The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
"Also to keep this from happening again the US should be spending Billions on its energy infrastructure and higher education in technology fields that can help develop new power sources(and create laws protecting technologies developed in the US).  The fact that I see no money being put into Ethanol production in the US, or laws being passed to outlaw the sale of new cars with no Hybrid/alternate fuel technologies shows how insincere the US Government (DEMS & REPUB) are about becoming less dependent on foreign oil so we don't have to support the Terrorist governments in the Middle East.

So in short, I hate the libs/peaceniks/anti-Bush crowd.  I find them Illogical, insincere, uneducated, hateful, and untruthful."

But major_spittle It's not just the libs/peaceniks/anit-bush crowd who are illogical, insincere, uneducated, hateful and untruthful. this administration has lied to us bigger and bolder then any adminstration before, Just look at the "Mission Accoplished" goal. Now this whole government has the same issues you can't put the libs/peaceniks/anti-bush crowd in it you have to lump them all together. The people who got hit with the tsunami had better rebuild actions then New York and New Orleans. It's a gross missuse of power and a lack of reason.

Now I'm not anti-war, I'm a very against war with no reason.  There is just so much back peddling and stupided in this adminstration that you can't get behind it.
PV1 Joe Snuffy
+78|6987|MA, USA

cpt.fass1 wrote:

Kmarion I've said it before, if someone steals from your register after you left a job is it your fault? even if they planed it out during your shift?? No actually planing something isn't actually the action of doing something so how can you blame that administration, that's the worst logic I have ever heard. We might as well blame Nixon for 9/11.
Surely, the point wasn't one of responsibility, but of motivation.  We were hated before Bush came along and went all 'multilateral.'

cpt.fass1 wrote:

Even though we only have 150,000 troops over in Iraq right now they are using military resources and with this resources the military is getting depleted. alot of the troops over their don't even have full body armor which is disgusting. It takes more then man power to fight a war.
Iran would take FAR less than 750,000, and N. Korea would require a draft regardless.  Let's hope we have plans to fight neither; and pray we don't have plans to fight both (which would be a monumentally stupid undertaking even if we were not in Iraq).

As far as equipment goes, our problems are not related to Iraq, they are systemic.  Every soldier should have body armor regardless of whether or not he is deployed; because he always might be deployed.  And, btw, it has been a while since soldiers in Iraq haven't had body armor.  I'm pretty sure you can't even get on a plane without it now.

Last edited by whittsend (2006-07-14 10:54:40)

The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
I still say the biggest grip of the arab world is Isreal, does anyone know if there where any tensions after the crusades and before the creation of Isreal? Whittsend imagine they took all the katrina victimes

And ahh haa misinturped that one, Yes we have been hated for a long time.
+276|6884|United States of America

cpt.fass1 wrote:

But major_spittle It's not just the libs/peaceniks/anit-bush crowd who are illogical, insincere, uneducated, hateful and untruthful. this administration has lied to us bigger and bolder then any adminstration before, Just look at the "Mission Accoplished" goal. Now this whole government has the same issues you can't put the libs/peaceniks/anti-bush crowd in it you have to lump them all together. The people who got hit with the tsunami had better rebuild actions then New York and New Orleans. It's a gross missuse of power and a lack of reason.

Now I'm not anti-war, I'm a very against war with no reason.  There is just so much back peddling and stupided in this adminstration that you can't get behind it.
See, there you go being untruthful, uneducated, and hateful.

In reality, you just hate Bush so much you point to the Rebuilding actions of New York/New Orleans as a huge negative and pin it on Bush alone.  You know that it was not JUST this administration and that 90% of the whole New Orleans/New York stuff is a lot to do about nothing, but you hate Bush so much you lie.

You also hate Bush so much you create an issue out of him stating "Mission Accomplished"....hmmm.  If this is some big deal to you, you obviously just hate him and the fact that the war went so well and Saddam and his military was removed from power so quickly.  And he was right, the Mission to Remove Saddam from power and Secure Iraq's oil infrastructure and other high value points was Accomplished.  This was the Mission, how could you fault our President for giving Kudos to the troops and stating they Accomplished their mission,  ooops wait I forgot you hate Bush for winning 2 elections.

