily, Italy
berreta 9mm
12 gauge shotty

i don't own them but i use them on a daily basis.

Last edited by Stasiek (2005-11-20 13:34:03)

sarg tom
i have a old school paint ball gun. i also have a 20 guage shotgun, pellet gun and of course my biggest guns are my abs!!! yea baby
Death StatPadder
+228|7088|Human Meat Shield
Yeah! I like Paintball.
Base Rapist
Oh and by the way, for anyone that wants a gun for home defense, get a pump action shotgun, lever action might work, but with a pump when you chamber a round, you pump the shotgun, its a very distinct sound and anyone stupid enough to stay in a house when they hear that sound is stupid. Unloaded or loaded it makes the same sound.

Oh, and I hate people that are irresponsible with guns, my brother was like that one day, pointed a BB pistol at me. The pistol was weak I know that, and it was unloaded, but its totally an irresponsible thing to do. Just like a car you have to respect it, and when you don't you risk the chance of accidents. Nonetheless my brother eventually got shot with a BB rifle in the back of leg one day even with the safety on by a friend because they weren't practicing gun control, and weren't watching where the barrels were pointed. I have seen the same on TV by Iraqis that were working with the US soldiers firing guns randomly in the air(the bullets come back down and do damage, although then they are restricted to terminal velocity, which is still pretty powerful), and I have seen some Iraqis pointing guns around like a laser pointer or wildly around. Some people don't understand that guns are dangerous and they need to be handled properly. You don't go shoving a sword in someone's face, so don't point a gun at anyone in jest ever.
OMG, you guys have weapons, if you get seen with a BB gun here in britian you will be locked up, and in us you can just go and buy a hand gun for $10. omg
HEY'.. amongst' my "NOTABLE"  arsonal is >

model 70 ( pre 64 ) winchester 338 winmag ( belted round )

M-1 Garand (45 model) with match grade barrel all origianl  ( was used at camp perry for match shoots )

45/70 lever action marlin gov't 1895-SS (belted round ) can shoot up to 500 grain shells . 

m-1 30.caliber (tanker semi auto, 43 model ) all original 

sks (chinese) 7.62 mm

M-14 , springfield armory

and one hand gun ,  357-magnum (ruger revolver)


accept no substitute when ya wanna keep those kids in their own dam

I would like to say that all guns are dangerous .



Last edited by VIKING-LOVER1 (2005-11-19 18:53:56)

+3|7106|The Void

shaunboulton wrote:

OMG, you guys have weapons, if you get seen with a BB gun here in britian you will be locked up, and in us you can just go and buy a hand gun for $10. omg
Sucks to be a Subject...

sub·ject    ( P )  Pronunciation Key  (sbjkt)
1. Being in a position or in circumstances that place one under the power or authority of another or others: subject to the law

Proud to be a citazen

cit·i·zen   noun.
1. A person owing loyalty to and entitled by birth or naturalization to the protection of a state or nation.
2. A resident of a city or town, especially one entitled to vote and enjoy other privileges there.
3. A civilian.
4. A native, inhabitant, or denizen of a particular place: “We have learned to be citizens of the world, members of the human community” (Franklin D. Roosevelt

Oh yeah I have a 8 guns.

Last edited by ENTR0PYMAN (2005-11-19 18:58:40)

+0|7106|Rockhampton Qld
6 glock .40 semi autos
3 357 magnums
1 9mm beretta
1 12 gauge pump action shot gun
1 303 cut down 270 sniper rifle

thats it boring i know
Moving Target
A HK USP chambered in .40 SW and a Ruger Mark 2 .22LR.

The Ruger is the Government Target Slab and is a nail driver.  My targets are the caps off of 2 liter bottles at 25 meters.  Does a fine job on the pest animals around the farm too.

I would like to buy a .22LR rifle and maybe a decent hunting rifle.  Maybe a Remington M700 in 8mm Rem Ultra Mag, and top it off with some Zeiss optics.  A 870 would be pretty good too.
+0|7055|Almere, Holland

Lawk wrote:

I currently own a Ruger Mini-30 and am looking at twelve gauge shotguns.
I dont own a gun

Horseman 77 wrote:

SharkyMcshark wrote:

You people all make me sick with your arsenals.


You cant tell me that you all own ak 47s, and sniper rifles and m16s for home defense
This is called hoplophobia a Fear of tools. Its not that commen.
I take it that's a joke. If it isn't then you should refrain from stating unfounded diagnoses of conditions you have no possible reason for claiming someone has. If you think you can say someone has 'Hoplophobia' through a statement like the one sharky made then you are the mentally ill person.
$623,493,674,868,715.98 in Debt

Interesting post, I see that the AK's are very popular around here. Maybe I should look into purchasing one.

