Some people here say its down to slaw gameplay...well, on a 64man server thats full up on any of the 3maps, its good, fast and action packed gameplay. Just because people cant run around as a medic and earn a gold medal without ever firing a shot is more likely why people dont like it. Or cant grenade spam and get a shitload of kills. It takes skill to play well on the maps.
Ive had BRS on the maps of 74, 69 and 61 in either AA or armour on all 3 of those maps, with all of those scores earned on servers that had at least 50 people in them the entire time. I couldnt care less about earning a 100BRS on them - if I do, great! If not, who cares?
I also agree with he_who_says_zonk - if they integrated both expansion packs with the game more, then yeah, the maps would probably be played a lot more. Especially Great Wall, which everybody seems to like from reading topics - but how many servers do you find with more than 3 people on it? Its a god damn shame.
I guess its just because none of the maps are Karkand, and so AF will just turn out like EF unfortunatly has - yet another great pack wasted because people cant nade spam/revive whore/claymore spam the whole round - they will have to do something that takes a bit more skill.
ARGH, I hate karkand! Down with karkand for ruining a great game and taking people away from the great maps. ARGH.