I am a realist, I hate people dispite which party they belong too and do not buy into party line rehtoric.  I hate people for what they do, the Dems and Repubs are not so different except for what they say they stand for, their level of contempt for the other party, or how readily they will tell a transparent lie.  Strangely their actions are not too different from the other because they both pander to the same special intrests.
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
Ok it's not just bush for the rebuild actually most of that especially in New York is layed on the major of New York and the parties.  I don't hate bush for getting sadam out of power but I do hate him for not catching "ASAM(spelling I think)" which was alledgelly the major player on the attacks. So when the Mission Accoplished action took place which half of the mission was he talking about?

Also I don't hate bush I'm very disgruntled because he is bringing much more danager to this country then attacks.

Last edited by cpt.fass1 (2006-07-14 11:19:52)

PR Only
+70|6873|United States - Illinois
Man if there's ever a draft it is hard telling for me because i will porbably enlist because im out of the age of the first draftees they take.  I know that my wife will be pist as hell though. I'm in the Third priority most likely 4th or 5th by the time it happens if it ever does.

from sss.gov

The lottery would establish the priority of call based on the birth dates of registrants. The first men drafted would be those turning age 20 during the calendar year of the lottery. For example, if a draft were held in 1998, those men born in 1978 would be considered first. If a young man turns 21 in the year of the draft, he would be in the second priority, in turning 22 he would be in the third priority, and so forth until the year in which he turns 26 at which time he is over the age of liability. Younger men would not be called in that year until men in the 20-25 age group are called.

I feel sry for anyone aroudn the age of 13 and  17 because depending on when it happens this draft would be for you.

And it aint easy to get out either:

1-A - available immediately for military service.
1-O Conscientious Objector- conscientiously opposed to both types (combatant and non-combatant) of military training and service - fulfills his service obligation as a civilian alternative service worker.
1-A-O Conscientious Objector - conscientiously opposed to training and military service requiring the use of arms - fulfills his service obligation in a noncombatant position within the military.
2-D Ministerial Students - deferred from military service.
3-A Hardship Deferment - deferred from military service because service would cause hardship upon his family.
4-C Alien or Dual National - sometimes exempt from military service.
4-D Ministers of Religion - exempted from military service.

Last edited by Colfax (2006-07-14 11:32:23)

Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6778|Southeastern USA

Kaosdad008 wrote:

we were attacked in the first place because the Koran specifically states that if they didn't, they would go to muslim hell
It does?  Where?  Have you actually READ the Koran?
it's awful hard since if you translate it you also get killed, but it teaches that it is you're duty as a muslim to convert others to Islam, and if they don't convert, you have to kill them

all hail the peaceful Mohammed
PV1 Joe Snuffy
+78|6987|MA, USA

cpt.fass1 wrote:

I still say the biggest grip of the arab world is Isreal, does anyone know if there where any tensions after the crusades and before the creation of Isreal? Whittsend imagine they took all the katrina victimes
If their beef is Israel they need to get over it.  Israel is a pretty lame excuse for terrorist actions all over the world, and it isn't going away.  The start of having an Israel/Palestine solution is accepting that there will be an Israel and a Palestine.  Israeli actions indicate they accept that there will be a separate Palestinian state.  If Palestinians want to have any input on what that state will look like, they need to accept that there will be an Israeli state.

Last edited by whittsend (2006-07-14 11:35:30)

The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
Both of the countries hate each other and it is understandable.

Oh and I didn't finish my thought

Whittsend what would you do if they took all the katrina victimes and kicked you out of your home and relocate you and your family so they could have a home??
PV1 Joe Snuffy
+78|6987|MA, USA
That's only a valid analogy if the party taking the land are American Indians.

In any case, the question of whether one thinks the Israelis have a valid claim to the land or not is, essentially, immaterial.  Trying to recast the issue as one of Israeli rectitude is an excercise in futility.  The Israelis are there, and they are not going to go away.