I don't own anything cool, just my trusty M95 barrett and a Tactical USP with a silencer :-)

No I'm not a hit man, hehe, I'm just a big fan of .50 cal sniping (that and I got a deal I couldn't refuse). And as for the pistol, nothing feels cooler than shooting a silenced handgun, trust me on that.
Moving Target

GotMex? wrote:

Interesting post, I see that the AK's are very popular around here. Maybe I should look into purchasing one.

I don't own anything cool, just my trusty M95 barrett and a Tactical USP with a silencer :-)

No I'm not a hit man, hehe, I'm just a big fan of .50 cal sniping (that and I got a deal I couldn't refuse). And as for the pistol, nothing feels cooler than shooting a silenced handgun, trust me on that.
Did it throw you off on how noisy a silenced weapon really is?  It did me the first time I ever shot one.

Burning_Monkey wrote:

GotMex? wrote:

Interesting post, I see that the AK's are very popular around here. Maybe I should look into purchasing one.

I don't own anything cool, just my trusty M95 barrett and a Tactical USP with a silencer :-)

No I'm not a hit man, hehe, I'm just a big fan of .50 cal sniping (that and I got a deal I couldn't refuse). And as for the pistol, nothing feels cooler than shooting a silenced handgun, trust me on that.
Did it throw you off on how noisy a silenced weapon really is?  It did me the first time I ever shot one.
i know what you mean. i shot a silenced rifle once, and it sounded like someone throwing the auckland directory at the floor. i suppose it was quiter than it could have been, but still.

shaunboulton wrote:

OMG, you guys have weapons, if you get seen with a BB gun here in britian you will be locked up, and in us you can just go and buy a hand gun for $10. omg
look at my location   (scotland)

it depends how old you are dude,
UK Airguns and Young Persons

The laws concerning the use of airguns by young persons are as follows:-

Any one under the age of 14 can only use an airgun whilst under the direct supervision and control of someone over 21, whilst on private property with the permission of the owner of the premises.

A person aged between 14 and 17 can use an airgun on private property where they have a right to be, without supervision.

They may carry an unloaded rifle (but not a pistol) in a public place only if it is in a securely fastened gun cover so that it cannot be fired, an under 14 year old must again be directly supervised by an over 21 year old.

A pistol can only be carried by someone over 17, again it must be unloaded and in a securely fastened case.         have a read on that

edit - not MY CO2 air rifle but its the exact same moddle an i have a better scope

Last edited by Green-Lynx (2005-11-20 02:41:09)


shaunboulton wrote:

OMG, you guys have weapons, if you get seen with a BB gun here in britian you will be locked up, and in us you can just go and buy a hand gun for $10. omg
some moron brought his air rifle to school to show people once. within 20 minutes members of the armed offenders squad (sort of like a SWAT team, but in NZ and AUS) showed up and ordered his surrender.
hahaha what a moron. but yeah the police are pretty anal about it here too, you get police coming to talk to you for carrying things like a hockey stick
its amazing 2 think about what people have in their houses these days... lol. what do ya do with em, stare at em? or hunt or something?
Moving Target

Aslan_the_Creator wrote:

its amazing 2 think about what people have in their houses these days... lol. what do ya do with em, stare at em? or hunt or something?
I use mine about one a week, for target shooting or pest control.
$623,493,674,868,715.98 in Debt

Burning_Monkey wrote:

Did it throw you off on how noisy a silenced weapon really is?  It did me the first time I ever shot one.
Haha yea, it's kinda weird at first with how loud it can be since I was thinking "what's the point of the silencer then?". However after shooting the M95 a lot, anything sounds soft compared to that.

One of the instructors at the gun range told us that while it's still loud, a lot of the low frequency sounds get muffled out. These are the ones that find it easiest to travel long distances and through objects such as walls. The higher frequiencies are still there but they don't carry as easy. So while a silencer doesn't silence hollywood style, it's still pretty cool. (Plus it just looks awesome).

Aslan_the_Creator wrote:

its amazing 2 think about what people have in their houses these days... lol. what do ya do with em, stare at em? or hunt or something?
I just go to a nearby shooting range every weekend or so. Ammo for the M95 doesn't come cheap so I don't shoot it as much as I'd like. I'm still finishing college so money can be tight sometimes and I have to trade off between food, school books, and ammo hehe.

I don't know about other people but shooting can be a great stress relief sometimes. I usually go with a couple of friends and that makes it even more fun.

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