OMFG what an idiot... Looks like some of my teachers.
My pop is now on my screen. Thanks THA
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
It reminds me of american Media..
Holy shit i was watching that a few min before finding the thread..... i wonder if he still works there?
that guy is even more stupid then me, i'm telling ya
It's a very common mistake
Wow what a dude
Are you people blind?? thats no butterfly, its a rare species of sponge!
It's whatever you want it to be. If the man wants it to be a horse, who are we to condemn him for it?A mere Shadow|= wrote:
Are you people blind?? thats no butterfly, its a rare species of sponge!
simply idiotic
this is the reason i love THA ^_^ *hugs*
What an amazing coincidence considering it IS American media. Does it remind you of a shopping channel too?alpinestar wrote:
It reminds me of american Media..
hahahaha, "look at it's big teeth!"
ha ha ha, thats awesome, its great how he just keeps going about the horse and is completely oblivious that it wasnt a picture of a horse.
Maybe the zoom is so great on that camera, you can see miniature moths/butterflys ON the horse, that havent been discovered yet because they are so small you cant see them.
Maybe the zoom is so great on that camera, you can see miniature moths/butterflys ON the horse, that havent been discovered yet because they are so small you cant see them.
ROFLchittydog wrote:
What an amazing coincidence considering it IS American media. Does it remind you of a shopping channel too?alpinestar wrote:
It reminds me of american Media..
"Enemy Idiot Spotted!"
Have you been looking in the mirror while quoting Battlefield 2 again BlackLegion?BlackLegion42 wrote:
"Enemy Idiot Spotted!"
I think I should get the award
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
King_County_Downy wrote:
I think I should get the award