Getting on with a solution requires all parties to accept that fact.

Last edited by whittsend (2006-07-14 11:49:00)

not always PWD, but usually.
+95|6765|Carlsbad, CA, USA

Colfax wrote:

RicardoBlanco wrote:

Colfax wrote:

man blowing up people is a good way to show their love huh?!?! i.e. bus bombings in London
Errr, are you condoning collective punishment?...spoken like a true american. And the bus bombing in the UK was not only lame but had nothing to do with Al-Qaeda..

I guess we just don't piss them off as much as you guys..and as for teaching hate, where did you get all yours from...oh yeah, your 'news' services lol..
What are you talking about condoning collective punishment?

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/7_July_200 … n_bombings

Perpetrator(s) al-Qaeda; Hasib Hussain, Mohammad Sidique Khan, Germaine Lindsay, and Shehzad Tanweer

Not done by al-Qaeda ? huh? what? doesnt that say....  al-Qaeda?

I get my hate from 3000 inocent people dying......

Put a terrorist in front of me and i will blow his head all over the wall
i agree
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
Well actually right now they're going everywhere invading a bunch of different country's but ehhh. 

Ok well then if American Indians kicked you out of your home? even though it's been "white, for a lack of better term" for more then 200 years?

Actually I think the katrina referance was a little more acurate because technically that's the holey land for most of the major religions today. So who has claim on it? no one can really say why didn't the Jews go back to their native land after the holocast?

Last edited by cpt.fass1 (2006-07-14 11:52:21)

PV1 Joe Snuffy
+78|6987|MA, USA

cpt.fass1 wrote:

Well actually right now they're going everywhere invading a bunch of different country's but ehhh.
Which countries are you referring to, and have any of the countries in question not been the origin of an attack on Israeli soil?

cpt.fass1 wrote:

Ok well then if American Indians kicked you out of your home? even though it's been "white, for a lack of better term" for more then 200 years?
It continues to fail to be a successful analogy if they can't do it successfully.

cpt.fass1 wrote:

Actually I think the katrina referance was a little more acurate because technically that's the holey land for most of the major religions today.
There are two routes to a claim on land.  One is Historical occupation.  The other is conquest.  Both the Palestinians and the Israelis have legitimate claims to the territory under both routes.  The Israelis, however, have one leg up over any other claimant: They are there now, and nobody is going to dislodge them.

Once again: The sooner this is accepted, the sooner we can have a resolution.

cpt.fass1 wrote:

So who has claim on it?
They all do, but only Israel is in a position to enforce that claim.  So, can we get past questioning whether they should be there, and accept that they are there?

cpt.fass1 wrote:

no one can really say why didn't the Jews go back to their native land after the holocast?
Many of them did go back to their native land after the holocaust: that land is Israel.

Last edited by whittsend (2006-07-14 12:18:35)

Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6778|Southeastern USA
I have a link at home for a site that sells t-shirts saying "warning terrorists! 100% infidel" I ordered one, they have all sorts of shit like that, I'll post it later

Last edited by kr@cker (2006-07-14 12:18:42)

PR Only
+70|6873|United States - Illinois
Def. post the link i want one too!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6778|Southeastern USA
forgot I used it in another thread, I searched my post and got it

T- shirt stuff

I        fucking            hate             politically            correct                 bullshit

Last edited by kr@cker (2006-07-14 12:45:26)

Horseman 77

cpt.fass1 wrote:

I'm going to try to make this as neutral as I can.

Why is it that almost all the American's who are prowar and for rebuilding a country in the middle east are against our government improving our lives?  We could be building better school and giving away higher education, health care plans, or dumping more money into our privatly owned companies(this is going to bring great flaming).  So why are we throwing money into a culture that will never accept our way of life and who are taught to hate the west because we formed a country that they never wantted in the middle of their culture? Now I really want to know the mind set of the people who think this "war on Terror" is a great idea, please no flaming.

