Imageshack is much quicker and easier to use. Most of the places I've worked in the past few years have also blocked photobucket images, making it rather annoying for me personally to log into a thread to see a red x and the words OMFGWTFROFLWAFFLES!!!11one underneath it.
I see more pictures with "photobucket - your picture has been removed" I'll stick with imageshack. If you use it properly then you can save your picture a lot longer.
ImageShack FTW! i have never had a problem with it, sure it can be slow sometimes but that just shows that many people use it because of its easiness and reliability.
depends if its summin u just wanna throw on a forum for 5 mins image shack is easier, no signiing up bollocks just upload and link, PBs better if u wanna keep and organize stuff