These people can be really big assholes sometimes.
A few years ago, my Dad went over to Korea to sell a hovercraft to someone that supposedly wanted to buy one. The fuck head then stole copy's of all the designs and started his own company, ripping off my dads established hovercraft company.
Here is the website.
SCAT Hovercraft
And here is My Dads Website
Airlift Hovercraft
This Dumb ass doesn't know ANYTHING about hovercraft's, yet he is making them. I know he doesn't know anything about them for these reasons:
- He has OUR hovercraft pictures on the banner at the homepage.
- He has just COPY and PASTED nearly all of the information about hovercraft's
- He has just changed the names of OUR designs, and edited the information he stole.
- Most of the info. he edited doesn't even make sense, because some parts still have the original names.
This is from their version of the Sovereign 600 Ambulance Hovercraft.

His Imitation, just photo-shopped on top of some other random hovercraft

^As you can see, he made it look like some butt ugly hovercraft, when the REAL finished product is actually quite attractive.^
I hate it when people steal someone else's idea, and they don't know anything about it to expand it
Well, At least he has been Blacklisted on the Hovercraft community around the WHOLE world.
A few years ago, my Dad went over to Korea to sell a hovercraft to someone that supposedly wanted to buy one. The fuck head then stole copy's of all the designs and started his own company, ripping off my dads established hovercraft company.
Here is the website.
SCAT Hovercraft
And here is My Dads Website
Airlift Hovercraft
This Dumb ass doesn't know ANYTHING about hovercraft's, yet he is making them. I know he doesn't know anything about them for these reasons:
- He has OUR hovercraft pictures on the banner at the homepage.
- He has just COPY and PASTED nearly all of the information about hovercraft's
- He has just changed the names of OUR designs, and edited the information he stole.
- Most of the info. he edited doesn't even make sense, because some parts still have the original names.
This is from their version of the Sovereign 600 Ambulance Hovercraft.
Here is the Original Version Hovercraft that they ripped off like many others.SCAT Hovercraft wrote:
The HoverFlyer is a fully amphibious hovercraft which has been well proven and manufactured since 1989. It has already provided thousands of hours of enjoyment and income for commercial owners carrying many thousands of joyriders. Private owners too are enjoying the benefits of the HoverFlyer with uses as diverse as yacht tender to accessing fishing, diving and hunting areas.
Also, He has just edited some pictures to make it look like his design.Airlift Hovercraft wrote:
The HoverFlyer P560 has been well proven and manufactured since 1989. They have provided many thousands of hours of enjoyment and income for commercial owners carrying many thousands of thrill seeking passengers. The HoverFlyer P560 has also proven itself in many diverse applications such as seismic surveying, aquaculture, aquatic weed control, weed spraying, flood rescue, stock feeding, oil rig support to mention a few. Private owners too are enjoying the benefits of the HoverFlyer with uses as diverse as yacht tender to accessing fishing, diving, holidaying and hunting.

His Imitation, just photo-shopped on top of some other random hovercraft

^As you can see, he made it look like some butt ugly hovercraft, when the REAL finished product is actually quite attractive.^
I hate it when people steal someone else's idea, and they don't know anything about it to expand it
Well, At least he has been Blacklisted on the Hovercraft community around the WHOLE world.