Under the guise of Freedom we bring war to an other country, the terrorist could say the same exact thing. They could say that they were trying to destroy our financle instutions to make all american's debt free which would technically make us free, Right?

Nobody has every asked the U.S.A. to police the world and they don't get angry at us when we keep to ourselves, look at the clinton years we had so many more allies.
Replace clinton with Herbert Hoover and you could have written this in 1945. Dribble
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6778|Southeastern USA
damn they seem to not have that shirt anymore, but there are still some good ones, like "silly liberal, paychecks are for workers" and there is a line still called american infidel, but it's not as good

edit: no wait here it is!!!


Last edited by kr@cker (2006-07-14 15:05:08)

Just for balance anti rep shit. And no, I'm not supporter for either of those parties.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6778|Southeastern USA
just for clarity, I was posting for a pro-america product, funny how it ended up being with republican shit
http://www.cafepress.com/rightwingstuff  That's first page you linked. Seems pretty anti-liberal rightwing to me. But don't worry, I wasn't trying to say anything with my post. Just got curious how parties over there bash each other and then ended to page i posted.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6778|Southeastern USA
well actuallly that's one of the reasons I like cafe press, no matter what you're for or against you can usually find something on there
Mr. Bigglesworth

kr@cker wrote:

for one thing, it's smoke and miirrors misdirection, now, all the fighting is happening on the terrorist's home turf, as opposed to them brining it to ours like they have for decades.....sssshhhhhhhhhh, don't tell anyone

there are plenty of plans out there by us bloodthirsty war mongering neo-cons, but since they take power out of the hands of the government, like privatizing the school system, they are furiously opposed by the libs and their buddies in the press, you'll also find that the tax cuts encourage private/small business ownership, or even dennis haster's fair tax bill, if enacted it would have eventually resulted in the elimination of the IRS, which is one of the tools that the more liberal parties use to keep a stranglehold on the american corporate sector

as for the war on terror, if we don't go and make some changes, the rest of our history will be more of the same, diplomacy and negotiations accomplish nothing with these people, appeasement tactics, like clinton used with north korea, only result in them wanting to be appeased more, the only things that have been proven to combat islamic jihaadism are education and freedom, during the times that the likes of Iran and Iraq were known as the free and educated leaders of the muslim world, they were the most peaceful, then you end up with the Ayatollah Kohmeini (sp I know) oppressing people in the name of religion, and Hussein, oppressing people in the name of his ego and legacy, telling people who can and can't go to work, who gets to go to school, what they are taught in school, when the Taliban was removed from power in Afghanistan school books were found teaching that the life of an Arab is worth twice the life of anyone else, the Khoran, which explicitly states that it is you duty to kill those who don't convert, is the main course of study, the only way to combat this is to open the doors for everyone to have the same access to everything, the fighting over there has never stopped, the question was whether or not we wanted to get involved

it's ridiculous to blame american culture which has only been around for a couple of centuries, for the violence and oppression that has existed among Islamic culture for millenia

and technically, Kuwait did ask us to be the world police

America...FUCK YEAH!!

being named as a negative by someon that respects someon like clinton is a compliment

damn, i started writing this when the topic was new
you missed the whole point of the thread. Why dont we spend those billions fighting wars and spend it here for our own benefit. If we do that we will be untouchable. we would still be a great military power and our citizens would be well educated and healthy to further advance our country for centuries to come.
why so much slander?  Maybe I'm liberal minded but I fucking work for my money man.  I believe work is a virtue.  That's why social programs for people who work make a lot of sense.  Why all the lib hating?  I like to think I use logic in my arguments

^ there are committees for making sure upper management can't screw the workers
that's a liberal idea
unions:  another lib idea

Last edited by Spumantiii (2006-07-14 17:39:13)


kr@cker wrote:

well actuallly that's one of the reasons I like cafe press, no matter what you're for or against you can usually find something on there
I like AP
but they're good

EDIT if you take away social programs for workers you might as well go work in a sweatshop across the Pacific

Last edited by Spumantiii (2006-07-14 17:41:21)

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