undo the bolts on his front wheel and giggle as he breaks his neck when it flies off at 50 MPH ;p Otherwise, put the wrong fuel in his engine or put some dirt or phaeces in there or summat.
I don't ride myself but have many friends that do. Most HD riders only wave at fellow HD riders. A nice HD will ride for miles with no hands on the handle bars as long as the road is straight.whittsend wrote:
You ride? If so, what's your ride? I used to have a vulcan 1500, but now I'm riding a newer 1100 V-star custom. You can't even tell it isn't a Harley from a distance, but those guys still don't wave, and everyone else still does. Either you are right about needing both hands, or those guys are just jerks.
Try pulling up to a group of HD's on a crotch rocket and just see if they will let you ride with them. Aint gonna happen. Most will not wave to any rider on a bike that is not American made. A friend of mine told me if I ever got a crotch rocked I could ride with them as long as it was a mile ahead or behind.
P.S. Try talking to him and if that doesn't work then create your own noise at bad times for him like around 10-12pm he should be asleep.
Edit-->I know your vulcan is not a crotch rocket. Its just an example.
Last edited by JG1567JG (2006-07-10 17:45:56)
if he parks it out side put honey or peanut butter all over the handle bars and seat late at night so he has to take the wifes vehicle to work
I've only had my klr 650 for two months, but don't you have to give it gas?JG1567JG wrote:
A nice HD will ride for miles with no hands on the handle bars as long as the road is straight. .
They make throttle locks to alleviate that need (need to hold throttle that is).
It's a longshot, but maybe just ask him to take it easy leaving the neighborhood. I don't know if he's popping the throttle though, so it might not help.
I've found that the jerk-to-nice guy ratio for HD riders is about the same as the smart-to-squid ratio on sport bikes. Myself, I ride a Suzuki Bandit, so I'm just a bastard all around!
It's a longshot, but maybe just ask him to take it easy leaving the neighborhood. I don't know if he's popping the throttle though, so it might not help.
I've found that the jerk-to-nice guy ratio for HD riders is about the same as the smart-to-squid ratio on sport bikes. Myself, I ride a Suzuki Bandit, so I'm just a bastard all around!
Woot WOOOOT!!!!
Problem solved!
We bought our first house and are moving!
Thanks for all the helpful suggestions!
Problem solved!
We bought our first house and are moving!
Thanks for all the helpful suggestions!
LOL, you taught that no good Harley rider a lesson.
Harley's FTW
Harley's FTW
Dad owns a Harley. They all wave at eachother. And before you envision some Hells Angel retard badass, he's an engineer at Allison Transmission. If it wakes you up, roll over and go back to sleep. You could always be a man and ask him to not gun it as he leaves. I doubt that would solve anything either. I'm sure each and every one of us does something that pisses off a dozen people or more.whittsend wrote:
Harley guys don't wave....why is that? Everyone else does, but they seem to think they are too good.
Last edited by puckmercury (2006-07-10 18:29:50)
put motor oil at the end of drive way and laugh when he turns
Crazy idea!!!!! Learn to appreciate the sound of a REAL motorcycle!.. Yes I understand its WAY too early in the morning to listen to that everyday but the sound is awsome. Now being only 25 and having been raised with harleys my whole life, my first bike will still be a sports bike/crotch rocket, but I still love HD. If it was 10am I'm sure you wouldn't have a problem. As for HD riders not waving that's misconception . I have run into alot riders on a variety of bikes that don't appreciate what others ride. Be it HD to sport or sport to touring touring to HD etc.
Get a Buehl. HD heritage w/ crotch rocket death.JAM7374 wrote:
Crazy idea!!!!! Learn to appreciate the sound of a REAL motorcycle!.. Yes I understand its WAY too early in the morning to listen to that everyday but the sound is awsome. Now being only 25 and having been raised with harleys my whole life, my first bike will still be a sports bike/crotch rocket, but I still love HD. If it was 10am I'm sure you wouldn't have a problem. As for HD riders not waving that's misconception . I have run into alot riders on a variety of bikes that don't appreciate what others ride. Be it HD to sport or sport to touring touring to HD etc.
well in that case leave him a potato as a going away presentAlexanderthegrape wrote:
Woot WOOOOT!!!!
Problem solved!
We bought our first house and are moving!
Thanks for all the helpful suggestions!
I'm eating a baked potato right now...And yes, I'd say that the potato in the tailpipe would be your best bet...But you're moving so...kr@cker wrote:
well in that case leave him a potato as a going away presentAlexanderthegrape wrote:
Woot WOOOOT!!!!
Problem solved!
We bought our first house and are moving!
Thanks for all the helpful suggestions!