so sue me.
i didn't have the computer to play quake 4 until recently, and now i can frag all i like.
it feels great to be back in control. games like bf2 can be frustrating because the outcome of the battle is often out of your hands - one person just can't make that big of a difference in a 64 player game. deathmatch gives the control back to the individual - as long as you know what you're doing, you can always win.
it's also GREAT to be playing a game where people aren't constantly bitching about something or another. people who can bunnyhop while doing 180-degree snap-shot railgun are given props because of their superior reflexes/dexterity, not spammed with whiny newb complaints. i like my videogames fast and furious, not dumbed down to prone+spam every time i see an enemy.
look me up on xfire if anyone here plays the game [unlikely as it is]
i didn't have the computer to play quake 4 until recently, and now i can frag all i like.
it feels great to be back in control. games like bf2 can be frustrating because the outcome of the battle is often out of your hands - one person just can't make that big of a difference in a 64 player game. deathmatch gives the control back to the individual - as long as you know what you're doing, you can always win.
it's also GREAT to be playing a game where people aren't constantly bitching about something or another. people who can bunnyhop while doing 180-degree snap-shot railgun are given props because of their superior reflexes/dexterity, not spammed with whiny newb complaints. i like my videogames fast and furious, not dumbed down to prone+spam every time i see an enemy.
look me up on xfire if anyone here plays the game [unlikely as it is]